
cover art for Apartheid

Oyster World Radio


Ep. 56

(Episode 56) Johannesburg, South Africa. In episode three of four of the Apartheid series, Koketso Mushe joins us for a bit of a different episode. Today we just talk. We talk about Apartheid, and race relations, and humanity, and try to make sense of it all. It was a conversation that I've wanted to have for a long time, but even more than that, it helped me shift my perspective. In a time when the world seems so full of hate, know that it's not, and if we expect to move on to the next era of human history, we must forgive our pasts and come together. We should never forget the atrocities such as Apartheid, but old atrocities should never come between us and progress.   


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Music by Charlie Millikin

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  • 70. Home Sweet Home

    47:15||Ep. 70
    (Episode 70) Columbus, Ohio. The trip has come to an end. As the dust settles on a long, tough, amazing, exhausting, and unbelievable two years, Jackie and I reminisce about the trip and ask each other some burning questions about our favorite moments and struggles coming home. It has been a wild ride and I want to thank every one of you for tuning in to the stories and moments from the road. This isn't a goodbye but rather a see you later because I heard the travel bug is seasonal and we have a good chance of catching it again.  SUPPORT THE SHOW ON PATREON Follow me on InstagramJackie's Blog - Gish Out of WaterSubscribe to the ShowWrite us a ReviewMusic by Charlie Millikin
  • 69. The Buda Bulldog

    37:35||Ep. 69
    (Episode 69) Budapest, Hungary. Everyone has ebbs and flows throughout their life, but how we respond to each twist and turn can greatly impact the trajectory of the next phase. Our guest, Balu Szilvássy, has made a career, relationship, and life by taking on hard challenges and persevering. From Muay Thai, to coding, to attending a high school that was taught primarily in a different language, Balu refused to give up and that refusal has built the life that he lives today. He calls it his bulldog mentality, and it's a great reminder for all of us that sometimes you just need to get after it to get where you want to go.SUPPORT THE SHOW ON PATREON Follow me on InstagramJackie's Blog - Gish Out of WaterSubscribe to the ShowWrite us a ReviewMusic by Charlie Millikin
  • 68. Mom

    01:03:48||Ep. 68
    (Episode 68) Gaborone, Botswana. Life can be complicated, but identifying your mother is usually an item on the short list of things that are easy to do. I say usually because today's guest, Stanley Nchena Kaseke, did not have this luxury. Stanley's family life was anything but straightforward, but the gift from this situation was the love and support from three different mothers throughout his lifetime. This episode is a tribute to all the Mom's out there, biological or not, that love their children unconditionally. Motherly love is what made Stanley the man he is today, and I know that he is far from alone in that category.SUPPORT THE SHOW ON PATREON Follow me on InstagramJackie's Blog - Gish Out of WaterSubscribe to the ShowWrite us a ReviewMusic by Charlie Millikin
  • 67. Typical Brothers

    47:38||Ep. 67
    (Episode 67) Bratislava, Slovakia. Growing up, Kris and Mike Cebecauer fought constantly. That's what brothers are supposed to do. The little sibling always plots the demise of the older as the older attempts to maintain control. It's funny how time works though because now the two brothers have teamed up as they try to find their place in the world. No small task, but that is what brothers are for.  SUPPORT THE SHOW ON PATREON Follow me on InstagramJackie's Blog - Gish Out of WaterSubscribe to the ShowWrite us a ReviewMusic by Charlie Millikin
  • 66. Becoming Christiana

    48:57||Ep. 66
    (Episode 66) Nicosia, Cyprus. Christiana Polyviou grew up a good girl. She lived on her little island of Cyprus and did everything that was asked of her. That all changed when life suddenly took her to the metropolis of Athens. Christiana thrived in the city. She quickly made friends, got a degree, and was out in the world seeing and exploring everything she could. It is truly amazing what a change in scenery can do. It can challenge you in ways you never thought were possible yet unlock a piece of you that you didn't know exist. In the case of Christiana, the change let her become who she truly was.SUPPORT THE SHOW ON PATREON Follow me on InstagramJackie's Blog - Gish Out of WaterSubscribe to the ShowWrite us a ReviewMusic by Charlie Millikin  
  • 65. Double Life

    39:54||Ep. 65
    (Episode 65) Paris, France. What happens when you have to suppress who you are? It's not as if Mounir wanted to live a double life, but when he could be jailed for his sexual preferences he didn't have much of a choice. Now that Mounir has taken control of his life, he faces the question of continuing to live the double life he's lived so long. Tune in to find out his next move and get a glimpse at what it's like when it's illegal to be yourself.  SUPPORT THE SHOW ON PATREON Follow me on InstagramJackie's Blog - Gish Out of WaterSubscribe to the ShowWrite us a ReviewMusic by Charlie Millikin
  • 64. Dancing in the Streets

    49:12||Ep. 64
    (Episode 64) Jerusalem, Israel. Yael and Jake Kaufman are from New York, but their real home is in Jerusalem. It is a strange phenomenon when you find a place that syncs with the rhythm of your soul more than your home town, but that connection is what called this young couple to the holy city. Unfortunately, the land of milk and honey has its own problems and in this episode we chat about making a home in a foreign land and the conflict that separates it.SUPPORT THE SHOW ON PATREON Follow me on InstagramJackie's Blog - Gish Out of WaterSubscribe to the ShowWrite us a ReviewMusic by Charlie Millikin
  • 63. Don't Eat the Ice Cream

    55:11||Ep. 63
    (Episode 63) Zagreb, Croatia. Propaganda is a powerful thing. It can lead a movement for human rights, or make neighbors turn on each other. Ante Živkovič, today's guest, saw the power of propaganda first hand as it fueled the situation in former Yugoslavia to boil into violence. Propaganda is as old as human society, but as the world and information age evolves, it is up to us to stay focused on reality and triangulate the truth.  SUPPORT THE SHOW ON PATREON Follow me on InstagramJackie's Blog - Gish Out of WaterSubscribe to the ShowWrite us a ReviewMusic by Charlie Millikin
  • 62. Quizzes for Food

    39:56||Ep. 62
    (Episode 62) Rome, Italy. Omar is a long way from home but that doesn't bother him. Well, maybe a little bit. It's in the Filipino culture to be resilient, but being over 6,500 miles from home isn't exactly easy. It is normal to have ups and downs especially when laying roots in a different part of the world. Those downs are important, though, which is why it is important to find mountains to climb and hard obstacles to tackle. Down periods are how we find out what we are made of. For Omar, he found his mountain in his master's thesis. Sometimes you just have to push even when you think you have nothing left. Tune in for our talk about taking on hard projects, creating something, and finding your passion in life no matter what.   SUPPORT THE SHOW ON PATREONFollow me on InstagramJackie's Blog - Gish Out of WaterSubscribe to the ShowWrite us a ReviewMusic by Charlie Millikin