
cover art for Ep 47: Jarryd Goundrey is an Army vet who knows the G-spot is in a man’s anus.

Work hates Podcast

Ep 47: Jarryd Goundrey is an Army vet who knows the G-spot is in a man’s anus.

Ep. 47

This week on ‘Work Hates’ we speak to military veteran turned comedian, Jarryd Goundrey. He served seven-years in the army and he has two busted knees, impaired hearing and a bucket load of stories to prove it. Jarryd has willingly been tear-gassed, he’s almost drowned in a water submerged helicopter, and he’s learnt exactly what to do if the Taliban capture him. He shed light on ‘military groupies’ who are willing to jump into the boot of a car if it ended in a root at Duntroon, which Brett respected and Bron didn’t. We haven’t had a soldier on the podcast before, and this episode quickly became one of our all time favourites. Strap yourselves in, and enjoy this episode of ‘Work Hates’.

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    53:29||Ep. 55
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  • 54. Ep 54: Kate Dolan told coke heads to go f**k themselves.

    01:04:26||Ep. 54
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