
The John Morris Show
JMS457: You Don't Need Lots of Experience to Start Freelancing
Ep. 457
It's a myth that you need tons of experience to start freelancing. I'll show you the quickest way to get started if you got the need for speed.
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0:00 Introduction
0:20 What people claim
2:15 Why they're wrong
6:55 Why they're right
8:58 What to do instead
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464. JMS464: Business growth doesn't happen on accident
10:28||Ep. 464Business growth is proactively created. In a service business, referrals and repeat business (the secret to long-term success) don't happen by chance. We make them happen... by how we deliver, but also some tricks you can use to conjure up that word of mouth and repeat clients. Those tricks are what we cover in this episode.If you're ready for the next level, get my courses without paying here: notes: JMS463: Silly Johnny, this shish don't matta!
27:03||Ep. 463Referrals, word of mouth, repeat clients... these are the secretst o success in any service business. Service business that don't generate them lose. The ones who do... win. It's really that simple. Luckily, I've picked up a number of universal tricks that can be applied to any service to create a "wow" generating delivery. The kind of delivery that creates word of mouth and referrals and repeat clients. Learn 'em, implement... and watch your freelance business grow.Learn more about the Skillshare offer here: notes: JMS462: Men trust their ears less than their eyes
22:53||Ep. 462You've made the sale! Created your irresistible offer, nailed down a contract, got a deposit... now, it's time to WOW your client so they hire you again and again... and spread positive word of mouth... bringing you even more future clients. The most important part? A good argument to be made that it's the first impression you make right after they hire you.That's where onboarding comes in. Here's 7 things to include in your onboarding sequence to make a good first impression.Beginner's Guide to Freelance Course: notes: JMS461: Little things make big things happen
22:23||Ep. 461We crafted an irresistible offer. We made clients what to hire us. Now, we need to smoothly transition them from "ready to hire" to signed contract and deposit. Lock it in, essentially. Here's the tricks I've learned the last two decades to do that.Beginner's Guide to Freelance: notes: JMS460: When in doubt, go to the source
22:00||Ep. 460Continuing from the last episode... we're going to craft a truly irresistible offer. The point is to make both the solution AND the offer superior so it's a clear, obvious, "no-brainer" why a potential client should choose our service over everyone else who does the exact same thing. Do THAT and marketing and sales become almost obsolete -- or at the very least... a helluva lot easier.Beginner's Guide to Freelance Course: JMS459: For everything you gain, you lose something else
16:45||Ep. 459What makes you better than all the other options clients have for freelancers? Why should they pick you over everyone else? To get hired, you need to start with good answers to these questions... and, in this episode, I'll show you how to create those good answers -- that is, how to position your service as superior to every one else in your market and the "no-brainer" option for potential clients.Beginner's Guide to Freelance course: JMS458: The best confidence builder is experience
11:11||Ep. 458When you're new to freelancing, you don't know what you don't know. The first is year is all about figuring out the "what" -- what you need to do in order to build a thriving freelance business. In this episode, I'll help you to shortcut that learning curve and squeeze that year... down into just a couple months so you can go freelance full-time and get the lifestyle your after sooner.Beginner's Guide to Freelance course: JMS456: The Best Freelance Website for Beginners
11:02||Ep. 456What's the best freelance website for beginners? Find out in this video.Get episode 7 of Let's Talk Freelancers here: 9+ hours of freelance training for free here: https://johnmorrisonline.comGet my freelancing course for free here: Introduction1:16 Types of freelance sites2:52 Curated freelance sites3:56 Project-based freelance sites6:08 Open freelance sites8:00 The real answer9:40 11 steps to start your freelancing career