
Bret Alderman
Ep. 13
Bret Alderman is a writer and life coach. His book Symptom, Symbol, and the Other of Language: A Jungian interpretation of the linguistic turn examines the linguistic turn of the twentieth century and goes into some detail on the works of postmodern thinkers such as Richard Rorty, Michel Foucault, and Jacques Derrida in a way that makes sometimes complex ideas approachable and understandable. He suggests that the linguistic turn has resulted in a neglect of consideration of the experiential, animate body and has resulted in a rift between language and materiality.
More information on Bret can be found on his website
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14. Kathleen Stock
01:01:39||Ep. 14Kathleen Stock is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Sussex in the UK. She is an analytic philosopher with research interests in philosophical questions around the topics of sex, gender, sexual orientation, fiction, and the imagination. Her book Material Girls, published by Fleet/Little Brown, came out in May 2021. In her spare time she loves ‘reading fiction, cooking, eating, shouting at the telly, and being outside’. More information about Kathleen can be found on her website kathleenstock.comPhoto by Laerke Olsvig.12. Frankie Gaffney
01:04:41||Ep. 12Frankie Gaffney is a writer and linguist from Dublin City, Ireland. His debut novel, Dublin Seven, was published by Liberties Press in 2015. Articles by Frankie Gaffney published in the Dublin InquirerFrankie interviews author David Scott for the Irish Times11. Alice Dreger
01:07:58||Ep. 11Alice Dreger is a writer, historian and academic from New York. She is probably best well known for her book Galileo’s Middle Finger: Heretics, Activists, and one Scholar’s Search for Justice which was a New York Times editor’s choice. Her other books include Hermaphrodites and the Medical Invention of Sex and also One of Us: Conjoined Twins and the Future of Normal. She is the recipient of numerous awards for her writing and research and was the inaugural recipient of the Courage Award from the Heterodox Academy. She has written articles for the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, the Guardian, the Atlantic, WIRED, the Chronicle of Higher Education, and many other publications. When Bari Weiss wrote the article for the New York Times which popularised the term ‘Intellectual Dark Web’ back in 2018, Alice Dreger was to be one of the ‘renegade intellectuals’ originally set to be included in the piece but she herself asked to be left out of the piece. Her Ted Talk ‘Is Anatomy Destiny’ was presented at TEDxNorthwesternU in 2010 and has over a million views. Alice now lives in the city of East Lansing, Michigan, in the United States where she founded the local news organisation East Lansing Info (Eli).You can read more about Alice on her blog. If you are a student or a teacher in a college or university in the United States and interested in, or impacted by, restrictions on research, speech or writing you should check out the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE).10. Janice Fiamengo
01:01:18||Ep. 10Janice Fiamengo taught English at the University of Ottawa where she was a Professor of English for sixteen years. She is the creator of the Fiamengo File, a series of videos about academic feminism, freedom of speech, and men’s issues. In 2018, she published Sons of Feminism: Men Have Their Say, a collection of personal essays by men about being male in a feminist culture. She can be found on Twitter @JaniceFiamengoThe Fiamengo File Season 1: where all the Fiamengo Files can be found (in the Playlists section): book Sons of Feminism: Men Have Their Say. Ottawa: Little Nightingale Press, 2018 can be bought via Amazon: Helen Pluckrose
51:04||Ep. 9Helen Pluckrose is a writer and editor with a background in the Humanities. She is the editor of Areo magazine. Helen, along with James Lindsay and Peter Boghossian, were the people behind the so called ‘Grievance Studies Project’ which exposed some of the problems in academia today. The three of them wrote a series of hoax academic papers which contained some fairly ludicrous ideas and then went on to get some of the papers published in academic journals.Since then, Helen has been working on the book Cynical Theories with James Lindsay. The book was published last month. It examines activist scholarship and the contemporary focus on race, gender, and identity, and the problems this causes both within academia and in the wider society.You can buy the book Cynical Theories here: is a link to a documentary video by Mike Nayna about the Grievance Studies project: Magazine is here: Poet Mark Roper
43:29||Ep. 8Mark Roper was born in Derbyshire, England, in 1951. He moved to Ireland with his partner Jane in 1980 and has lived in Ireland ever since. He has seven collections of poetry published including his latest book ‘Bindweed’ which was published by Dedalus in 2017. ‘Bindweed’ was shortlisted for The Irish Times Poetry Now Award, as was Mark’s previous book ‘A Gather of Shadow’ which won the Michael Hartnett Award in 2014. He has worked on many collaborative projects down through the years including three books with the photographer Paddy Dwan: ‘The River Book: A Celebration of the Suir’, ‘The Backstrand: Tramore’s Open Secret’, and ‘Comeragh: Mountain, Coum, River, Rumour’. They are currently working on a book about the County Waterford coastline. He has written two librettos for operas composed by Eric Sweeney. Mark was editor of ‘Poetry Ireland’ for 1999. He has taught creative writing and literature classes for over twenty-five years. He was writer-in-residence at Waterford Regional Hospital from September 2002 to May 2003.Mark’s website: to buy his latest collection ‘Bindweed’, published by Dedalus in 2017: Stella O'Malley
56:20||Ep. 7Stella O’Malley is a psychotherapist, bestselling author, and public speaker. She is also a regular contributor to the Irish Independent, Sunday Independent, Newstalk radio and Today FM. Her first book, ‘Cotton Wool Kids’, was released in 2015 and her bestseller 'Bully-Proof Kids: Practical tools to help kids grow up confident, resilient and strong' was released in 2017. Stella’s latest book ‘Fragile: Why are we feeling more stressed, anxious and overwhelmed than ever before’, which focuses on overcoming anxiety was released by Gill Books in April 2019.In 2018 Stella presented the acclaimed documentary ‘Trans Kids: It’s Time To Talk’ which examined the huge rise in the numbers of young people embarking on gender transition. Here’s a link to that programme: more information on Stella you can check out her website at: and she can be found on Twitter @stellaomalley3 Some links to material and information recommended by Stella:4th Wave Now: ‘Irreversible Damage’ by Abigail Shrier: Service Executive Ireland ‘Gender Dysphoria’: Marchiano psychotherapist: Schools Alliance UK: Ayad (of ‘Inspired Teen Therapy’) on Youtube: for Evidence Based Gender Medicine: Trend: Ewan Morrison
01:00:15||Ep. 6Ewan Morrison is one of Scotland’s leading contemporary writers. His seventh novel, NINA X, won the 2019 Saltire Scottish Book of the Year. He has written articles for the Guardian as well as all the other leading UK newspapers as well as for online publications and magazines. His TEDx talk ‘Why We Would Be Happier Without Utopia’ was recorded in 2016. Links to some of his articles and his TEDx talk are included below. He can be found on Twitter @MrEwanMorrisonAwards & accolades:Winner - Saltire Society Scottish Fiction Book of the Year 2019Longlist - Not the Booker Prize (Guardian) 2019Winner - Scottish Book of the Year - Novel Prize 2013Winner - Glenfiddich Scottish Writer of the year 2012/13Winner - Not the Booker Prize (Guardian) 2012Finalist - Saltire Society Book of the Year 2012Finalist -Creative Scotland Writer of the Year Award 2012Finalist -The Prince Maurice Award for Love Stories 2007Finalist - Arena Magazine Man of the Year Literature Prize 2006Number 22 in the top 50 Scottish books of the Last 50 years. The List. 2013Finalist - BAFTA Scotland x 2 Best New Director and Best New Writer. 2002Finalist - The Michael Powell Award for Best British Feature Film 2015Winner - Royal Television Society Best Regional Drama 2002Winner - Special Mention at the Pescara Film Festival 2001Winner - The Audience Prize. Festivale de Sainte Livrade 2001Winner - Special Mention. Napoli Film Festival 1998 Ewan’s website: article in Psychology Today ‘The Road to Hell is Paved With Good Intentions’: article from Areo Magazine ‘Why Utopian Communities Fail’ to for the book NINA X: