
cover art for Day 342 || Other Your Inner Voice

Make Your Damn Bed

Day 342 || Other Your Inner Voice

If you’re like most people, the voice inside your head is probably pretty incessant. It’s probably very critical and anxious.  

That voice is not you. If it was you, it wouldn’t need to share all of it’s wild ideas with you. You would know the message and have already made decisions, instead you engage in these dialogues or arguments with yourself because you’re not that voice. You know it’s wrong or mean or negative and you recognize it. The work you must do is continue to recognize it. Continue to notice when it’s chatting with you. Other the voice and name it, or address it with love - because in reality the voice is looking out for you in the only way it knows how. Which, yeah, we can agree this voice is not a great parent, but it does love us. So address this voice, ask it to sit down. Hear it out, and then thank it for its concern. Remind it you’re safe and that the advice it is sharing is not helpful or needed at the moment. 

Then you can move on with you leading the way, rather than this wildcard with random ideas and thoughts leading you through fear. Other it, welcome it, and recognize our thoughts and feelings are often valid but not always rooted in truth or reality. 

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