Flavor of Leadership

  • 101. Avoid the Ruts, Choose Different with Jake Carlson

    47:19||Ep. 101
    Sometimes, it takes slamming our forehead to realize we were pushing on a pull door. We can be harsh on ourselves for not noticing the "pull" sign, or we can be compassionate, perhaps be more alert for clues next time, and leave that moment behind us, right next to the embarrassment we just felt.Today, the amazing Jake Carlson joins us to talk about inspirational leadership, the courage needed to choose differently and its benefits, self-compassion, and the importance of creating core memories with our families.Jake is a father of three, a husband, a speaker, writer and mentor, and host of the Modern Leadership podcast. He's passionate about driving leaders right into leadership's new era. Inspired by hours of listening to Zig Zigler at the "Automobile University," where his father used to play Zigler's cassettes, Jake decided to change people's lives, just like his mentor.In this episode, Jake shares stories of incredible value about his family life and how he purposely chose differently to pursue an ambitious outcome that ended up working out a bit later than he expected. We delve into the recently coined by ourselves term, "ROIT," Return On Invested Time, the importance of taking a step back from our crazy routines to create core memories with our children and wife, and why we shouldn't be harsh with ourselves when we fail.Jake also talks about the different outcomes we can expect from focusing on improving our strengths and weaknesses; he shares an incredibly original top action step and much more.Some Questions I Ask:Please tell us a little bit more about your story. And what got you here? (3:14)I've previously heard you teach how to "choose something different." What does that mean when you say that? (9:53)What else is getting you excited in your business or life? What are things that are going on that just get you excited? (34:24)In This Episode, You Will Learn:About Jake's experiences at the "Automobile University" with his dad and Zig Zigler (6:05)How to get out of the ruts, and why it is essential to “choosing different” (10:39)Selling everything and getting a lifetime supply of adventures in a year (14:01)Sometimes you have to pause what you are doing if you want to create "ROIT" (23:30)Is improving our weaknesses as important as improving our strengths? (32:13)What can we learn from pushing a pull door (43:01)Resources:Free Leadership Superpower AssessmentModern Leadership podcast with Jake CarlsonConnect with Jake:websiteLinkedInTwitterInstagramFacebookYouTubeLet's Connect!WebsiteLinkedIn
  • 100. How To Use Fear To Accomplish The Impossible

    22:29||Ep. 100
    Fear of failure might stop us from doing things we want, but most importantly, it'll deny us the opportunity of doing it wrong and learn from it. What about our goals? Is setting realistic goals a way of creating down-to-earth expectations, or is bending our way around our fears and self-imposed limitations?In today's episode, we put a magnifier on those things that look impossible to us and put their nature to the test. We look at our goals and question the path we choose to get to them and, above all, the routes we choose to avoid. We also talk about what it takes to hone a craft, highlight the need for iterations, and define what it means to do things bravely. In This Episode, You Will Learn:How can fear take our chance of learning by failing (2:38)It's not about the hours; it's about the iterations (6:13)What is hiding behind setting realistic goals (10:18)Bravery really isn't pretending fear is not there (13:36)Sometimes, the impossible is a matter of perspective (15:43)How to use fear as fuel to get us where we want to be (19:01)Resources:Book: Steven Kotler - The Art of Impossible: A Peak Performance PrimerQuote: Steven Kotler - Motivation is what gets you into this game; learning is what helps you continue to play; creativity is how you steer, and flow is how you turbo-boost the results beyond all rational standards and reasonable expectations."Quote: Naval Ravikant - "It isn't 10,000 hours that creates outliers; it's 10,000 iterations."Unlock Your Unrivaled Momentum Training Interested in Working with Clint? Send a message to clint@clinthoopes.com.Let's Connect!WebsiteLinkedInInstagram Facebook
  • 99. Improving Our Leadership Skills, One Brutal Fact At A Time

    15:55||Ep. 99
    The moment we get mentally and emotionally ready to look at and accept the hard data, the brutal facts, and the results of our strategies and leadership style, we take a giant step toward improving ourselves as leaders. We also create a space where transparency is the norm, and our teams feel comfortable sharing their truth.  In this episode, we explore the complex nuances and endless benefits of facing brutal facts. Inspired by Jim Collins' book, "Good to great," we delve into the game-changer attitude of dealing with the facts, the data that reflects how effective or not our leadership strategies are. Together, we analyze how the simple decision of dealing with the truth has the potential to improve our leadership skills, create a safe space for our teams too, and clear our path from lesser goals. In This Episode, You Will Learn:How research on publicly traded companies can help you improve your business, even if it is a small organization (3:37)What kind of breakthrough facing brutal facts can provide (6:30)About the benefits of creating a space where brutal facts are confronted (8:41)Why is it easier to maintain the status quo than to try to change something (12:37)Resources:Book: Jim Collins - Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap, and Others Don'tQuote: Jim Collins - "Yes, leadership is about vision. But leadership is equally about creating a climate where the truth is heard, and the brutal facts confronted. There's a huge difference between the opportunity to "have your say" and the opportunity to be heard. The good to great leaders understood this distinction, creating a culture wherein people had a tremendous opportunity to be heard and, ultimately, for the truth to be heard."Quote: Dan Sullivan - "All progress starts by telling the truth."Quote: Robert Brault - "We are kept from our goals, not by obstacles but by a clear path to a lesser goal."Unlock Your Unrivaled Momentum Training Interested in Working with Clint? Send a message to clint@clinthoopes.com.Let's Connect!WebsiteLinkedInInstagram Facebook
  • 98. Be Your Future Self Now with Dr. Benjamin Hardy

    46:04||Ep. 98
    Dr. Benjamin Hardy joins us in one of the podcast's most anticipated interviews to reveal the secrets of constructing a present in alignment with the best version of our future selves. Dr. Hardy holds a P.h.D in Organizational Psychology; he is the author of several books on self-development and entrepreneurship, the world's leading expert on the application of the Future Self science, a husband to his wife Lauren, and a loving father of six. In this episode, Dr. Hardy shares bits of his personal history in an original way; he starts from his current self, the one several years ago he saw as an ideal future self, and goes backward, explaining the situations and decisions that led him to where he is now. We talk about some lessons we can learn from his latest book, "Be your future self now," and explore the multiple applications the book offers to improve our day-to-day life. Dr. Hardy explains the critical role "forcing functions" have in our lives, the 80/20 rule applied to our goals, and how our future dictates our present. Dr. Hardy also shares some details from his next book, "10X is easier than 2X," we explore the power of refining and augmenting end goals to modify and make our present better, and much more. Some Questions I Ask:As we start, please tell the audience about your story and how you got here to do what you're doing (3:23)As you think about your past, what's another time that really sticks out to you, where you felt like your future really drove your present? (14:09)In This Episode, You Will Learn:What are the forcing functions, and how do they push us forward (11:18)What are the things that hold us back from being our future selves (19:32)What is a lesser goal, and why do we pursue them (22:01)How does the 80/20 rule apply to our goals (25:20)What happens when we make our end goal bigger (31:43)All progress starts with a truth (40:47)Resources:Dr. Benjamin Hardy's websiteUnlock Your Unrivaled Momentum Training Interested in Working with Clint? Send a message to clint@clinthoopes.com.Connect with Dr. Hardy:LinkedInLet's Connect!WebsiteLinkedInInstagram Facebook
  • 97. What Are You Doing Today Your Future Self Will Thank You For?

    13:59||Ep. 97
    In today's episode, anticipating an upcoming interview with Dr. Benjamin Hardy, the world's leading expert on the application of the Future Self science, we take a deep look at the deliberate practice in our lives. We analyze our behavior and what are the things we are doing today, thinking of our future selves. We go through some quotes from Dr. Hardy’s book "Be Your Future Self Now" and examine how our daily habits impact the outcome we'll find in the future. We talk about being intentional with ourselves as soon as we clearly know what kind of leader, father, and husband we want to be in the future. We also challenge ourselves to push our limits, engage in activities that force us to be better, constantly improve, and don't let ourselves "rest on our laurels." In This Episode, You Will Learn:What is the deliberate practice, and how does it affect the future version of ourselves (1:19)Why do we miss when we think of ourselves as finished beings (3:47)How to make sure we don't "rest on our laurels" and why it is so important to check if we are (8:11)About people with fixed mindsets and the risks of constantly avoiding failure (10:45)Resources:Quote: Dr. Daniel Gilbert - "Human beings are works in progress that mistakenly think they're finished. The person you are right now is as transient, fleeting, and temporary as all the people you've ever been."Quote: Dr. Benjamin Hardy - "People with a fixed mindset have an utter lack of imagination about themselves. Due to their lack of confidence, people with a fixed mindset have a fragile identity, relentlessly avoiding any form of failure. From their fixed perspective, if they fail, then what must that failure say about them? People with a fixed mindset overemphasize and overly define their current selves, believing who they are now is their core self. Unchangeable and innate, their inner dialogue states, this is who I am and who I'm always going to be."Interested in Working with Clint? Send a message to clint@unrivaledman.com.Unlock Your Unrivaled Momentum TrainingLet's Connect!WebsiteLinkedInInstagram Facebook
  • 96. All Models Are Wrong, But Yours Is Perfect for You.

    18:33||Ep. 96
    A big part of being a leader is deciding our organization's future. We might have an idea of where we would like our company heading, but how can we ensure specific actions will lead us exactly where we want to be?In this episode, we look closely at our decision-making processes, the information we rely on to make those decisions, and the models we incorporate and use to fulfill our goals. We analyze our assumptions when trusting a method, learn how to test our models properly, and explore the faith component every new project needs to succeed. Plus, we reinforce the idea of avoiding comparisons; after all, everyone's path is unique. In This Episode, You Will Learn:The best teachers aren't always the best leaders (2:13)All models are wrong, but some are useful (3:48)How to determine if our model is the one we need to reach our goals (7:51)Why do we need to be specific if we want to think about the future (11:51)About the importance of recognizing our biases to make the best choices possible (15:32)Resources:Interested in Working with Clint? Send a message to clint@unrivaledman.comUnlock Your Unrivaled Momentum TrainingLet's Connect!WebsiteLinkedInInstagram Facebook
  • 95. How To Gain Momentum and Clarity Toward Our Desire

    21:36||Ep. 95
    Why is it that sometimes, among the hundreds of things we could do with our time and energy, we choose to make ourselves miserable? It doesn't make sense, especially when we realize none of us want to be miserable; no one likes to struggle more than they should. But then, why is it we do it anyway? In today's episode, we address this weird impulse of making things harder for ourselves. We explore the importance of looking at the bigger picture and having clarity on our goals, so we can help ourselves to make different choices instead of letting ourselves slip into choosing to be miserable. In addition, we delve into the basics of the Unrivaled Momentum Model. This helpful tool helps clarify, refine, and redefine our end goals and make our decision-making processes easier and more effective. In This Episode, You Will Learn:Making our lives miserable is a conscient choice (2:35)Why is it that we choose to make things harder for ourselves (5:57)The Unrivaled Momentum Model (7:32)About the things we can control NOW, and the things we have power over (10:21)Sometimes, all we need is clarity (13:17)About the importance of avoiding comparing ourselves with others (17:16)Resources:Interested in Working with Clint? Send a message to clint@unrivaledman.comUnlock Your Unrivaled Momentum TrainingLet's Connect!WebsiteLinkedInInstagram Facebook
  • 94. How To Change Our Environment and Stop Giving Our Attention Away

    18:11||Ep. 94
    Being constantly interrupted while trying to do something is perhaps one of the most irritating things, yet, we do that to ourselves almost all the time. Every time we escape from what we are supposed to do and jump right into mindless scrolling, doomscrolling, or binging videos, we are interrupting ourselves. We are stealing our own attention. This week, we look closely at the consequences of having our attention stolen, whether by ourselves or by out-of-our-control things. We learn why having our attention split is irritating and can leave us feeling off for an entire day. In addition, we learn to cherish and protect our attention, a massive component of being present and our most valuable asset. We also explore why we get addicted to giving our attention away and much more.In This Episode, You Will Learn: About the moment of clarity, I had while I was doing the dishes (2:13)Why having our attention split is so irritating (5:14)Being in a half-focus state is comparable to post-COVID brain fog (9:08)We have the power to choose what to focus on, and we must reclaim it (11:22)How changing our environment and our expectations can help us regain control of our attention (14:44)Resources:Quote: Gary Vaynerchuk - "Attention is the most valuable asset."Interested in Working with Clint? Send a message to clint@unrivaledman.comUnlock Your Unrivaled Momentum TrainingLet's Connect!WebsiteLinkedInInstagram Facebook
  • 93. Losing the Fear of Overcommunicating and Becoming the Best CRO (Chief Reminding Officer)

    20:54||Ep. 93
    Besides being transparent and consistent when communicating, there is little we can do about our team's decisions to stick with us or not. Once we state our vision, the company's goals, or any other action plan we are about to follow, only those who feel aligned will stay. We shouldn't worry about those deciding to leave us; if our expectations are crystal clear, our part is already done.The moment we have clarity on who are the ones we can count on, our primary job will be reminding our people what's truly important, what deserves their time and energy, and what doesn't. In this episode, we delve into the importance of creating clarity and consistency in our messaging. We explore the core relevance of communication in an organization, we debunk the fear of overcommunicating, and we learn how to become a CRO, a Chief Reminding Officer. We also explore one of Benjamin Hardy's ideas: being our future self today and doing the things the person we want to become would do right now. In This Episode, You Will Learn:The three-house situation. Why being clear is also being fair when communicating (4:18)About how clarity can help identify those who are aligned with us and those who aren't (7:13)Why we shouldn't be afraid of overcommunicating (10:38)How to become an effective Chief Reminding Officer (14:12)We can start being TODAY who we want to become (15:58)This week's challenge (19:18)Resources:Patrick Lencioni ArticleQuotes: Dr. Benjamin Hardy - "Be Your Future Self Now" - "As you invest in your Future Self, you are more connected to them. You love whatever you invest yourself in. You become committed to whatever you invest yourself in. Over time, whatever you invest in grows and compounds. Investing in your Future Self brings you closer to that person you are growing into."Interested in Working with Clint? Send a message to clint@unrivaledman.comUnlock Your Unrivaled Momentum TrainingBook: Patrick Lencioni - The Five Dysfunctions of a TeamBook: Patrick Lencioni - The Three Signs of a Miserable JobBook: Patrick Lencioni - The AdvantageLet's Connect!WebsiteLinkedInInstagram Facebook