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Antibiotikaresistens del 2

Season 1, Ep. 11


Vi intervjuer en av verdens fremste eksperter og forskere på antimikrobiell resistens: Adam Roberts fra Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine! Episoden finnes også i engelsk versjon.

References/supplementary reading:

1. Allel K, Day L, Hamilton A, Lin L, Furuya-Kanamori L, Moore CE, et al. Global antimicrobial-resistance drivers: an ecological country-level study at the human-animal interface. Lancet Planet Health. 2023;7(4):e291-e303.

2. Roberts AP. Swab and Send: a citizen science, antibiotic discovery project. Future Sci OA. 2020;6(6):FSO477.

3. AMR Review.

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