
Practice | Sensing Place
This is the first of the Lifeworlds ‘bonus’ episodes, designed to help us tune in somatically to the living world. We need to be grounding our connection to other lifeworlds into our very bodies for them to become lasting and real. Here we discover how to access these states through things like mindfulness, art, wilderness practices and poetry.
Today's exercise is about understanding the ground we stand on. The place that we call home. After a brief introduction, I present a series of prompts for you to do in your own time, over several weeks and months. It involves mapping out ecosystems, following trails of water, making a calendar of minute shifts in nature's ebbs and flows, and tuning in to the humming frequencies of what's around you.
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Soulfire Sessions II: with David McConville
01:02:37||Season 3, Ep. 0David McConville is a transdisciplinary artist and researcher who explores how technology shapes our perspectives of Earth—from local places to our cosmic context. Our conversation examines how worldviews influence infrastructure, using Los Angeles as a case study. We explore the paradigm of "living infrastructure," discussing how David's studio Spherical collaborates with communities and organizations to develop mapping and co-design tools. Even if you’re not in LA, this episode offers valuable insights into how communities can work together to create resilient infrastructure systems that honor their unique cultural needs and local environments.Links:Spherical StudioSpherical LabsLiving Infrastructure Field Kit David McConville : When Utopia is OblivionBio:David McConville is co-founder and lead cosmographer of Spherical, a strategic design and integrative research studio based in xučyun / Oakland, CA. His PhD in Art and Media from Plymouth University examined how cosmological perspectives shape cultural imaginaries and ecological practices.Look out for meditations, poems, readings, and other snippets of inspiration in between episodes.Music: Electric Ethnicity by Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock & Ellie KiddFrom Your Host: Season’s Reflections and Q&A
01:10:19||Season 3, Ep. 0In this episode, I share some reflections on Season 2, before diving into our first listener-guided Q&A! You’ll be hearing from fellow listeners who enquired on topics like: Earth-centered governance De-extinction Alternative economies Language and stories about nature Which lifeworld I’d inhabit Green tech and individual agencyWhat is the purpose of humans?Thank you to everyone who sent in these thought-provoking questions.Episode WebsiteLifeworlds resource pageFaith in NatureEarth Law CenterZoopsTreaty of Finsbury ParkAlexa's When We Carved SpiralsIan McGilchristColossalBritt WrayVenemous LumpsuckerMultitudes FoundationPlanetary BoundariesRegeneration.orgDrawdownFlock TogetherGood NatureForest BathingLast Child AliveRegeneratorsBio LeadershipCapital InstituteDanielle Rees: dannivrees@gmail.comSmall GiantsBerksharesKenya Sarafu CreditGrassroot Economics26. 26. Speculative Designs & Embodied Imaginations
01:11:07||Season 2, Ep. 26What if you could inhabit the future? In this episode, we dive into the work of Superflux, the visionary design studio turning imagination into tangible worlds. From multispecies banquets and rewilded ecological sanctuaries to mythic friezes that re-enchant cityscapes, co-founder Anab Jain shares how embodied experiences can transform how we see — and shape — the world. Join us as we explore speculative design, active hope, and the power of imagination to move us beyond ecological breakdown and into interspecies thriving. A celebration of wonder, possibility, and the art of asking: "What if?" Episode Website LinkShow Links:Superflux websiteThe Quiet EnchantingCalling for a more than human politicsDesignweek on speculative designAnab Jain’s IXDA Keynote on More-Than-Human Centred DesignNoema Magazine: Radical Design for a World in Crisis9 Dimensions for evaluating how art and creative practice stimulate societal transformationsRecent Interviews: Financial Times, ICON, Wallpaper, Offscreen Magazine, STIRworld, Business Insider, NPR RadioTo send your Q&A to Alexa for the Lifeworlds special episode Look out for meditations, poems, readings, and other snippets of inspiration in between episodes.Music: Electric Ethnicity by Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock & Ellie KiddPractice | Body Compass
14:28||Season 2, Ep. 0This is my take on ancient and intuitive sensory experience that taps into the innate intelligence of the human body, a blend of body compass, Zen Beginner's Mind, a shamanic medicine walk and Goethean science. The practice asks you to find a place in the natural landscape where you could walk undisturbed for some time, and have an encounter with an element of nature. A true act of lifeworld-ing! I guide you through a short introduction and the instructions. Attached on the website page is a link to the full instructions in PDF, and listed here in much briefer bullets below. I recommend listening in full, then using either of the instructions when you choose to do the practice itself. Abbreviated instructions · Before entering into the natural landscape, you’ll walk to a threshold place, and stop.· Here you will physically draw a threshold that you will walk across.· Once you’ve done that, pause, connect with the land, speak your intention, ask for permission.· Cross the threshold, and start walking towards where you feel a tug. Be conscious of the way your body can intuitively lead the way. Use the senses. · At some point, you may come across a being in the land that catches your attention. It could be a spiders web, a stone, a patch of moss, a dead bough of a tree, a stream, a blade of grass, truly anything. Approach, introduce yourself.· Spend a moment in presence with them, in beginners mind. · Use Goethe’s Exact Sense Perception instructions –then imagine it transforming. Then release to receive. Let it communicate back to you. · Stay here as long as feels right. · When it comes to the time to go, thank this natural being and start walking back to your threshold place. · When you cross the threshold, thank the land and when you’re ready, step across back into the other world. · Gently wipe out the threshold door and take some time upon returning to digest anything that may have arisen for you.Share Your Questions for Season 3
02:22||Season 2, Ep. 0Calling all Lifeworlds listeners! We're finally doing our first-ever Q&A episode, and we want you to be part of it. Over the past two years, we've been secretly hoarding all the brilliant questions and thoughts you've sent our way, and now it's time to get them out of the inbox and into the limelight. Got something you’re wanting to ask our host, Alexa Firmenich? Now’s your chance to share whatever’s on your mind. Whether it's a burning question, a cheeky comment, or a heartfelt story, we want to hear it all. You can email us at or use our online form here. And if you’re feeling extra brave (or just want to make Alexa’s day) send us an audio recording - nothing like hearing your lovely voices! Don’t forget to let us know if you want a shout-out or prefer to stay mysterious. Looking forward to your contributions!25. 25. The Connected Wild: Earth’s Internet of Animals
01:03:45||Season 2, Ep. 25Throughout history, many cultures have observed and interpreted animal behavior to predict events and read the landscapes around them. The multispecies lives of our planet weave an astonishing network of information across the face of the globe, a web of knowledge compromised of thousands of creatures communicating with each other, across species, and with their environments. How we listen in on this collective intelligence? Today’s guest Martin Wikelski is director of the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior and the International Cooperation for Animal Research Using Space (ICARUS) - a project which has been dubbed as ‘the internet of animals’. Their team has created a global ecological monitoring system, attaching remote sensing chips to thousands of animals in the wild, in effect uncovering and translating, as Martin says, ‘the collective intelligence of life on earth’. By tuning in to the communication and culture of animals, the project his project reveals the planet's hidden workings with enormous implications for conservation, global finance, and human infrastructure. We explore many of these forward-thinking ideas in this episode, adding another layer to Lifeworlds’ ongoing question: How do we sense the planetary and see through the perspectives of other life?Episode Website Link Show Links:Internet of Animals BookArticle: The Internet of Animals: what it is, what it could beBirdcast: Showcasing the spectacle of bird migrationMovebankWhalesafeGlobal Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)Lifeworlds: BioacousticsLifeworlds: SatellitesInterspecies InternetEarth Species ProjectWill Hawkes: Insect Migration Look out for meditations, poems, readings, and other snippets of inspiration in between episodes.Music: Electric Ethnicity by Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock & Ellie Kidd24. 24. Guardians of the Earth: The Rise of Ecocide Law
55:30||Season 2, Ep. 24Could the destruction of nature become considered as serious a crime as that of genocide? How does the structure of law shape a civilisation’s norms, behaviors and overarching story?Today we’ll be discussing international Ecocide law, a massively growing movement that wants to embed the notion of ‘ecocide’ crime at the highest levels of law - at the International Criminal Court in The Hague - and create a powerful deterrent for the further damage to ecosystems and people globally. Our guest is Pella Thiel, a maverick ecologist, farmer, author and who has co-founded the Swedish hubs of international networks like Transition Sweden, End Ecocide Sweden and is an associate of the Centre for Environment and Development Studies at Uppsala University. Pella was awarded the Swedish Martin Luther King Award in 2023 and the Environmental Hero of the year 2019. We discuss: Why ecocide law is different & a game changer as compared with other environmental laws How it can help create a new moral baseline, shifting global values and mindsets Where the tensions or synergies might lie between the Rights of Nature and Ecocide law The notion of positive tipping points And how an Embassy of the Baltic Sea might play out as a practice center for ecological community building Episode Website Link Show Links:Stop Ecocide International : Breaking News page End Ecocide Sweden Pella Thiel personal website Nate Hagens interview with Pella ThielLifeworlds Resource Page: Ecocentric Law Lifeworlds Episode on Rights of Nature MA Earth Interview with Jojo Mehta (Director of Stop Ecocide) Positive Tipping Points Embassy of the North Sea The Ecopsychology Initiative Look out for meditations, poems, readings, and other snippets of inspiration in between episodes.Music: Electric Ethnicity by Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock & Ellie Kidd Photo credit: Law Statue23. 23. Wild Avatars: Nature in Virtual Reality
01:08:52||Season 2, Ep. 23Have you ever wondered what it would be like to breathe yourself into your own body? To flow with the out-breath of trees into your own fractaling lungs, to dance ribbonlike into an ancient ceiba’s vasculature, to stitch an ecosystem together as a mycelium highways sparkling with energy? In this episode we explore the transformational potential of virtual reality through the work of Marshmallow Laser Feast, an artist collective that has emerged as a leading VR creators in the last decade. They exhibited internationally from London to New York, Melbourne to Seoul, their work included in major exhibitions at institutions including the Barbican Centre, Saatchi Gallery, Sundance Film Festival, and SXSW. 'In The Eyes Of The Animal' was nominated for the Design of the Year by Design Museum Beazley Awards and won the Wired Innovation Award (2016). Most recently, the team at MLF won the Tribeca Film Festival Storyscapes Award for Innovation in Storytelling and Best VR Film at VR Arles Festival for ‘TreeHugger, Wawona’. Ersin Han Ersin is the director of MLF and describes to us how they use dazzlingly aesthetic real-time VR experiences to explore the invisible perspectives of nature’s lifeworlds – and how they are constantly pushing the bounds of what technology makes possible in expanding our ecological sensitivities. I enquire into:Who they need to speak to in order to create their masterpieces and translate the umwelts of other species? What other scientists, poets, musicians, make this possible?What is it that virtual reality can create that no other medium can?What is the building block of a multisensory story?What are some of the astounding ways that other beings experience the world that are divergent from the human?How could global education be redesigned based on kinesthetic educative tools like VR?Episode Website Link.Show Links:Marshmallow Laser FeastTED talkVimeo of MLFSoulful connection with trees: DartingtonLifeworlds Episode with Karen BakkerObservations on Being by MLFAI piece from Berggruen InstituteAbandon Normal Devices FestivalLook out for meditations, poems, readings, and other snippets of inspiration in between episodes.Music: Electric Ethnicity by Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock & Ellie KiddPhoto credit: MLF exhibition at AMCI in Australia (photo from their website)22. 22. Zen Buddhism and the Soul of Lifeworlding
01:25:33||Season 2, Ep. 22Today’s episode brings us into the heart and philosophy of Zen Buddhism, as practiced by the Plum Village monastic community that was founded in 1982 by the Vietnamese peace activist, monk, poet, and teacher Thich Nhat Hanh. Today it has grown into Europe’s largest Buddhist monastery, with over 200 resident monks and nuns, and known as one of the most actively engaged Buddhist communities offering insight on the modern world, and on the climate and ecological crises.We’ve spoken on the show about fragmented consciousness, a mind that sees parts and not the whole. Meditation and other Buddhist practices are one of the core ways of how we can heal minds and views. And so we will hear from two Plum Village monks: Sister True Dedication and Brother Spirit. Before entering the monastery, Sister True Dedication studied History & Political Thought at Cambridge University and worked as a journalist for BBC News. In the early years of her monastic training, she assisted Thich Nhat Hanh in their engaged Buddhist actions for human rights, religious freedom, applied ethics, and ecology. Brother Spirit began his monastic training in Plum Village in 2008, and before ordaining he studied mathematics at Cambridge and worked professionally as a composer, and as such has since composed many of the community’s beloved chants. They both helped to found the international Wake Up Movement, a community of young meditators finding new ways to combine mindfulness and engaged Buddhism.We talk about:the fragmentation of consciousnesshow to hold the perspective of non duality and interbeing within unlikely contexts, and how doing so grants us agency and transformationdehumanization, de animation, and what Buddhism teaches about our relationship to other life and other intelligencesthe Mayahana Diamond Sutra (the world’s earliest printed text) and its invitation for us to reconsider four key notions of existancehow to find and make peace with one’s activismthe seeds of wisdom that lie dormant in 4000-year-old magnolia treeshow to hold the suffering of the world and call upon our ancestors for supportspiritual bypassing, instrumentalising, and get out of jail free cardsEpisode Website LinkShow Links:Plum VillageAbout Thich Nhat HanhZen and the Art of Saving the PlanetThay's Poetry / Please Call Me by My True Names (song & poem)Lifeworlds Meditation on Food inspired by Plum VillageMahamudra: Dr Dan BrownHope in the Dark: Rebecca SolnitGlobal OptimismLook out for meditations, poems, readings, and other snippets of inspiration in between episodes.Music: Electric Ethnicity by Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock & Ellie Kidd Photo credit: Plum Village website