
cover art for 0164 - Always Put the Client First with Matteo Collina

Design Talk (dot IE)

0164 - Always Put the Client First with Matteo Collina

Season 10, Ep. 164

Host(s) Emma Matthews and Soumya Seniaray 

Our guest today is Matteo Collina, Chief Software Architect at NearForm, the Irish enterprise software solutions company, headquartered in Waterford and offices around the world. Among other things Matteo is an active open-source contributor, is on the steering committee for Node.js, and over his career has developed a deep understanding of the business of consulting…

Thank you for joining us, Matteo, can you start by telling us a little more about yourself?

1. Let’s start with the dark side of the business of consulting, it has a dark side, doesn’t it? 

2. And yet the business of consulting is hugely important for client organisations. What does it take to get good at consultancy? 

3. How can a services firm ‘flip’ the junior/crunch model?

4. How long does it take to learn how to work with a client organization?

5. What do you say to the idea that it is the consultant’s job to build the knowledge of your own clients? 

6. By imparting your knowledge to clients, don’t you cannibalise your own business? 

7. Is the analyst role and the consultant role different?

8. Where does design happen; is there room for design in consulting? 

9. You're with a client and it becomes clear that they haven't identified the real problem...

10. Any thoughts on how to become a better communicator

11. And finally; does consulting pose ethical challenges, how do you deal with them?

Well on that note, I think we’ll wrap up there.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences today.


Matteo Collina, open-source contributor and member of the Node.js Technical Steering Committee member, Chief Software Architect at NearForm, the Irish enterprise software solutions company.



Title: Impulse

Artist: Ben Prunty


License: Non-transferable license. Permission granted by Ben Prunty (personal letter)

Cover Art 

Title: Pick and Mix

Artist: Original artwork by Conor Fitzpatrick; additional graphic design: Allen Higgins

Source: Fitzpatrick_Unamed.jpg -> PickAndMix-Name.pptx

License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (Permission granted by Conor Fitzpatrick (personal letter))

Podcast License

Design Talk (dot IE) CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 

The license can be viewed at

By taking part you give permission for your voice to be recorded, for the recording to be edited, and for it to be posted and published as a podcast.

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  • 250. 0250 - Programming as Craft with Roland Tritsch

    43:55||Season 12, Ep. 250
    Today we’re talking with Roland Tritsch, about software engineering, the increasing relevance of functional programming, and his thoughts on the implications of using genAI in the development process. Our student hosts are: Lora, Noah, Mynah, Austen, Fionn, and Sergio, with Lucas on sound, and our audience is the class of 2025 studying the Contemporary Software Development module taught by Mel Ó Cinnéide.First, Roland, can you set the context and explain what it means to be a software craftsman?What value there is in functional programming both technically and from a business perspective? Are coverage tools widely used in practice, what value do they bring and what is the state of the Scoverage project?If you were assessing a code base for quality, what are the main aspects you would look for in the code?Talk about some of the non-technical factors at play in refactoring and code reviews.If you had to strip it back to the basics; what aspects of Agile are key for any successful software development process?In your view, what impact will GenAI have on software development and is now a good time to be graduating with a CS degree? NotesRoland’s website and blog: is one of the committers on `scoverage` (together with Chris Kipp) -, as ‘the Augmented Software Engineer’ Roland is the host for a series of meetups dealing with the impact and implications of genAI upon the practice and profession of software engineering. Further readingJošt et al “The Impact of Large Language Models on Programming Education and Student Learning Outcomes” (2024) - linkBecker et al, “Programming Is Hard – Or at Least It Used to Be”, (2023) - linkKaraci Deniz et al, “Unleashing Developer Productivity with generative-AI”, McKinsey & Company, (2023) - linkAcknowledgementsMusic Title: Faceplant with UK GarageArtist: Allen HigginsSource:  a-Wed23Oct2024License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Includes samples from Ableton Live by Ableton AG and by KORG Inc.Cover Art Title: Complex collageArtist: Allen HigginsSource: vignette_version.pptxLicense: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0Podcast LicenseDesign Talk (dot IE) CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 The license can be viewed at taking part, you give permission for your voice to be recorded, for the recording to be edited, and for it to be posted and published as a podcast.
  • 249. 0249 - Storytelling for Learning by Allen Higgins

    14:14||Season 12, Ep. 249
    [this one is for Séamas who kept asking if there was a recording of the talk I did for our Faculty Teaching and Learning Insights series...]A short talk by me (Allen Higgins) A Socratic questioning style for teaching/learning using a simple three-part structure: introduction, a series of questions, and closing comments.The hard part, or the art, is in asking good questions.Questioning 'story', or more specifically, 'storytelling' for teaching and learning.There is no set formula for creating a story, let alone a good story, but there is structure you can employ to help the process. For my own practice, when discussing ideas, I look for sequence, connections and flow.·       Sequence: the classic, beginning middle and end.·       Connections: call forwards, call backs, links to other sources, ideally, other related material you have written/recorded.·       Flow: a natural logic or order of conversation.Notes and further reading:A link to the YouTube video version (link)William Labov’s analysis of structure in oral narratives (link).Freytag’s Pyramid - the stages of a narrative arc with rising and falling action (link).Christopher Brooks seven basic plots.Andrew Reagan’s illustration of six emotional arcs of narrative structure (link)Joseph Campbell’s classic analysis of mythic narrative structure, The Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949)John Van Maanen’s Tales of the Field: On Writing Ethnography (1988)On visual storytelling or storytelling with data.Edward Tufte’s “The visual display of quantitative information” (1983).Edward Tufte’s “Visual explanations: images quantities evidence and narrative” (1997).The “Carte Figurative des pertes successives en hommes de’l’Armée Français dans la campagne de Russie 1812-1813” (link)John Snow’s Broad Street epidemiology map (link)Andy Kirk’s (2019) CHRT(S) taxonomy for thinking about what kind of chart is best for your kind of data.AcknowledgementsMusicTitle: Vinyl Static Quantized UK Garage Slow C Min 130 bpm 80s Beat 90 bpmArtist: Allen Higgins and Includes samples from Ableton Live by Ableton AG and by KORG Inc. and vinyl_record_needle_static_01.wav by joedeshon -- -- License: Attribution CC BY 4.0License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0Cover Art Title: Thumbnails of IllustrationsArtist: Allen HigginsSource: AllenStorytelling.pptxLicense: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0Podcast LicenseDesign Talk (dot IE) CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 The license can be viewed at taking part you give permission for your voice to be recorded, for the recording to be edited, and for it to be posted and published as a podcast.
  • 248. 0248 - On Corporate Behaviour with Niamh Brennan

    26:37||Season 12, Ep. 248
    Hosts: Leo, Danny and BronaPreambleBrona Russell: The theme for today’s conversation is Good Corporate Governance.To help us dig into this topic we are delighted to be joined by UCD Professor Niamh Brennan. Niamh is the Michael MacCormac Professor of Management at University College Dublin and the Founder and Academic Director of the UCD Centre for Corporate Governance. To start, Niamh, can you tell us a little about yourself and how you came to specialise in Corporate Governance?Question bank<> Corporate behaviour and governance came into sharp focus at the time of the Global financial crisis of 2008. I presume it has improved since then?<> What does it mean to be accountable?<> Corporate culture is complex. Is it sufficient to set the ‘tone from the top’? <> What are the main challenges to establishing and maintaining good corporate behaviour?<> As future BSc Economics & Finance graduates, what should we look for, in the organisations we join, in terms of good corporate governance?<> What systems and indicators should we expect to see and have access to in our own organisations? <> Can you share some thoughts on how GenAI technology will impact corporate governance?<> We’d like to open now to questions from the audience.<> Niamh, you have any thoughts you’d like to add before we wrap up?<> Well, thank you for taking the time to answer our questions and share your thoughts with us today.Notes:Niamh Brennan’s research profile at UCD (link) and Google Scholar page (link)The verb ‘govern’ from the Latin gubernare and the Greek kubernan ‘to steer, rule’. Defined as the act or manner of governing an organisation. ‘Good Governance’ - is dependent on how people behave according to a system of rules, practices and processes that encourage or discourage specific behaviours.Additional reading:Brennan, N., Conroy, J., 2013. Executive hubris: the case of a bank CEO. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal (ISSN: 0951-3574)AcknowledgementsMusicTitle: Vinyl Static Quantized UK Garage Slow C Min 130 bpm 80s Beat 90 bpmArtist: Allen Higgins and Includes samples from Ableton Live by Ableton AG and by KORG Inc. and vinyl_record_needle_static_01.wav by joedeshon -- -- License: Attribution CC BY 4.0License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0Cover Art Title: Speakers and audienceArtist: Allen HigginsSource: NiamhAndClass.pptxLicense: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0Podcast LicenseDesign Talk (dot IE) CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 The license can be viewed at taking part you give permission for your voice to be recorded, for the recording to be edited, and for it to be posted and published as a podcast.
  • 240. 0240 - Games that Work with Dov Jacobson

    43:22||Season 12, Ep. 240
    “I started computing when there was no screen, no colour, no pixel, the pixel had not been invented yet, literally!” (Dov Jacobson) Dov is a long-time game developer with a special background in Game-Based Learning and is currently experimenting with approaches for enabling non-programmers to create games using a special framework he has developed that includes a live AI shaped character using OpenAI's ChatGPT4 API in TWINE. In this talk Dov explores the development of the many features of immersive technology building up to AR and VR but going beyond these towards Game Based Learning and touching on AI. At each step - each immersive feature - we talk about its relevance to learning and how students might exploit it and illustrate with examples from the studio. (for a link to the slides click here). The talk took place on September 12th at 2pm in the Augmented and Virtual Reality class in UCD Computer Science (COMP47930). The lecture and recording was supported by Abey Campbell, Xuanhui (Issac) Xu, and Donal Fullam. Notes, extra questions, and further reading:Dov’s website: dov.jacobson.netDov’s game “Mike Builds a Shelter” was acquired by MoMA (Museum of Modern Art, NY) and is now on playable exhibit on the 2nd floor (link)Article: 12 Steps Toward Immersive Learning by Dov Jacobson, 2018 (link)Article: Milgram, P., and Kishino, F. (1994). A taxonomy of mixed reality visual displays. IEICE Trans. Inform. Syst. 77, 1321–1329. (search link)Twine / An open-source tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories (link)AcknowledgementsMusic Title: Harsh Computer Dual Saw Vapor Games Arp 1 Akustichor Stripped Down Sample Kit 108 bpmArtist: Allen HigginsSource:  a-Tue12Nov2024.wavLicense: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Includes samples from Ableton Live by Ableton AG and by KORG Inc.Cover Art Title: DovArtist: Xuanhui (Issac) Xu and Allen HigginsSource: Dov.pptxLicense: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0Podcast LicenseDesign Talk (dot IE) CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 The license can be viewed at taking part you give permission for your voice to be recorded, for the recording to be edited, and for it to be posted and published as a podcast.
  • 247. 0247 - Saving the Game - GameChangers

    59:42||Season 12, Ep. 247
    Panel 3 – Saving the Game: philosophical, existential and technical issues, shaping the intersection of games and lawChair: Maria O’Brien•       Kieran Nolan: Material and Cultural Preservation of Legacy Video Game Platforms•       Abby Rekas & Matt Voigts: Saving the GameNotes, extra questions, and further reading:With thanks to the College of Business, Public Policy & Law for the funds to support this event. The event is also part-funded by the College of Business, Public Policy & Law research fund.Supported by:·       The University of Galway College (link)·       College of Business Public Policy and Law (link), ·       WRAP - developing a sustainable Film, Television Drama, Animation, & Games sector in the West of Ireland (link)·       NEXUS Games Conference - by GamerFest (link)·       IMIRT - The Irish Game Makers organization representing game developers in the Republic of Ireland (link)·       ARDÁN - talent development in Film, TV, Games and Amination.Thanks to all our presenters, participants, attendees and to the staff in the University of Galway for support including Mary O’Malley, Louise Monahan and Sergei Medvedev. Particular thanks to Professor Geraint Howells, Professor Martin Hogg and Professor Alma McCarthy for trusting this event to us and for all the support.AcknowledgementsMusic Title: Injection Vapor Games House Beat Shuffle HouseArtist: Allen HigginsSource:  a-Fri24Oct2024License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Includes samples from Ableton Live by Ableton AG and by KORG Inc.Cover Art Title: Abby, Kieran, and MattArtist: Allen HigginsSource: GameChangers_Panel-03License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0Podcast LicenseDesign Talk (dot IE) CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 The license can be viewed at taking part you give permission for your voice to be recorded, for the recording to be edited, and for it to be posted and published as a podcast.
  • 246. 0246 - Gaming the System - GameChangers

    46:15||Season 12, Ep. 246
    Panel 2 – Gaming the System: the enabling aspects of regulation and competition as drivers of business opportunity for the games sector.Chair: Conn Holohan, Director Centre for Creative Technologies, University of Galway·       Ambre Nicolle: Platform competition and strategic trade-offs for complementors: Heterogeneous reactions to the entry of a new platform·       Alexey Rusakov: First-party complements and value in platform markets·       Maria O’Brien: Ireland’s new Digital Games Tax Credit: the role of the state in supporting the games industryNotes, extra questions, and further reading:With thanks to the College of Business, Public Policy & Law for the funds to support this event. The event is also part-funded by the College of Business, Public Policy & Law research fund.Supported by:·       The University of Galway College (link)·       College of Business Public Policy and Law (link), ·       WRAP - developing a sustainable Film, Television Drama, Animation, & Games sector in the West of Ireland (link)·       NEXUS Games Conference - by GamerFest (link)·       IMIRT - The Irish Game Makers organization representing game developers in the Republic of Ireland (link)·       ARDÁN - talent development in Film, TV, Games and Amination.Thanks to all our presenters, participants, attendees and to the staff in the University of Galway for support including Mary O’Malley, Louise Monahan and Sergei Medvedev. Particular thanks to Professor Geraint Howells, Professor Martin Hogg and Professor Alma McCarthy for trusting this event to us and for all the support.AcknowledgementsMusic Title: Injection Vapor Games House Beat Shuffle HouseArtist: Allen HigginsSource:  a-Fri24Oct2024License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Includes samples from Ableton Live by Ableton AG and by KORG Inc.Cover Art Title: Maria, Alexey, and AmbreArtist: Allen HigginsSource: GameChangers_Panel-02License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0Podcast LicenseDesign Talk (dot IE) CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 The license can be viewed at taking part you give permission for your voice to be recorded, for the recording to be edited, and for it to be posted and published as a podcast.
  • 245. 0245 - Testing, a Quality Mindset with Sushant Singhal

    41:32||Season 12, Ep. 245
    Welcome to Design Talk. Our guest today is Sushant Singhal from Gartner. Sushant works on the Software Development and UX team in the Gartner Technical Professionals Guild (that’s my term for Garnet’s team specialisms).Sushant offers us his take on software testing and the quality mindset you need to bring to digital design and software engineering. There is lots to unpack here and to apply to your own environments.Don’t forget to look through the show-notes for further readings and links.Our hosts for this interview are Erin Nielsen and Vishvam Dave, Masters students at UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate School of Business.Welcome to the podcast Sushant. Starting off, could you say a little about your background and interests?·       Why can't we have the developers do the testing as well and why should there be a separate role for testers?·       Is there a future for manual testing?·       Essential skills to move into testing?·       Software testing in Agile teams… How that works?·       Is there a critical step in the software development process that significantly reduces the likelihood of defects during testing?Any additional questions from the audience?Notes, extra questions, and further reading:Sushant Singhal - Senior Director Analyst on the Software Development and UX team of ‘Gartner for Technical Professionals’ (GTP) - notes that Sushant has been involved in:How to Create an Effective Software Test Plan - to Establish 4 Development and Test Environments for Effective Software Engineering - Title: Faceplant with UK GarageArtist: Allen HigginsSource:  a-Wed23Oct2024License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Includes samples from Ableton Live by Ableton AG and by KORG Inc.Cover Art Title: Complex collageArtist: Allen HigginsSource: SushantAndClass.pptxLicense: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0Podcast LicenseDesign Talk (dot IE) CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 The license can be viewed at taking part you give permission for your voice to be recorded, for the recording to be edited, and for it to be posted and published as a podcast.
  • 238. 0238 - A Storied Academic Life - Karamjit Gill

    57:52||Season 12, Ep. 238
    Today’s episode is a cross-pod release with the UCD Centre for Innovation, Technology and Organisation.The following is the second recording from the Music and Virtual Worlds Workshop held on the 20th of June, 2024 – where invited guest, Emeritus Professor Karamjit Gill, co-founder and editor of the journal AI & Society reflected on his personal academic habitus; How he felt called to take action and respond to the question: How do you bring people together to help others, to make change and create social value through technology, without money, without power, without fame, and when the human-technological-systems to do this are yet to be invented?This episode’s cover art includes a photo of Liam Bannon, Satinder Gill, and Karamjit Gill taken at UHL. The lower picture is a snapshot from the panel discussion in the Irish Chamber Orchestra Building, University of Limerick. From left to right:Gerry Keenan, Simon Thompson, Andrew Kaung, Martin Cunneen, Karamjit Gill, Cathriona Murphy, Amanda Clifford and Satinder Gill.  Credit: Allen Higgins, 20th June 2024.Notes, mentions, and further reading:Mike Cooley (Wikipedia link) – Author of Architect or Bee? (1980). The Journal AI & Society: Knowledge, Culture and Communication (link). Published by Springer.  Established in 1987. Co-founded by Professors Michael Cooley and Karamjit Gill. Founding advisory board members: Joseph Weizenbaum, Hubert Dreyfus, Daniel Dennett, Maggie Boden, Terry Winograd, David F. Noble, Seymour Papert, Marvin Minsky and others (see article at link).XTREME – “Mixed Reality Environment for Immersive Experience of Art and Culture” is an EU Horizon 2020 project that started in January 2024 and will finish in December 2026. XTREME will explore and provide a mixed reality (MR) solution to experience different forms of art. The project is in close collaboration with 14 different partners who together will explore different alternatives to the traditional way of accessing music and art experiences. The INSYTE-Cooley Research Lab (I-CRL link)AcknowledgementsMusicTitle: Adagio in G minorArtist: Remo Giazotto attributed to Tomaso AlbinoniSource: by Dick de Ridder: CC-BY 3.0Cover Art Title: Vignettes from LimerickArtist: Allen Higgins Source: LiamKaramjitSatinder_Cover_Art.pptxLicense: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0Podcast LicenseDesign Talk (dot IE) CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 The license can be viewed at taking part you give permission for your voice to be recorded, for the recording to be edited, and for it to be posted and published as a podcast.
  • 242. 0242 - Digital Product Design with Mitch Eva

    59:14||Season 12, Ep. 242
    Our hosts today are Bonnie Lyons and Téo Bayon, and our guest is Mitchell Eva, Principal Designer @ Sonalake,Dublin. Welcome to the podcast Mitch. Starting off, could you say a little about your background and interests?·       A short sketch of the kinds of projects Sonalake works on?·       How does your process change between your in-house products like SwitchedOn Fibre and your client work? ·       What differences have you seen between working as a designer in Africa vs Ireland?  ·       Where do you see product design fitting within the whole product lifecycle? ·       How is a Product Designer different to a UI/UX Designer or an interface designer? ·       Thoughts on essential skills to work UX/ID?·       Do you use AI in your own designer workflow?·       Can you talk about the need for designers to go outside the bubble and consider the whole enterprise system... and sell the value of design to your team, your clients, the corporates.·       Any books you'd recommend from your (virtual) bookshelf?Are there any questions from the audience?Notes, extra questions, and further reading:Mitchell Eva on Sonalake - When Design is Not Design - Mitch has put together a design-focused learning resource library – (link) Innovation podcastsThe “Sans Permission” podcast (in French)Actor Network Theory – see the Wikipedia entry (link). ANT arises as a coevolving concept/framework through the work of scholars such as Michel Callon, Madeleine Akrich and Bruno Latour, the sociologist John Law, and others.The HEART framework - https://www.heartframework.comFigma Design - https://www.figma.comFriends of Figma - Title: Moody Break  01Artist: Allen HigginsSource:  a-Wed10Oct2024License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Includes samples from Ableton Live by Ableton AG and by KORG Inc.Cover Art Title: MitchAndAllenArtist: Allen HigginsSource: MitchAndAllen.pptxLicense: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0Podcast LicenseDesign Talk (dot IE) CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 The license can be viewed at taking part you give permission for your voice to be recorded, for the recording to be edited, and for it to be posted and published as a podcast.