
cover art for Day 333 || Shake Out

Make Your Damn Bed

Day 333 || Shake Out

A joyful movement technique that I am slowly beginning to really love is the shakeout method. If you ever feel the need to shake off bad vibes, a rough day, or a weird energy, this is the move. Shakeouts are also great for just giving yourself an energy boost or getting you out of your head when you’ve had a bit of thought chaos happening. 

I recognize that every body is different, so if I mention something that isn’t available to you, adapt or ignore it and follow only what feels appropriate to your body, mind, and space, today. 

If it’s comfortable and safe for you to do so, just spend the next few minutes literally shaking your body in any way that feels good to you. Do it in your chair, stand up if you can, whatever works and feels right and good in YOUR beautiful and unique body.  

Shimmy and jiggle your shit until the next part of you wants to shimmy and jiggle along with it. You can do this in silence, but it’s honestly far more fun and feels less strange with music - so I encourage you to find time to put on a song and literally vibrate. 

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