
The Business Advisor
Elon Musk Tells His Tesla Employees - Return To The Office And Work
Elon Musk announced that all employees at Tesla have to return to work - in the office. Which I agree with. Working from home is nice, but how much productivity are employers getting from you? Plus, working from the office does make you more productive and there are other issues. Working remotely is limiting valuable relationships at work. It may even be stunting some people's career development. We have also become really bad communicators and our customer care level has gone down. It's good to talk, the most advantages come from increased social interaction, clearer boundaries between home and work, and even improved career opportunities. It's time for employees to return to work in the office.
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14:58||Season 2023, Ep. 182Please hit the like button on whichever app you heard my podcast. Also, if you would like to support my podcast, go to: utility bill jumped, it doubled. My friends out of California, using the same amount of energy, their utility bill jumped from $250 to $613. A lot has to do with the less amount of natural gas that was in production and could be used that drove the price up, the remaining big part of the Natural Gas Tax imposed by the Inflation Reduction Act of Joe Biden and the Congress. What do we call that? A big fat political lie. If your utilities bill to heat your home has gone up, send me an email telling me your story to: thebusinessadvisor@zmail.comBIDENS INFLATION REDUCTION TAX HIKE BILL: you would like to schedule a consultation with me, go to: http://www.lodge-co.com182. LEADERS NEGOTIATE DEBT CEILINGS AND SPENDING, FAILURES PLAY POLITICS
14:58||Season 2023, Ep. 182BROOKINGS REPORT ON DEBT CEILING: debt limit caps the total amount of allowable outstanding U.S. federal debt. The U.S. hit that limit—$31.4 trillion—on January 19, 2023, but the Department of the Treasury has been undertaking a set of “extraordinary measures” so that the debt limit does not yet bind. The Treasury estimates that those measures will be sufficient at least through early June. Sometime after that, unless Congress raises or suspends the debt limit before June, the federal government will lack the cash to pay all its obligations. Those obligations are the result of laws previously enacted by Congress. “Raising the debt limit is not about new spending; it is about paying for previous choices policymakers legislated.” If you like my podcasts, please help by supporting me at: you would like to have a 60 minute business consultation session, go to my website at: http://www.lodge-co.comQuestions about business, send me an email at: thebusinessadvisor@zmail.com181. The Two Leaders of Current Day McCarthyism - Adam Shiff and Eric Swalwell
14:59||Season 2023, Ep. 181PBS Sepcial on Joseph McCarthy. Video: support and follow my podcast by going to: you would like to have a 60 minute consulting or coaching session, go to: http://www.lodge-co.comQuestions? Send them to: thebusinessadvisor@zmail.com180. I AM PLANNING A BUCKET LIST TRIP TO ALASKA, MAKING FRIENDS ALONG THE WAY
14:56||Season 2023, Ep. 180If you like my podcasts and blogs, support me by going to: April I am going to do a bucket list trip from South Carolina to Alaska. I am trying to decide if I should go by train to Seattle and catch the ferry, or drive across America to Seattle and put my vehicle on the Ferry to Alaska. I would like to do the latter. However, I am going to have to get a new vehicle to do that with. I have thought about getting a small traveling van to drive in, but have you priced the costs of these vans and how many miles on one them? Van Prices - Outrages:, I will have to see what I can do. The ferry ride is a five day journey, you do not stop in Canada. I have put a link on the ferry below. So, today I am taking some time to plan the trip.Alaska Highway Ferry: Camera: If you vlog, I would really like to know what kind of camera system you are using. Now remember, I am old. So the make it simple for me. This is the one I am looking at. needs to have a bucket list that includes travel. And don't e afraid to travel alone. You meet all kinds of different and interesting people along the way. I love hearing the stories of these people as we travel together, people you don't even know. However, you get to know people very well as you travel across this great nation. Now I have another bucket list and that is to visit all 50 states. 16 states to go.If you would like to schedule a 60 minute business consultation with me, go to: http://www.lodge-co.com179. BIDEN NEEDS TO STOP LYING ABOUT THE ECONOMY
14:58||Season 2023, Ep. 179Biden Dragged: keeps lying about the nations economy and it has got to stop. He needs to hire better economic advisors, he needs to listen to the American people, and he needs to focus on the economy and not on a political agenda. The American people are hurting and his lies do greater harm. His financial views are now seen as garbage. If the President really wants to help the American people he should be sitting down with members of Congress and the Senate and begin negotiating on the debt ceiling and spending cuts. That would show the American people that he is doing something. But, there has to be results, not political spin. If he does nothing, then the American people can expect that the next two years will be financial hard.If you like my podcasts, please support me by going to: you would like some consultation time with me, go to: and schedule on-line.178. UNETHICAL ACTIONS FROM BIDEN ON DOWN, CREATES A NATION IN CHAOS
14:57||Season 2023, Ep. 178We are seeing the unethical act of wokeness that is driving unethical actions in businesses, churches and schools. This has got to end. Politics is never ethical. Political agenda's through wokeness is never ethical. We need to start teaching more about ethics, and board of directors have got to examine their ethics rules within their organizations. Politics should not be allowed one inch within organizations. Their decisions on how they are going to run their business or cancel out others though social wokeness, must end. It should no longer be tolerated. The more woke the entity, the more unethical behavior.Ethics is the ability to make decision on what is right or wrong in our human conduct. This is the belief that moral principles is vital in our every day lives. Businesses must start focusing on their ethics and eliminate politics, wokeness, from their operations. Conflict, from unethical actions, is very expensive and can destroy companies from within. I encourage all leaders to review their policies on ethics in the workplace. And government, you had better start holding those accountable that do not practice good ethical behavior.If you like my podcasts, please follow and subscribe by going to: you would like to sit down with me for a 60 minute session to go over business issues or conflicts, schedule an appointment at: http://www.lodge-co.comHave a business question, send it to thebusinessadvisor@zmail.com177. JOE BIDEN NEEDS TO SIT DOWN AT THE DEBT AND SPENDING NEGOTIATION TABLES - TODAY
14:58||Season 2023, Ep. 177Total Debt: $31.4 TrillionAnnual interest paid on debt: -#1.2 trillion by 2024Annual tax revenue: $4.9 trillionAnnual Deficit: $1.4 trillion lossProjected 2023 Deficit: over $2 trillionJanet Yellen taps retirement funds to avoid breaching US debt limit. Does any of this sound like sound spending habits, good stewards of the money Americans have paid into the tax system? If this were a company, would you invest in it? Hell no. The ethical work that the Joe Biden can do is to sit down with Treasury and the members of Congress and negotiate. If you don't negotiate then we have no leadership in Washington. We just have elected people who think that it is ok to put the American people in greater debt. Perhaps it is time to shut the government down to get people to the negotiating table. This is no longer about politics, this is about working together to reduce our nations debt and curb spending. Otherwise, you can expect the economy of America to get even worse. Do what's ethical, and not what is political.If you like my podcast and would like to help support The Business Advisor, please subscribe at: you are in business and would like to ask business questions, send them to: thebusinessadvisor@zmail.comSchedule a 60 minute consultation with me, go to: http://www.lodge-co.com176. WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM IS A CANCEL CULTURE GROUP AND DANGEROUS
14:56||Season 2023, Ep. 176When business leaders at the WEF make statements of wokeness and try to cancel out Twitter as a business, it is ethically wrong. Richard Edelman must be held accountable for his wokeness and trying to cancel free speech. Richard Edelman, CEO of the world’s largest PR company tells businesses to “deprive [social media] platforms that spread disinformation of oxygen. Stop advertising. Pull your promotion money… The Twitter boycott has had a modest impact but the Facebook one failed.”Watch Video of CEO telling businesses, pull your ads for what he thinks is disinformation: you like my podcasts an would like to follow and support me, go to: you would like to have a 50 minute business consultation session with me, go online at: http://www.lodge-co.com175. SPENDING YOUR MONEY IS ABOUT NEEDS, NOT WANTS
14:58||Season 2023, Ep. 175How are you using your credit cards? - you like my podcast and would like to follow and support me, go to: you would like to schedule a 60 minute coaching session with me, go to: