
cover art for Somewhere To Believe In

Somewhere To Believe In

A Greenbelt Podcast

All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey... and we’re back for the second series of Somewhere To Believe In, a podcast by the people who bring you Greenbelt Festival.Each week we’ll meet brilliant guests and chat to

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  • 2. In the Bleak Midwinter

    35:16||Season 3.5, Ep. 2
    This episode of Greenbelt’s ‘Somewhere To Believe In’ comes in the form of a one-off Christmas reflection; brought to you by our friend Beloved Sara Zaltash, a ‘non-denominational rabble-rouser and soul-soother for a world in crisis’. It was our pleasure to welcome Beloved Sara to Greenbelt for the first time this year, along with her heavenly spiritual chants and adaptation of the Islamic Call to Prayer. And now she’s back again, reflecting on Christmas, with personal stories of community, songs of hope and prayers of blessings. As Beloved Sara says, we hope ‘you gather around these sounds in warmth and with whatever is dear to you, and that these words shine a beacon of friendship into your Christmas season.’ This episode features strong language and references to drugs._Late this November, Greenbelt Festival’s Creative Director, Paul Northup, called me with a request to collaborate on something like a podcast, that wasn’t quite a podcast, to be shared with the Greenbelt community this Christmastime. I wish I could say that the first emotion I experienced was humility. I wish I was that saint! In truth, I was overwhelmed with giddy delight. Was I really being asked to share my thoughts, stories and songs with the Greenbelt community, that vital and gorgeous and exceptionally kind bunch of people that had won my heart this summer when I performed at the festival? In truth, it took a whole afternoon of pinching myself before the thrill of Paul’s request subsided, before I could settle into what was being asked of me. Did Greenbelters really want to hear more from me? What can I give them, poor as I am? As the start of Advent loomed, Paul and I realised that the task ahead was greater than the time available, and that we needed a different approach. Paul wondered about centering the not-exactly-a-podcast on my voice, seeing as it was my voice that had been received so kindly by Greenbelters at the festival. It was then that I remembered a piece of storytelling I had written for a guest slot at Sunday Assembly East End in December 2016 - a personal story, woven with song, that was Christmassy and yet not-exactly-Christmassy. This story is what we have chosen to share with you this year. Funnily enough, Sunday Assembly thought that the story was actually too Christian for their congregation. For me, this story abridges my whole life’s experience of sincere acceptance, inclusion and welcome into Christian community, regardless of how I have shown up. This story does not promote any specific belief or doctrine, except perhaps the belief in the redemptive power of song. That’s what we have to give you; we give our hearts. Thank you for all of the support and willingness offered by the Greenbelt team and not-quite-podcast contributors. Thank you especially to Abigail Maxwell, a Greenbelter and Quaker who provides us with a sobering prayer of blessing that we can hold alongside the gladness of the season. I pray that our offering greets you in the finest health, that you gather around these sounds in warmth and with whatever is dear to you, and that these words shine a beacon of friendship into your Christmas season.Yours ever, Your own, Beloved Sara Zaltash_00:00 - Introduction01:45 - In the bleak midwinter07:33 - A Christmas song10:04 - Eric16:16 - School28:10 - Merry Christmas28:37 - A prayer of blessing31:04 - ‘In the Bleak Midwinter’ song

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  • 1. The Job of Paradise

    46:28||Season 3.5, Ep. 1
    This episode of Greenbelt’s ‘Somewhere To Believe In’ podcast takes a different form. It’s a one-off.It knits together 45-minutes of reflection, conversation, music and prayer in the form of a listen-and-share service to mark the festival’s 2021 August Bank Holiday weekend incarnation (its 48th) – when only a fraction of the wider Greenbelt community could actually physically be together at the Prospect Farm pop-up camping gathering. The hope is that the audio form of the service will give everyone the chance to share and be connected in a unifying act of remembrance – wherever they are. Ideally, the audio is designed to be shared in and listened to at 11am on Sunday 29th August. But, of course, it can be listened to at any time. Again and again.The podcast takes its title from a wonderful poem by the poet Roger Robinson. It also features music from Soul Sanctuary Gospel Choir and the Wild Goose Resources Group, conversations with activists from Christian Aid, Trussell Trust and Refuweegee and readings and prayers led by Greenbelt’s from all corners of the UK. It is lovingly curated and narrated by Pádraig Ó Tuama – poet, theologian, and conflict mediator. (Pádraig also presents 'Poetry Unbound', a podcast from On Being studios.)____ORDER OF SERVICEDownload the order of service here____SUPPORTLast year – despite our not being together – you gave an incredible £33,000 in response to our service appeal. This year, let’s see if we can top that generosity!This year, your generous giving will be split 50/50 once again.50% will go towards the vital work that our partners Christian Aid and Trussell Trust do to challenge, advocate, develop and support – globally and domestically.And 50% will stay with us here at Greenbelt as we work to make sure the festival remains sustainable in these most challenging of times. So we can be back in the fields at Boughton House for a fully-fledged festival in 2022 – and beyond.Give here____LINKS AND RESOURCESPádraig Ó TuamaRoger RobinsonSoul Sanctuary Gospel ChoirChristian Aid in South SudanTrussell TrustGlasgow protesters praised for blocking UK immigration officersRefuweegeeWild Goose Resource Group____FEATURED TRACKS‘Lenten Psalm Tone’ by Soul Sanctuary‘Heaven Shall Not Wait’ by WGRG, Iona Community‘People Get Ready’ by Soul Sanctuary Gospel Choir____00:00 - Prayer for the earth00:35 - Welcome to ‘The Job of Paradise’01:49 - ‘The Job of Paradise’ read by Roger Robinson02:30 - Pádraig speaks to Roger Robinson10:33 - Prayer for the artists11:35 - ‘Psalm 27’ by Soul Sanctuary Gospel Choir16:26 - Chine McDonald and James Wani on aid in South Sudan (Christian Aid)21:32 - Prayer for those affected by war22:34 - Pádraig and Jonathan Lees on food banks (Trussell Trust)27:19 - Scriptural reading28:31 - Confession29:50 - Prayer for those responsible for racism30:26 - ‘Heaven Shall Not Wait’ by Wild Goose Resource Group32:39 - Pádraig speaks to Selina Hales (Refuweegee) about Glasgow immigration standoff38:21 - ‘Heaven Shall Not Wait’ by Wild Goose Resource Group38:56 - Prayer for friendship39:40 - ‘People Get Ready’ by Soul Sanctuary Gospel Choir42:34 - Prayer for our societies43:17 - A chance for conversation and response43:57 - Welcome back44:13 - Giving45:19 - Blessing46:15 - Thank you and credits____WITH HUGE THANKS TO ALL OF OUR CONTRIBUTORSSERVICE WRITER, NARRATOR AND HOSTPádraig Ó Tuama is a poet, theologian, and conflict mediator. He presents PoetryUnbound, a podcast from On Being studios.Website: padraigotuama.comTwitter: @duanallaGUEST ARTISTRoger Robinson is a writer, educator, and performer. His most recent collection ofpoems, A Portable Paradise, won the TS Eliot prize in 2020.Website: rogerrobinsononline.comTwitter: @rrobinson72GUEST ACTIVISTSSelina Hales is the Founder and Director of Refuweegee, a Glasgow-based charityequipping the local community to welcome and support refugees and asylumseekers making their homes in the city.Website: @SelinaHalesGreenbelt Partner Christian Aid is a UK-based charity whose mission is thecreation of a world where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty.Chine McDonald is Christian Aid’s Head of Public Engagement. She was inconversation with James Wani, Christian Aid’s country director in South Sudan.Website: @ChineMcDonald @christian_aidGreenbelt Partner The Trussell Trust is a charity working to eliminate poverty andhunger in the UK. They support a nationwide network of Foodbanks.Jonathan Lees is manager at Epsom FoodbankWebsite: trusselltrust.orgTwitter: @jonathanlees55 @TrussellTrustMUSICSoul Sanctuary Gospel Choir is a London-based gospel choir committed to creatingand sharing gospel music of the highest standard, especially in the places wheregospel’s power to raise the human spirit is most needed. You can find more of theirmusic via their website.Website: soulsanctuarygospel.comTwitter: @soulsanctuarygcLenten Psalm ToneMusic Edwin Fawcett, Lyrics Psalm 26/27 copyright Grail Psalter, performed bySoul Sanctuary Gospel Choir, from the album With All Your Soul (2013).People Get ReadyMusic and Lyrics Curtis Mayfield, arranged Peter Yarde Martin, performed by SoulSanctuary Gospel ChoirWild Goose Resource Group (WGRG) is a semi-autonomous project of the IonaCommunity. The Iona Community is a dispersed Christian community working forpeace, social justice, the rebuilding of community and the renewal of worship.Website: @ionacommunityHeaven Shall Not WaitWords: John L. Bell & Graham MauleMusic: John L. Bell copyright © 1987 WGRG, Iona Community, Glasgow.wildgoose.scotRecording from the CD ‘Heaven Shall Not Wait’ copyright ℗ 1991 WGRG, IonaCommunity, Glasgow.PRAYERS AND READERSUriel, Felice and Evodie Thornbury – young family members of the Hilfield FriaryFranciscan Community in DorsetVicky and Eve Allen, Greenbeters from East LothianGeraint Rees, Greenbelter and CODA festival team member from Rhondda Cynon TafProducerPaul NorthupEngineerJosh Clipsham, Greenbelt VolunteerRecorded Talks and Podcast TeamRecordistJake Bussell, Greenbelt VolunteerRecorded Talks and Podcast TeamPublisherDaisy Ware-Jarett, Greenbelt DigitalComms OfficerAdditional supportEmily Rawling, Executive Assistant andCopy Editor for Pádraig Ó Tuama____
  • 8. Grace with Nadia Bolz-Weber

    01:04:49||Season 3, Ep. 8
    It’s the final episode in series three of our podcast *cries*, and some might say we’ve saved the best ‘til last. We get to it with festival friend and everyone's favourite Lutheran minister, Nadia Bolz-Weber.With her usual candour, humour and joy Nadia talks about her experiences growing up within a very particular, conservative Christian tradition, her journey away from Christian faith as a young adult and into other spaces that helped her heal, and her return to the fold later on; building a church from the ground-up, based on all the ‘good bits’.Plus, we have a refreshingly honest chat about religion, sin, struggle and sex. And that time Nadia had a sculpture of a vagina made from melted down purity rings. (You can play along at home by having a drink of your choice every time Nadia says “vagina”.)Katherine and Paul reflect on a year of podcasting and lockdowns and we respond to some messages from you lovely lot.Links, resources and episode timestamps (for all you skippers out there) below.____ABOUT NADIA BOLZ-WEBERNadia Bolz-Weber is an ordained Lutheran Pastor, founder of House for All Sinners & Saints in Denver, Co, the creator and host of The Confessional Podcast and the author of three NYT bestselling memoirs: Pastrix; The Cranky, Beautiful Faith Of A Sinner & Saint (Re-released 2021), Accidental Saints; Finding God In All The Wrong People (2015) and SHAMELESS; A Sexual Reformation (2019). She writes and speaks about personal failings, recovery, grace, faith, and really whatever the hell else she wants to. She always sits in the corner with the other weirdos. Read more from Nadia in The Corners or connect with her and other spiritual misfits in a pop-up Chapel for conversation, daily prayer, and exclusive content by visiting | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram____LINKS AND RESOURCESNadia’s talks at GreenbeltFresh ExpressionsHouse for All Sinners and SaintsConfessional podcastFeminist Pastor Unveils Vulva Sculpture Made Of Old Purity RingsMore Graves Found At New Site, Canadian Indigenous Group Says____00:00 - Welcome to Somewhere To Believe In00:47 - Katherine and Paul catch up05:58 - Introducing Nadia Bolz-Weber06:32 - Nadia joins the conversation07:10 - Nadia on Greenbelt Festival10:30 - Nadia on the Lutheran church20:40 - Nadia on founding House for All Sinners and Saints29:14 - Nadia on struggle and optimism33:00 - Nadia on sex36:54 - Nadia on negative feedback39:49 - Nadia on grace41:10 - Nadia on insults44:33 - Katherine and Paul reflect on the conversation with Nadia01:02:04 - How to get in touch with us01:02:39 - Thank you’s01:03:28 - Hidden tracks____A huge thanks to the Greenbelt Volunteer Talks Team for all their hard work on editing this episode. Our podcast music is ‘I Can Change’ by Lee Bains III & The Glory Fires.____
  • 7. Liberation with Danté Stewart

    58:37||Season 3, Ep. 7
    This week – in what may be the best recommendation we’ve ever had – we’re talking to theologian, former American footballer, and probably Rowan Williams' biggest fanboy, Danté Stewart.With fire in his belly, Danté “takes us to church”, telling us the story of his own faith journey; from his childhood spent learning of Black revolutionary power, to his full immersion into white evangelical culture as a college football star. And, ultimately, his decision to turn his back on white evangelicalism and to re-nourish and re-build his spirituality and identity as a Black man instead.Plus, all this gets Katherine and Paul asking: what does healthy religion look like? And how can Greenbelt go beyond showcasing diverse performers and do more to create spaces that are designed for everyone?Links, resources and episode timestamps (for all you skippers out there) below.____ABOUT DANTÉ STEWARTDanté Stewart is a writer and speaker whose voice has been featured on CNN, The Washington Post, Religion News Service, Christianity Today, Sojourners, The Witness: A Black Christian Collective, Comment Magazine, and more. As an up-and-coming voice, he writes and speaks into the areas of Black literature, embodiment, and theology. He received his B.A. in Sociology from Clemson University. He is currently studying at the Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta, Ga. Website | Twitter | Instagram ____LINKS AND RESOURCESUnder The Skin With Russell Brand: #105 Alienation and Extremism w/ Angela NagleRowan WilliamsWhere to Start with Octavia ButlerCulture And Imperialism by Edward SaidHarry and Meghan detail royal struggles, from discussions of baby's skin tone to suicidal thoughtsThe Divided Mind of the Black Church: Theology, Piety, and Public WitnessThe Black Arts Movement (1965-1975)It is like growing up black one more time by Toni MorrisonClemson UniversityTwo Days, Two Deaths: The Police Shootings Of Alton Sterling And Philando CastileThe Fire Next Time by James BaldwinAudre Lorde____00:00 - Welcome to Somewhere To Believe In00:47 - Katherine and Paul catch up08:08 - Introducing Danté Stewart08:06 - Danté joins the conversation09:40 - Danté on the pandemic 13:40 - Danté on staying resilient20:00 - Danté on history and change24:50 - Danté on growing up28:00 - Danté on white institutional spaces32:10 - Danté on exile from those spaces37:50 - Danté on his faith journey43:08 - Katherine and Paul reflect on the conversation with Danté55:35 - Next week on the podcast56:32 - How to get in touch with us57:10 - Thank you’s58:00 - Hidden track____A huge thanks to the Greenbelt Volunteer Talks Team for all their hard work on editing this episode. Our podcast music is ‘I Can Change’ by Lee Bains III & The Glory Fires.____
  • 6. Humanism with Andrew Copson

    01:09:41||Season 3, Ep. 6
    Get your best philosophical hats out for this episode because we’re doing a deep dive into the not-so-holy-trinity of dinner table topics – religion, politics and belief – with Andrew Copson, Chief Executive of Humanists UK.Andrew gives us the 411 on what it means to be a Humanist. And we wrestle with some meaty questions, like: Where does morality come from? Are religions dying out? Can good ever come from causing offence? And does it really matter what we choose to believe?Plus, Katherine, Paul and Andrew share in their admiration for Frank Turner, a proud humanist and iconic Greenbelt Festival headliner. And Katherine gives us our first lesson in the history of Anarchism... and it might not be what you expect.Links, resources and episode timestamps (for all you skippers out there) below.____ABOUT ANDREW COPSONAndrew Copson was appointed Chief Executive of Humanists UK in 2009, having previously been its Director of Education and Public Affairs. He is also the current President of Humanists International, a position he’s held since 2015. His books include The Little Book of Humanism (2020) and The Little Book of Humanist Weddings (2021) with Alice Roberts; Secularism: a very short introduction (Oxford University Press, 2019); The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Humanism (2015) with A C Grayling. His writing on humanist and secularist issues has appeared in The Guardian, The Independent, The Times and New Statesman as well as in various journals.Website | Facebook | Twitter____LINKS AND RESOURCESMethodist Church allows same-sex marriage in 'momentous' voteHumanists UKFrank Turner - Glory HallelujahLittle Book of Humanismhumanist (n.)AnarchismTwo Monkeys Were Paid Unequally: Excerpt from Frans de Waal's TED TalkNicholas WalterTeacher suspended for showing a picture of Prophet Muhammad refuses to return to work over fears for his life ____00:00 - Welcome to Somewhere To Believe In00:47 - Katherine and Paul catch up05:16 - Introducing Andrew Copson05:46 - Andrew joins the conversation06:10 - Andrew on lockdown07:06 - Andrew on Frank Turner08:35 - Andrew on Humanism12:30 - Andrew on morality16:20 - Andrew on restoration19:30 - Andrew on social codes21:20 - Andrew on religious trends27:22 - Andrew on his Humanism30:27 - Andrew on blasphemy and offence35:52 - Andrew on beliefs and values40:30 - Andrew on certainty42:20 - Andrew on challenging power49:05 - Katherine and Paul reflect on the conversation with Andrew01:06:05 - Next week on the podcast 01:07:05 - How to get in touch with us 01:07:38 - Thank you’s01:08:24 - Hidden track____A huge thanks to the Greenbelt Volunteer Talks Team for all their hard work on editing this episode. Our podcast music is ‘I Can Change’ by Lee Bains III & The Glory Fires.____
  • 5. Interdependence with Mpho Tutu van Furth

    01:05:12||Season 3, Ep. 5
    We’re feeling humbled and full of love this week as we chat to artist, speaker, writer and priest, Mpho Tutu van Furth.Mpho tells us about her experiences living under apartheid as a young girl and the freedom and justice that so many South Africans, including her family, fought for.We also hear about Mpho’s journey into priesthood and how she reluctantly handed her license back to the church after their (unfortunately unsurprising) reaction to her ‘lovely can of worms’ – AKA falling in love with a woman. Perhaps most importantly, Mpho reminds us how interconnected and interdependent we all are, and that showing a little bit of care can do a whole lot of good.Plus, Katherine and Paul reflect on some similarities they see between Mpho’s apartheid memories and life in modern-day Palestine. Like the rest of us, Paul and Katherine jump on the football bandwagon, and Katherine officially joins the #FreeBritney movement. Links, resources and episode timestamps (for all you skippers out there) below.____ABOUT MPHO TUTU VAN FURTHThe Reverend Canon Mpho Tutu van Furth is an episcopal priest, an artist, an author, an accomplished public speaker and retreat facilitator. She has had many roles in non-profit leadership. She was the founding executive director of the Desmond & Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation. She continues to work for environmental justice, human rights and equal access to opportunity for all people without regard to race, class or gender. With her wife, Marceline, she has established and is Executive Director of the Tutu Teach Foundation to enhance access to opportunity for women and girls. Ms. Tutu van Furth and her wife live in the Netherlands. They have four children and two (amazing) grandchildren.Website | Instagram | Facebook____LINKS AND RESOURCESWhy Longtime Britney Spears Fans Are Demanding to #FreeBritneyDid Rudiger try and bite Pogba?A history of Apartheid in South AfricaDomas: Carrying Apartheid’s bookThe June 16 Soweto Youth UprisingSpace and power in South Africa: The township as a mechanism of controlThe Desmond & Leah Tutu Legacy FoundationWhat does ubuntu really mean?Truth and Reconciliation Commission____00:00 - Welcome to Somewhere To Believe In00:48 - Katherine and Paul catch up00:00 - Katherine and Paul on Prospect Farm08:49 - Introducing Mpho Tutu van Furth09:52 - Mpho joins the conversation10:05 - Mpho on lockdown13:27 - Mpho on South African identity16:49 - Mpho on the living under apartheid23:33 - Mpho on privilege27:05 - Mpho on her journey to priesthood29:00 - Mpho on Marceline 33:58 - Mpho on church and her sexuality36:00 - Mpho on small acts of kindness38:00 - Mpho on personal spirituality 40:56 - Mpho on being loving43:47 - Mpho on ubuntu44:50 - Mpho on enjoying the journey47:18 - Mpho on forgiveness48:13 - Katherine and Paul reflect on the conversation with Mpho01:01:20 - Next week on the podcast 01:01:58 - How to get in touch with us 01:02:35 - Thank you’s01:03:24 - Hidden track____A huge thanks to the Greenbelt Volunteer Talks Team for all their hard work on editing this episode. Our podcast music is ‘I Can Change’ by Lee Bains III & The Glory Fires.____
  • 4. Community with Rabbi Herschel Gluck

    01:00:45||Season 3, Ep. 4
    This week we bask in the warmth of Rabbi Herschel Gluck – an incredible Orthodox Jewish leader  – whose entire life seems to be one big act of love. Aside from being in awe of Rabbi Gluck’s gentle soul and kind nature, we talk about his life-long dedication to his community, his outlook on the good that could come from the pandemic and his belief that we can work together to create a better future; without losing sight of our own traditions, cultures and values.Rabbi Gluck also shares how he still struggles to grasp the effect that the Holocaust had on his family, and speaks of the continuous trauma generations of Jewish communities still experience because of it.Plus, Katherine and Paul update us on the plans for Prospect Farm and get an unexpected visit from our new podcast sponsors, Hello Fresh.Promo code: JustKidding.Links, resources and episode timestamps (for all you skippers out there) below.____ABOUT RABBI HERSCHEL GLUCKRabbi Herschel Gluck OBE is a British Rabbi based in Stamford Hill in North East London. Born in London and based in the city for most of his life, he is a committed member of a wider ‘global village’, having studied at Yeshivos in France, Canada and the USA and working with communities across the world. Rabbi Gluck was appointed an OBE in the 2013 New Year Honours for services to interfaith understanding. In the past year he has been quoted in British Parliament for his lifetime commitment to inter-communal understanding and his work countering Anti-Semitism in the UK.____LINKS AND RESOURCESOysgezoomt: The Yiddish word of 2020HolocaustKindertransportTzedakahThe ScreamRabbi Herschel Gluck’s talks at Greenbelt Festival____00:00 - Welcome to Somewhere To Believe In00:48 - Katherine and Paul catch up05:00 - Katherine and Paul on Prospect Farm06:46 - Introducing Rabbi Herschel Gluck07:22 - Rabbi Gluck joins the conversation08:10 - Rabbi Gluck on becoming a Rabbi09:47 - Rabbi Gluck on duty and care11:40 - Rabbi Gluck on finding precious moments12:45 - Rabbi Gluck on lockdown14:09 - Rabbi Gluck on community15:30 - Rabbi Gluck on modern Judaism 20:30 - Rabbi Gluck on generations of Jewish experience23:50 - Rabbi Gluck on change27:00 - Rabbi Gluck on Greenbelt Festival28:10 - Rabbi Gluck on being interfaith and refugees34:00 - Rabbi Gluck on charity36:50 - Rabbi Gluck on being humble 38:08 - Rabbi Gluck on art as connection 40:57 - Katherine and Paul reflect on the conversation with Rabbi Gluck57:54 - Next week on the podcast 58:41 - How to get in touch with us 59:30 - Thank you’s01:00:19 - Hidden track____A huge thanks to the Greenbelt Volunteer Talks Team for all their hard work on editing this episode. Our podcast music is ‘I Can Change’ by Lee Bains III & The Glory Fires.____