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The Heritage Chart Show Show

What is the Heritage Chart Show? Well, it's an outlet for two things. First of all, our lifelong love of chart rundowns and our desperation to live in a world where they still matter.It's also an outlet for our fascinati

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  • 1. The Heritage Chart Show Show Episode Seven

    01:23:30||Season 2, Ep. 1
    And... we're back! Welcome to season two of the Heritage Chart Show Show, with your hosts Pete Paphides and Siân Pattenden. This week's special guest is The Loft and Weather Prophet icon Pete Astor. Listen! As Pete navigates the choppy waters of Mike Read's Heritage Chart Show 4th anniversary "live show" special. Presented as a Top of the Pops-style "best of" we see such Heritage Acts as Limahl, Leee John, Paul Young, Owen Paul (of course), The Fizz and a host of other people singing in front of one of Mike's banners. Also! A note from Sir Cliff! What will we think of the 80s cult of leather trousers and our own mortality at the end of this particular show? And you can buy us a coffee to help with studio costs, thank you so much. You can also buy The Loft's album Everything Changes Everything Stays the Same too. Maybe they'll get in the Heritage Chart. Maybe.

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  • 6. The Heritage Chart Show Show Episode Six

    01:38:39||Season 1, Ep. 6
    On this episode we talk to the exciting musical project that is Hifi Sean and David McAlmont, introducing them to a programme they had never witnessed before... Mike Read's Heritage Chart. Today the artists include: an old Gary Numan track which you probably couldn't release now, Reba McEntire, “Katrina” singing to her poodle, The Wombles, Albert Lee, Mal Pope defying the government (or something), The Automatics, Danielle Nicholls yoga teacher and more. At least one track uses the medium of song to say thank you to the people who helped her in life because they’re dead so she can’t tell them in person. Heritage Gold.Sean Hifi and David McAlmont's new album Daylight is out now! And if you want to buy us (not them) a virtual coffee, please head to Thank you!
  • 5. The Heritage Chart Show Show Episode Five

    01:15:02||Season 1, Ep. 5
    On this episode... Actor Caroline Catz dissects the Heritage Chart as she joins us on a journey of discovery, self-acceptance, bemusement and profundity that accompanies the liminal world of Mike Read's show. On this episode we discuss Deep Purple and their assistants, Pet Shop Boys' infinite sadness, Bill Wyman's double entendre's, Fairground Attraction on a barge, the cognitive dissonance of Right Said Fred, Mungo Jerry and a German interview, Coldplay's panglobal-benicetoeachother-osity, Nick Lowe's party inc. the best party we've ever been to AND Throbbing Gristle. ALSO - please note whenever Siân says Ulrika Jonsson she means ANNEKA RICE.You can still catch Caroline's excellent Delia Derbyshire, the Myths and the Legendary Tapes on iPlayer. And if you want to buy us a virtual coffee, please head to Thank you!
  • 4. The Heritage Chart Show Show Episode Four

    01:25:59||Season 1, Ep. 4
    Episode four of the Heritage Chart Show Show! Where we talk about a furious McFly, a sanguine Pet Shop Boys, Owen Paul (again) (and his mobile phone), the best hip hop bpm to jog to, Tony Hadley appearing in the night sky, bad green screen, Belinda Carlisle's lack of furniture and much, much more. Our guest is our man behind the wheels-of-steel, DJ Yoda. You can buy us a virtual coffee to help with our studio costs:
  • 3. The Heritage Chart Show Show Episode Three

    01:28:09||Season 1, Ep. 3
    Episode three of the Heritage Chart Show Show! Where we talk about The Fizz, Tight Fit, Jive Aces, Owen Paul, UB40, the infinity of post-fame legal Band Name wrangling, meta band members, Ralph McTell (is Life), Professional Spooning and much, much more. Our guest is author, campaigner and cosmetics boffin Sali Hughes, who's a huge fan of the Heritage Chart Show. You can buy us a virtual coffee to help with our studio costs:
  • 2. The Heritage Chart Show Show Episode Two

    01:22:44||Season 1, Ep. 2
    Episode two of the Heritage Chart Show Show! Where we talk about Mike Read's crafted narrative, pop star delusion vs passion, bv foxtrels, houses that look like their owners, Restraining Order Rock and much, much more. Our esteemed guest is Sean Rowley who is a DJ, broadcaster, ex-TV plugger and the man who invented the Guilty Pleasures empire.Also! You can buy us a virtual coffee:
  • 1. The Heritage Chart Show Show Episode One

    50:04||Season 1, Ep. 1
    We talk about Mike Read's Heritage Chart Show episode 46 with Lawrence from Mozart Estate, Go Kart Mozart and Felt. Wot? Yes, you can buy us a virtual coffee: