What is the Heritage Chart Show? Well, it's an outlet for two things. First of all, our lifelong love of chart rundowns and our desperation to live in a world where they still matter.
It's also an outlet for our fascination with Mike Reed's heritage chart. We're not entirely sure how it’s put together. We don't know exactly what qualifies you for inclusion in the heritage chart and we're not sure we want to know. After all, we didn't really make those demands of the actual top 40 when we were little children, so why should we start now? What we do each week is pick a show at random from the 130+ that have been made thus far and with the help of a very special guest we pick out items of interest, things that excite us and the things that really confuse us…
Presented and produced by Pete Paphides and Siân Pattenden. Theme tune kindly provided by Mike Batt. Audio production by Andy Lewis and with thanks to Soho Radio studios.
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