
cover art for #246: I Took 20+ Units Of Insulin & My Blood Sugar Didn’t Move!

The insuleoin Podcast - Redefining Diabetes

#246: I Took 20+ Units Of Insulin & My Blood Sugar Didn’t Move!

In today’s episode Eoin speaks about a recent bout of sickness he was dealing with.

For the whole weekend Eoin was essentially sedentary and immobile as a result of a recent virus he was fighting off.

On top of that, he was dealing with the significant impact it was having on his blood sugar. Eoin was taking dose after dose of insulin, with it having little to no impact on his levels, and spent the whole weekend with his blood sugar being above 13mmol/L (234mg/dL).

As always, be sure to rate, comment, subscribe and share. Your interaction and feedback really helps the podcast. The more Diabetics that we reach, the bigger impact we can make!

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