Ripple Effect

  • 2. Boosting Donations Through Self-Expressive Choices | Jonah Berger

    08:44||Season 16, Ep. 2
    Charitable giving goes up when donors are asked to express themselves through their choices, according to research from Wharton’s Jonah Berger. This episode is part of a series on “Charitable Giving.”
  • 1. Charitable and Political Giving | Pinar Yildirim

    20:12||Season 16, Ep. 1
    Wharton’s Pinar Yildirim untangles the relationship between charitable and political giving, which are both on the rise. This episode is part of a series on “Charitable Giving.”
  • 6. Leadership and Elections | Mike Useem

    16:16||Season 15, Ep. 6
    Wharton’s Mike Useem discusses the critical qualities needed from leaders, whether they are running the country or running a business. This episode is part of a series on the “Business of Elections.”
  • 5. Are Brands Playing It Safe During Elections? (Part 2) | Americus Reed

    12:35||Season 15, Ep. 5
    Wharton’s Americus Reed navigates the turbulent waters of marketing and branding in a highly charged election cycle. This is the second half of a two-part episode in the “Business of Elections” series.
  • 4. Are Brands Playing It Safe During Elections? (Part 1) | Americus Reed

    16:19||Season 15, Ep. 4
    Wharton marketing professor Americus Reed talks about the risks and rewards for companies that take a political stand during this polarizing election cycle. This is the first half of a two-part episode in the “Business of Elections” series.
  • 3. How Election Tax Plans Affect Your Paycheck | Kent Smetters

    14:51||Season 15, Ep. 3
    The economic policies of both presidential candidates will raise the federal deficit, according to the Penn Wharton Budget Model. Wharton’s Kent Smetters explains why. This episode is part of a series on the “Business of Elections.”
  • 2. Role of Firms in Immigration and Economic Prosperity | Britta Glennon

    15:21||Season 15, Ep. 2
    Wharton’s Britta Glennon shares her research that dispels long-held myths about immigrants and how they influence the U.S. economy. This episode is part of a series on the “Business of Elections.”
  • 1. Elections and National Debt | Joao Gomes

    13:30||Season 15, Ep. 1
    In this year’s presidential election, both political parties are unwilling to tackle the burgeoning national debt. Wharton’s Joao Gomes warns that inaction is putting the country on a perilous economic path. This episode is part of a series on the “Business of Elections.”
  • Best of: Financial Literacy

    In case you missed it, listen to curated excerpts from the summer’s Ripple Effect “Financial Literacy” series in this special episode. Wharton faculty discuss financial literacy for teens, understanding healthcare debt and bankruptcy, AI in financial advising, and why financial literacy education should be lifelong.