
It's a Good Life
S2E214 How to Get Back on Your Horse with Anna Buffini
Anna Buffini has been pursuing her dream of becoming an Olympian since she was a little girl. In this episode, she describes the discipline, dedication and sacrifice it takes to become a champion and shares the principles that help her to overcome disappointment and adversity.
- What she does to compete at the highest level.
- How she handles pressure and setbacks.
- How her faith helps and guides her.
“The Hiding Place,” by Corrie Ten Boom
“You have to be consistent, and that consistency creates habits that create success.” – Anna Buffini
“You have to have a why; you have to have a goal.” – Anna Buffini
“You need to realize that this too shall pass.” – Anna Buffini
“You can't give up when failures hit, you have to keep moving forward.” – Anna Buffini
“You're not going to be a high achiever without being mentally tough.” – Anna Buffini
“You can't find your identity in what you do. You have to find your identity in whose you are.” – Anna Buffini
“There's such a power in hope. You can't take for granted that we have the opportunity to hope and to dream.” – Anna Buffini
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270. S2E270 How to Beat Burnout Part 2
27:06||Season 2, Ep. 270In today’s fast-paced and demanding world, it can feel impossible to say no to anything. Unfortunately, spreading yourself too thin means exposing yourself to a high risk of chronic burnout. In part 2 of this episode, Brian examines how to put certain disciplines in place to avoid, manage and overcome burnout and live the good life. YOU WILL LEARN:· Why taking time off must be a priority. · Why it’s vital to work on emotional intelligence.· Why celebrating your wins is so important. MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: S2E268 How to Beat Burnout Part 1 “Man in the Mirror,” by Michael Jackson S1E14 An Interview with Daniel Goleman NOTEWORTHY QUOTES FROM THIS EPISODE: “I committed the greatest flaw you can make for success – and that is to say yes to everything.” – Brian Buffini “People who work on their EQ do much better with burnout than those who don't.” – Brian Buffini “If you want to make a profound change in your relationships, you have to show up as the very best version of yourself.” – Brian Buffini “You're not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.” – Anonymous “The more things we say yes to means the more we're actually draining the good life out of ourselves.” – Brian Buffini269. Quick Cut: S2E269 The Power of Perseverance
10:12||Season 2, Ep. 269In today’s quick-fix world, many people simply give up when they don’t instantly get what they want. In this episode, Brian explains why real success requires perseverance and shares his top tips for persisting when the going gets tough. MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:“Get in the Game,” by Cal Ripkin Free business consultation NOTEWORTHY QUOTES FROM THIS EPISODE: “The good life doesn't happen without perseverance.” – Brian Buffini “When you have a picture of where you want to go, then you can have this passion to persevere.” – Brian Buffini “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.” – Helen Keller “Perseverance is one of the key ingredients to success.” – Brian Buffini “I will persist until I succeed.” – Og MandinoItsagoodlife.com268. S2E268 How to Beat Burnout Part 1
24:19||Season 2, Ep. 268In today’s increasingly challenging world, burnout is on the rise everywhere. In part 1 of this episode, Brian shares how burnout negatively affects the good life and teaches powerful ways to control it and move out the other side. YOU WILL LEARN:· The different definitions of burnout.· The various signs of burnout.· His own personal experience with burnout.MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: “Burnout,” by Dr. Herbert Freudenberger “Thrilled to Death,” by Dr. Archibald Hart NOTEWORTHY QUOTES FROM THIS EPISODE: “Burnout is not something that's ever conquered. But it is something that can be controlled.” – Brian Buffini “On the other side of burnout is joy. On the other side of burnout is refreshment. On the other side of burnout is hope.” – Brian Buffini “The good life waits on the other side of burnout.” – Brian Buffini “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” – Anne Lamott “Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.” – Ovid itsagoodlife.com267. Quick Cut: S2E267 Get Out of Debt Forever
11:03||Season 2, Ep. 267Click here to listen to the full episodeIf people really understood the crippling effects of consumer debt they’d get out of it and stay out of it forever. In this episode, Brian explains simple techniques to help you finally get rid of debt and create wealth. YOU WILL LEARN:· Why consumer debt is so insidious.· How a snowball plan can help. · Why you must invest to grow. MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:“The Richest Man in Babylon,” by George S. ClasonNOTEWORTHY QUOTES FROM THIS EPISODE: “Ignorance isn't bliss, ignorance is poverty.” – Brian Buffini “Debt borrows from your future.” – Brian Buffini “Getting rich is easy. The problem is, getting broke is easier.” – Brian Buffini “Buying on an installment plan makes the month shorter, but it makes the years a lot longer.” – Brian Buffini “The greatest way to stay out of debt is to build wealth.” – Brian Buffini “If you discipline yourself now you can have everything you want later. Just delay that gratification.” – Brian Buffiniitsagoodlife.com266. S2E266 How to Always Turn a Profit with Mike Michalowicz
31:34||Season 2, Ep. 266Mike Michalowicz’s Profit First system is used by companies worldwide to drive permanent profit. In this episode, he shares how this strategy can transform your business from a cash eating monster to a money making machine. YOU WILL LEARN:· The limitations of traditional accounting formula.· The advantages of the Profit First system. · Practical advice for implementing Profit First in businesses of all sizes. MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: “Profit First,” by Mike Michalowicz “The E Myth Revisited,” by Michael E. Gerber “The Richest Man in Babylon,” by George S. Clason“How to Stop Worrying and Start Living,” by Dale Carnegie NOTEWORTHY QUOTES FROM THIS EPISODE: “It is a responsibility to be profitable.” – Mike Michalowicz “The ultimate greed is when you're not profitable, because what you're saying is you're willing to forego serving your customers.” – Mike Michalowicz “You should be proud to be profitable.” – Mike Michalowicz “Find the right size business for you.” – Mike Michalowicz“Trust wallets over words.” – Mike Michalowiczitsagoodlife.com265. Quick Cut: S2E265 Myths About Anxiety and the Life-Changing Truth - an Interview with Dr. John Delony
12:13||Season 2, Ep. 265Click here to listen to the full episodeAnxiety is like an alarm – it’s our body’s way of telling us something is wrong. In this episode, Dr. John Delony shares how, instead of allowing anxiety to consume us, we can learn to stop and listen, calm the alarm and move forward into healing and hope. YOU WILL LEARN:· The life-changing truth about anxiety.· Practical steps to take to start getting your life back.· Long-term strategies for healing. MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:“Redefining Anxiety,” by Dr. John Delony INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES FROM THIS EPISODE: “All of it starts with the decision that ‘I don't want to live like this anymore.’” – Dr. John Delony “Anxiety becomes an identity for us.” – Dr. John Delony “You’ve got to take ownership.” – Dr. John Delony “You cannot think your way to better mental health.” – Dr. John Delony “This is a word that changed it all for me: practice.” – Dr. John Delony itsagoodlife.com264. S2E264 Level Up Your Leadership with Keith Ferrazzi
27:24||Season 2, Ep. 264The most effective leaders don’t succeed alone - they mobilize the talents of their entire team. In this episode, bestselling author and world-renown coach Keith Ferrazzi shares how to elevate leadership to teamship and achieve phenomenal results. YOU WILL LEARN:· The 10 shifts from leadership to teamship. · The red flag rules that act as guideposts.· The importance of agility and collaboration. MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: “Never Lead Alone,” by Keith Ferrazzi“Never Eat Alone,” by Keith Ferrazzi“How to Win Friends and Influence People,” by Dale CarnegieCaddyshackKickstart 2025 NOTEWORTHY QUOTES FROM THIS EPISODE: “Each and every one of us need to be able to create a group of people around us that won't let us fail.” – Keith Ferrazzi “You don't have to pay somebody to be your teammate.” – Keith Ferrazzi “The most important attribute of a high performing team is a lot of candor and transparency.” – Keith Ferrazzi “Our team are those we choose to work with to achieve some great ends.” – Keith Ferrazzi “You can't get there alone.” – Keith Ferrazzi itsagoodlife.com263. Quick Cut: S2E263 Begin
10:48||Season 2, Ep. 263Click here to listen to the full episodeDo you want to improve your life this year? In this episode, Brian explains how, even when faced with difficulties, this can be your best year yet if you analyze what holds you back, get consistent and become effective. If you want to launch into the new year in the right way, then don’t miss this episode! Inspirational quotes from today’s podcast:“I believe success is a series of new beginnings.” — Brian Buffini“Good habits are the keys to all success. Bad habits are the unlocked door to failure.” — Og Mandino“A quitter is somebody who gives up permanently…the key is to keep getting back in the game.” — Brian Buffini“Here’s the key component in achievement. You need to build trust with yourself. The only way you’re going to build trust with yourself is to be consistent.” — Brian Buffiniitsagoodlife.com262. S2E262 Goals Over Resolutions – How the Successful Beat the Odds Every Time
24:40||Season 2, Ep. 262Do you want to make 2025 your best year ever? In this special coaching session, Brian helps to kickstart your year by equipping you with the strategies and tools you need to achieve phenomenal success in your business and life. A dynamic live Q&A is included. YOU WILL LEARN:· Why resolute goals beat New Year’s resolutions.· How to maintain focus and accountability.· How to overcome obstacles and stay resolute. MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: Download your resolute goal sheet hereKickstart 2025 S1E262 The Power of a Made-Up Mind CFSP “Mastery,” by George Leonard NOTEWORTHY QUOTES FROM THIS EPISODE: “The number one thing we need to do is change our resolve.” – Brian Buffini “Don't wait for it to be easier. Wait for you to be better and go get it.” – Brian Buffini “There is no success without sacrifice.” – Brian Buffini “If you go to work on your goals, your goals will go to work on you.” – Jim Rohn “No matter what way the wind blows or what goes on with the markets, you can win.” – Brian