
Tar Valon Or Bust
The Gathering Storm: Chapters 33-39
Season 14, Ep. 6
Preeti and Jenn dig into character-author affinities, POV choices, Mat and Egwene parallels, and OMG VERIN in this episode.
Next episode: Chapter 40 - Epilogue
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6. A Memory of Light: Chapters 31 - 36
01:19:25||Season 17, Ep. 6What a ride -- Preeti and Jenn suddenly care about Olver (!!?!?!), are very frustrated about Perrin, have their heart broken by Ituralde and Galad, and Rand is fighting The Nothing.Next section, airing next week: Chapter 37, up through the line which includes "Through a gateway, off the battlefield." In Preeti's edition (, it's at the top of page 709, about halfway through this mega-chapter.Payal Mehta's Romance Revenge Plot is out now! and northingtron.redbubble.com5. A Memory of Light: Chapters 25 - 30
01:17:07||Season 17, Ep. 5Battles! Reveals! More battles! Sanderson makes it weird! Preeti and Jenn have, as per usual, talk about what falls flat (not the same for them, actually) and what works well in this uneven banger of a section.Next section (airing in 1 week): Chapters 31 - 36Our updated recording plan:Book episodes will be weeklyShow episodes for WOT S3 will go up the weekend after the episodes airPayal Mehta's Romance Revenge Plot is out now! and northingtron.redbubble.comNEOCITIES4. A Memory of Light: Chapters 17 - 24
01:40:40||Season 17, Ep. 4In which Preeti and Jenn give an update about episode drops for both book and show in the next month, talk about closing open loops, hate on Gawyn as usual, and have ALL THE FEELINGS about certain reunion/parting moments.Next episode: Chapters 25 - 30Payal Mehta's Romance Revenge Plot is out now! and northingtron.redbubble.comNEOCITIES3. A Memory of Light: Chapters 10 - 16
01:48:48||Season 17, Ep. 3In this humdinger of a section, Preeti and Jenn talk pay-offs (Androl!), character moments (Rand!!), frustrations (Mat and Tuon!!! Battle scenes!!!!) and more.Next section: Chapters 17 - 24 inclusivePayal Mehta's Romance Revenge Plot is out now!Love Y'All Fest Atlanta and northingtron.redbubble.comNEOCITIES2. A Memory of Light: Chapters 4 - 9
01:36:59||Season 17, Ep. 2In which Preeti and Jenn talk (again) about pacing, some very good POV choices, character arcs, and still love Pevara and Androl but have some frustrations with their escapades.Next section: Chapters 10 - 16 inclusivePayal Mehta's Romance Revenge Plot is out now!House of and northingtron.redbubble.comNEOCITIES1. A Memory of Light: Prologue - Chapter 3
01:54:59||Season 17, Ep. 1In which Preeti and Jenn are shipping Pevara and Androl and also continue to have structural questions and issues but what else is new.Next episode: A Memory of Light, Chapters 4 - 9 inclusivePayal Mehta's Romance Revenge Plot is out now!House of and northingtron.redbubble.comNEOCITIES8. Towers of Midnight: Chapters 52 - Epilogue
01:41:29||Season 15, Ep. 8In which Preeti and Jenn are not sold on some structural choices (SURPRISE), are very stressed out for Rand, and have a new favorite POV character even though this is the second to last book, what even!!!Next episode: A Memory of Light, Prologue - Chapter 3 inclusivePayal Mehta's Romance Revenge Plot is out now!House of and northingtron.redbubble.com7. Towers of Midnight: Chapters 44 - 51
01:35:36||Season 15, Ep. 7In which Jenn and Preeti have fewer pacing problems because SO MUCH IS HAPPENINGGGGGG! They still have questions, though (as always).Next section: Chapters 52 - end of the book (!)Payal Mehta's Romance Revenge Plot is out now!House of and northingtron.redbubble.com1. The Wheel of Time Season 3: Teaser
13:03||Season 16, Ep. 1The Season 3 teaser is here, and Jenn and Preeti talk their way through (and around, and over, and under, and maybe somewhat to the side on an entirely different road) it.