
Ignite the Spark Within

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  • Dom the Hypnotist - Are You Really Being Hypnotized?

    Please take the time to like and rate this show on your podcast platform!Dom the Hypnotist, a social media influencer and hypnotherapist joins us today as we discuss Dom's journey into hypnosis, the misconceptions surrounding it, and its limitations. WE also discuss the growing acceptance of hypnosis and its effectiveness in helping people overcome challenges and achieve success. We'll cover everything from myths, truths, and how to hypnotize yourself. Dom almost hypnotizes me on this episode!Find Dom Here: Introduction and Background02:01 Misconceptions and Portals07:23 Growing Acceptance of Hypnosis16:41 Limitations and Potential of Hypnosis24:38 Healing and Transformation through Hypnotherapy32:24 The Power of Respect and Authority37:04 The Influence of Language39:09 The Power of Music and Hypnosis44:25 Using Language to Influence the Subconscious Mind48:41 The Practice of Self-Hypnosis52:29 Connecting with the Higher Self56:39 Healing and Clearing Generational Trauma

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  • Ep 3 FTM: Spiritual Portals and Tools that Open Them - What to Stay Away From

    Today, we're exploring the topic of spiritual tools and portals in the spiritual and healing realms. On today's episode I will discuss the truths and confusions surrounding certain tools and modalities, such as tarot cards, readers, channelers, and mediums. I will go into how to determine if a tool is inherently bad or if the tool itself is good but the intent and the practice surrounding it is bad.Let's find the truth in the middle of this confusing topic so you can stay safe on your healing path and with God if that is your goal.Chapters00:00 Introduction and Series Overview02:57 Understanding the Truth about Tools and Portals14:09 The Role of Intention and Discernment in Using Spiritual Tools22:47 The Dangers of Opening Spiritual Portals30:44 Seeking God First: The Key to Using Tools in a Healthy Way34:07 Sex as a Spiritual Tool and its Consequences38:59 The Power and Potential Dangers of Chanting41:25 Exploring the Healing Properties of Sound Bowls45:06 The Importance of Breath Work in Healing50:35 Understanding the Role of Yoga in Spiritual Practices52:32 The Power of Sound and Drumming01:00:22 The Consequences of Consulting Spirit Guides01:04:22 Finding the Truth in the Middle: Navigating Between Religion and New Age Spirituality
  • Christina Whitely - Spiritual Awakening in Challenging Times, The Power of Conscious Creation and Reflection

    Please share this podcast, and rate it in spotify! Subscribe to the show so you don't miss a beat!SummaryChristina Whiteley, a bold and courageous businesswoman, shares her journey of moving to Mexico and her mission to teach individuals how to find freedom and create their dream lifestyle. She discusses the challenges she faced, including the discrimination and division caused by COVID-19, and the decision to pull her daughter out of school. Christina emphasizes the importance of personal growth, breaking generational trauma, and living a life aligned with purpose. She also highlights the role of entrepreneurs in thinking differently and taking risks, as well as the spiritual awakening and connection that comes with choosing the hard path. In this conversation, Christina Whiteley and Sarah Spark Malone discuss the importance of conscious creation, reflection, and balance in life and business. They emphasize the need to assess and evaluate one's path, make intentional choices, and align with a higher purpose. They also discuss the role of social media and the importance of creating a positive and uplifting online presence. They debunk common misconceptions about success, highlighting the importance of enjoying the journey and becoming the best version of oneself. Overall, they emphasize the power of conscious decision-making, integrity, and the impact of relationships and community.Find Christina here:FacebookWebsiteInstagramPodcastTakeawaysEntrepreneurs think differently and are more willing to take risks.Choosing the hard path of personal growth leads to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.Breaking generational trauma and creating a nurturing environment for children is essential.Living a life aligned with purpose requires constant reflection and realignment.Spiritual awakening and connection play a significant role in navigating challenging times. Conscious creation and reflection are essential for assessing and evaluating one's path in life and business.Making intentional choices and aligning with a higher purpose can lead to a more fulfilling and successful life.Creating a positive and uplifting online presence is important in navigating the world of social media.Success is not just about achieving goals, but also about enjoying the journey and becoming the best version of oneself.Conscious decision-making, integrity, and the impact of relationships and community play a significant role in personal and professional growth.Chapters00:00 Introduction and Background of Christina Whiteley02:06 Bold Move to Mexico and Challenging Times05:24 Defying the Norm and Making Unpopular Choices08:30 Protecting Family and Making Difficult Decisions13:16 Being Born for This Time and Embracing Purpose19:43 Choosing the Hard Path of Personal Growth22:28 Living a Life Aligned with Purpose26:38 Spiritual Awakening and Connection26:58 Conscious Creation and Reflection30:22 Making Intentional Choices and Aligning with a Higher Purpose34:41 Navigating Social Media with Positivity and Upliftment38:48 Redefining Success: Enjoying the Journey and Becoming50:05 The Role of Conscious Decision-Making, Integrity, and Relationships
  • Ep 2. FTM: Does everything happen for a reason?

    In this episode, Sarah Malone explores the popular axiom 'everything happens for a reason' and discusses the balance between God's control and human free will. She explains that while God is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient, he refrains from manipulating our behavior or decisions.Malone emphasizes that not everything is orchestrated for us and that we have the power to make choices and mistakes. She encourages collaboration with God and the extraction of lessons from our experiences. The truth in the middle lies in understanding that there is a divine intent for our lives, but we also have the freedom to choose and learn.She talks about the difference between everything for you, and you working everything for you. She also helps you navigate the line in the middle where God is somehow orchestrating all things and rather you are an active participant in how your life works.Chapters00:00 Introduction and Recap of Previous Episode02:07 Exploring the Axiom 'Everything Happens for a Reason'06:29 The Importance of Free Will and True Love08:17 Debunking the Theory of God Controlling Everything12:37 Understanding the Role of Mistakes and Choices16:38 The Collaborative Partnership with God21:37 Conclusion and Invitation to Share
  • Ep 1 FTM Finding the Truth in the Middle: You DO Need Motivation

    TakeawaysMotivation is necessary to take action and is not a feeling but a push or pull towards something we want or don't like.Discipline is what keeps us going and maintains momentum.To stay motivated, it is important to keep our desired outcome or the pain of staying where we are in front of us.Finding our core why is crucial for maintaining motivation and taking action.Chapters00:00 Introduction: The Myth of Not Needing Motivation to Act03:19 The Role of Discipline in Maintaining Momentum09:10 Keeping the Desired Outcome in Front of Us11:37 Finding Your Core Why for Motivation16:00 Discipline and Motivation
  • NEW: Introducing a New Series

    Sarah Spark Malone introduces a new mini-series called 'Finding the Truth in the Middle, Keeping it Real'. The goal of the series is to explore big and scary topics in the world of mental, emotional, and spiritual health, and to navigate through the overwhelming amount of information available. Sarah emphasizes the importance of finding the truth and avoiding misleading information. She discusses the prevalence of charlatans and influencers in the spiritual healing realm and the harm they can cause. The series aims to help listeners find their own truth and develop a relationship with themselves, God, others, and the world around them.TakeawaysThe importance of finding the truth in a world of overwhelming informationThe harm caused by misleading information in the spiritual healing realmThe need to develop a relationship with oneself, God, others, and the worldThe role of motivation in taking actionChapters00:00 Introduction to 'Finding the Truth in the Middle, Keeping it Real'02:48 The Importance of Finding the Truth07:01 The Need for Love and Truth in the World08:00 Dispelling Myths and Provoking Different Ways of Thinking09:25 Provoking Self-Reflection and Healing10:50 Buckle Your Seatbelts, the Series BeginsEnjoy the show and please rate and share this episode!
  • 85. Creating Thriving Relationships

    This episode is about creating thriving relationships and understanding what to know before, during, and after relationships. It emphasizes the importance of healing and doing inner work before entering a partnership. It also discusses the need for interdependence rather than codependence or independence in relationships.The episode explores the significance of common values and embracing different personalities in a partnership. It highlights the importance of managing attachment and keeping conversations focused on growth rather than change. It also encourages taking ownership of one's own reactions and emotions in the relationship. In this episode, Sarah discusses the importance of self-awareness, healing, and growth in relationships. She emphasizes the need to understand and communicate our own needs and triggers, as well as validate our partner's feelings and experiences.Sarah also encourages speaking up about small issues early on to avoid bigger conflicts later. She highlights the significance of making daily deposits in the relationship, focusing on the partner's love language and lifting them up. Sarah advises taking responsibility for our own wounds and traumas while asking for help from our partner. She emphasizes the importance of having fun, having a common mission, and challenging each other to grow. Sarah also provides guidance on navigating breakups and the importance of self-love and self-sufficiency before entering a new relationship.Chapters00:00 Introduction and Purpose of the Episode08:06 Interdependence: Balancing Independence and Connection28:14 Managing Attachment: Keeping a Healthy Balance45:23 Taking Ownership: Personal Growth in Relationships57:31 Self-Awareness and Healing in Relationships01:05:30 Making Daily Deposits in the Relationship01:16:45 Navigating Breakups and Focusing on Self-HealingTakeawaysHealing and doing inner work before entering a partnership is crucial for creating thriving relationships.Interdependence, where both partners are responsible for their own needs and support each other, is healthier than codependence or independence.Common values are more important than common interests in a relationship.Embracing different personalities and perspectives can enhance a partnership.Managing attachment and keeping conversations focused on growth rather than change is essential.Taking ownership of one's own reactions and emotions in the relationship is important for personal growth. Self-awareness, healing, and growth are crucial in relationships.Communicate your needs and triggers to your partner and validate their feelings and experiences.Address small issues early on to avoid bigger conflicts later.Make daily deposits in the relationship by focusing on your partner's love language and lifting them up.Take responsibility for your own wounds and traumas while asking for help from your partner.Have fun, find a common mission, and challenge each other to grow in the relationship.Navigate breakups by focusing on self-healing and self-love before entering a new relationship.