
Work hates Podcast

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  • Ep 21: Josh Earl smashed supermarket stock to conceal piss

    Australian comedy darling, Josh Earl has dipped his toe into many jobs during his lifetime, from check-out chick, to school librarian, to musical comedian. Whilst all jobs have had moments of humiliation, Josh’s MacGyver instincts including creaming soda and urine provided more questions than answers. His epic comedy bomb involving a mop bucket and a song about homophobia is worth an entire episode alone. Everyone loves Josh Earl, and we know everyone will love what he has to offer the pod. Please enjoy this episode of ‘Work Hates’!

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  • 20. EP 20: Wil Anderson told a punter that maybe his life wasn’t worth living

    Australian comedy royalty popped in to explain why he gave up a promising career in journalism for a career in comedy. Obviously it worked out perfectly for him, but it hasn’t always been smooth sailing. He details his worst ever heckle, and his least favourite moment closing out a corporate event, which was extremely cringey. We were honoured to have the great man on the pod, so please, enjoy this episode of ‘Work Hates’!
  • 19. Ep 19: Reuben Kaye found a lady in a cupboard

    Award winning cabaret star, singer and comedian, Reuben Kaye joined us on the pod to explain where he was before he blew the Australian comedy industry to bits. His original answer was ‘London’, but as we delved a bit deeper, the real answer we wanted was way less cool. Reuben worked in shitty hospitality jobs where we watched a man make salmon patties in a sink he spat in, and then he climbed the ranks of a company that celebrates bandanas. It was a wild ride. Enjoy this episode of Work Hates! 
  • Ep 18: John Hastings gets yelled at by both radio DJs and doctors

    Canadian comedian, John Hastings hasn’t always been a world class standup. He used to work in radio where he wrote the jokes for a volatile trio who made his life a living hell. He does, however, state that the weirdest job he has ever had is standup, and he offers our listeners a deep insight into the industry we know and love/hate. Go on, get stuck in, and enjoy this episode of Work Hates! 
  • 17. Ep 17 : Danielle Walker went insane in Sanity

    Danielle Walker is a hugely successful standup comedian, voiceover and actor, but before showbiz, she worked some less than glamorous jobs. Her worst being the job we all would have killed for as teenagers - Sanity. She was the nation’s champion CD cleaner salesperson, and her psycho boss rewarded her with a flicker of violence. Danielle names and shames her bullies, which is a bloody wonderful warning to maggot bosses out there that their victims might become world famous and out them on the biggest podcast that ever existed. Enjoy this episode of Work Hates! 
  • 16. Ep 16: Chris Parker used to be the creepiest Santa in New Zealand

    New Zealand’s very own Chris Parker is an award winning comedian, director, author and silk jacket wearer. Whilst it seems like he can do no wrong, he joined us on the pod to share some previous work experiences where he wasn’t exactly kicking goals. From a shopping centre Santa, to a loaded-wedges thief, Chris has really seen some dark places. We loved this episode of Work Hates, and we know you’ll love it too! 
  • 15. EP 15: Larry Dean let a man touch him for £20

    We have gone international! Larry is a Scottish comedy icon, and he joined us to explain that before he was a superstar, he was a pizza delivery man who sold beer to teenagers, was sexually assaulted (for a price) and was relentlessly bullied by his colleagues. Bron learnt a lot in this episode, including how most men think they need to punch each other more as a way of creating boundaries, which she still isn’t sold on. Bretty and Larry decided they would bash heaps of people together, which is not where we thought this episode would go, but then again, this podcasts is always full of surprises. Enjoy this very violent episode of Work Hates (or Larry and Brett with bash you)!