
cover art for S3 Episode 10: Three things we're fighting for

Where's My Freaking Dressing Room?!

S3 Episode 10: Three things we're fighting for

Season 3, Ep. 10

Just like that, we’ve come to the end of Season 3 of the podcast! From the live episode, to the Voice of Black Opera Mini Series, to episodes on boundaries, nepotism and perfectionism, it’s been a total blast. To see you out, this week Alex and Helen discuss the three things they’re fighting for in the future of the operatic industry.


  • It would be impossible for us to talk about boundaries on this podcast any more than we already do. However, in this difficult time for those working in the creative arts we think it’s more important than ever for us to feel safe and capable of asserting our boundaries. If you’re not sure what your boundaries are, perhaps take some time to think about it and consider how, if required, you could communicate your boundaries to a colleague.

Moving opera into the 21st century

  • Many of the episodes this season have discussed the modernisation of opera - be it turning nepotism on its head, understanding the relationship between politics and opera, asserting boundaries and our mini series on the Voice of Black Opera Competition. Alex and Helen are also passionate about modernising opera in its own right; it would be exciting to see more contemporary opera at the forefront of artistic seasons and it would also be exciting to see more new young opera stars taking to this country’s greatest stages.

Often opera revels in how it is a relic of the past. That doesn’t need to be the case any more.


  • When Alex and Helen first began this podcast in 2020 it was to create a community of like-minded musicians that would support each other as they developed their artistic careers. The podcast’s first live episode in October 2022 was a reminder that this community is very much real and filled with singers and musicians committed to looking out for one another.

  • In order for us to create lasting change in our industry we can’t do it alone. We have to work as a team and support one another. The podcast has your back, and we very much hope you have ours too.

This episode was edited and produced by Daisy Grant Productions. Our thanks goes to Daisy for her positive upbeat energy, her creativity and her social media prowess throughout this entire season.

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