Sword of Truth Stories

  • Story 46: Alma 12-13

    19:13||Season 2
    Need a refresher on WHY a cherubim and flaming sword were sent to keep Adam and Eve away from the Tree of Life? Want to learn more about Melchizedek and why God named His highest priesthood available to us after this great man? Listen in to find out!Featuring “I Lived in Heaven” by Janeen Jacobs Brady
  • Story 45: Alma 11-12

    19:13||Season 2
    Find out how Zeezrom tries to trap Alma and Amulek, and then hear how Alma explains that Satan is really trying to trap Zeezrom!
  • Story 44: Alma 9-10

    13:20||Season 2
    This is the beginning of Alma and Amulek’s preaching to the people of Ammonihah.
  • Story 43: Alma 6-8

    15:29||Season 2
    This is the story of Alma’s travels and teachings to the people of Gideon and Mulek. He starts to preach in Ammonihah then gets kicked out and is ministered to by an angel on his way to the land of Aaron..
  • Story 42: Alma 3-5

    17:51||Season 2
    This is the story of Alma giving up his position as Chief Judge to Nephihah so that he could travel the land as the high priest, teaching and preaching about Christ.Featuring “Search, Ponder, and Pray” by Jaclyn Thomas Milne and Carol Baker Black.
  • Story 41: Alma 2

    15:56||Season 2
    This is the story of some Nephites dissenting and choosing Amlici to be their king. He leads them to war against Alma’s army and joins up with the Lamanites to attack Zarahemla. In the strength of the Lord, the Nephites prevail!
  • Story 40: Alma 1

    14:20||Season 2
    I’m continuing with Book of Mormon Stories instead of telling stories from the Doctrine and Covenants, and I explain why in this episode. I also tell the story of the first few years of Alma’s reign as chief judge and how he dealt with Nehor.
  • Story 39: Mosiah 28-29

    14:57||Season 2
    This is the story of King Mosiah’s last days as king in the land of Zarahemla and what he and the people decide to do with the kingdom.
  • Story 38: Mosiah 27

    20:04||Season 2
    This is the story of the angel visiting Alma the Younger (why don’t we call him Alma Jr.??) and the Sons of Mosiah as well as Alma’s subsequent conversion.