
cover art for ChatGPT Prompts to Create AI Press Releases with eReleases Mickie Kennedy

Garlic Marketing Show

ChatGPT Prompts to Create AI Press Releases with eReleases Mickie Kennedy

Season 2, Ep. 36

In an insightful session with Mickie Kennedy, founder of eReleases, delve into the synergistic use of AI for crafting press releases and the vital role of human touch where AI falls short. Learn to create resonant ChatGPT prompts, differentiate impactful quotes from mediocre ones, and discover the best AI tools for press release writing.

Uncover eReleases' strategy for keeping costs low and how a single press release can lead to substantial media coverage. We also explore strategies for gaining local media attention, building out a PR campaign for digital agencies, and how to leverage press success into a compelling "Brag Book" for business development.

Don't miss out on these insights to enhance your PR strategy—perfect for businesses looking to make a mark in today's media landscape.

What You’ll Learn:
  • Leverage AI to Draft Press Releases
  • Craft Captivating ChatGPT Quotes
  • AI Falls Short with Headlines and Quotes
  • Powerful Quotes Give Stories a Hook
  • Vivid Quotes Beat Generic Ones
  • ChatGPT to Brainstorm Release Ideas
  • Prompt ChatGPT for Press Release Drafts
  • eReleases Leverages Editorial Downtime
  • 150+ Pickups from 1 Strategic Release
  • Pitch Local Media Directly
  • Consistency Wins with Local Outreach
  • Proactive Pitches Get Repeat Coverage
  • Launch a 6-8 Release PR Campaign
  • Share the Story Behind the Business
  • Press Clips Build a Brag Book
  • Provide Compelling Story Angles

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  • 5. Ditch the Dumpster Fire Ads and DOUBLE Your Business with Customer Experience Magic

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  • Greg Brooks on Amazing CHAT GPT Prompts for Future Proofing Your SEO Content

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  • 3. Monkees Transforms Franchisee Email Marketing by Connecting Heartland to Klaviyo

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