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Sword of Truth Stories

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  • Story 33: Mosiah 15-17

    14:22||Season 2
    This is the second half is Abinadi’s teachings to the wicked priests and King Noah, which results in his death because he would not refuse to lie!

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  • Story 32: Mosiah 12-14

    12:10||Season 2
    This is the first half of Abinadi’s teachings to the wicked priests and King Noah.
  • Story 31: Mosiah 11

    17:12||Season 2
    The story of King Noah’s wickedness and Abinadi’s mission to preach to the people in the land of Nephi.
  • Story 30: Mosiah 9-10

    15:55||Season 2
    This is the story of King Zeniff’s reign in the land of Nephi and his people’s wars with the Lamanites before he passed the kingdom onto his son, King Noah.
  • Story 29: Mosiah 7-8

    14:31||Season 2
    After King Mosiah began to reign in the land of Zarahemla, he sent a group of men, led by Ammon, to find the land of Nephi and the group of people who had ventured off years before. Listen to hear what they discovered!
  • Story 28: Mosiah 4-6

    15:27||Season 2
    The rest of King Benjamin’s address to the people of Zarahemla! They covenanted with God to keep His commandments and were filled with His spirit in return.
  • Story 27: Mosiah 3-4

    15:54||Season 2
    This is the continuation of King Benjamin’s teachings to the people of Zarahemla from his tall tower by the temple—mostly his recounting of the words an angel spoke to him one night. Featuring “Old McDonald” :)