Welcome Church Podcast

  • Faith Hope Love | Children and Youth | Gift Day | Welcome Church, Woking

    Christopher kicked off our gift days, looking at the heart and call to care for the children and youth in our church. We are all called to invest in them, just as Paul did with Timothy. Timothy was spiritually invested in by people who looked at him through the eyes of faith, hope and love, people who saw his potential and the plans and purposes that God had for his life.
  • Faith Hope Love | Gift Day | Welcome Church, Woking

    Steve challenged us with an honest message about some of the challenges, feelings and responses to mentioning a gift day and giving. One set of responses is fear, guilt and irritation, but God calls us to give with faith, hope and love. Steve looked at how we can shift our perspective towards giving with a heart full of love.
  • Father's Day | Baptisms | Welcome Church, Woking

    Dub led us through how God is a perfect Father and we had the joy of baptising twelve people across our two meetings. We had the privilege to hear their testimonies and the impact that God has made on them as individuals!
  • The God of Freedom | Exodus | Welcome Church, Woking

    Christopher continued our series looking at Exodus 14 and how faith in Jesus gives us true freedom. 'It wasn't the quality of their faith that saved [the Isralites] it was the object of their faith that saved them'. Will you put your trust in Jesus and serve him with your life?
  • The God of Salvation | Exodus | Welcome Church, Woking

    Steve concluded his two-part preach on the plagues of Egypt, focusing on God's Salvation. He delves into the significance of Passover for us today and how we have salvation through the death and resurrection of the perfect Passover lamb Jesus!
  • The God of Power | Exodus | Welcome Church, Woking

    Steve started his two-part preach on the ten plagues and how they targeted the Egyptian idols showing God's power in Exodus 7-11. Our faith sustains us and true freedom comes from trusting in his supreme power and love for us
  • Where is God in all the Suffering | Welcome Church, Woking

    We had the privilege of having Dr Amy Orr Ewing join us for a thought-provoking and encouraging Sunday looking at Where is God in all the Suffering? She explored what other beliefs say in response to this question and how the Christian perspective offers something unique. God has made us in his image, he loves us and has given us the capacity to choose and to love. The suffering of the son of God by crucifixion is the demonstration of a loving God to a suffering world. He is not a distant God, he comes running towards you and is willing to go to the cross for us as a sign of his love.
  • Compassion Sunday | Living is Giving | Welcome Church, Woking

    Tim Robertson joined us for an encouraging Compassion Sunday looking at Galatians 6:9. He taught us how we should stand up and speak up for Jesus! Enjoy the journey God has put you on, keep active in your good works and trust God for the harvest.
  • The God of Promises | Exodus | Welcome Church, Woking

    Christopher led us through Exodus 5 and 6. God was not simply rescuing his people, he was teaching them about who He is and was training them to trust in him. God is The God of Promises, his words are as good as done, they were given to you to see you through spiritual opposition, to guide you into faithful obedience and to encourage you as you face trials of many kinds.