Introducing Kolide Goss. A podcast about two immature best friends Ella Dumbrell and Steph Allen who are the duo behind fashion and lifestyle Instagram @kolideinsta and the founders of creative agency @theardentco. Join
Guys this week we have our incredibly talented friends, Casey James and Carla McGraw joining us on the pod to talk about their incredible journey to starting their SOLD OUT brand RÉFORME BEAUTY. Their power lip has single handedly changed our lives and when they restock in Jan, it will change yours. WE DO NOT LEAVE THE HOUSE WITHOUT IT. RÉFORME BEAUTY was born from a shared dream to rewrite the rules of beauty. Their lip contour, POWERLIP, is just the beginning of their beauty empire and as usual we chat all things business, gossip, life and loss.We know you will love these incredible ladies and their brand.
We never thought we’d see the day that a doctor joined us on the pod, and to be honest, we couldn’t be more grateful to have Dr. Kieran McCaffrey with us. Having trained at Royal North Shore Hospital, Dr. McCaffrey is an obstetrician and gynaecologist. Fun fact: he is one of 11 children (10 boys, 1 girl). Yes, you heard that correctly. His dad is an OB, and two of his brothers are also doctors. Genius genes!We asked Dr. McCaffrey every question under the sun about pregnancy and birth, including (but not limited to): when to take your undies off (vitally important), how to limit interventions, managing mental health and migraines during pregnancy, forceps delivery, low-lying placenta, an en caul baby (yep, that’s French for "under the veil" for you non-bilingual folks), what a teratoma is, and everything in between.We hope you enjoy!Kolide Advice || Dr McCaffrey || Baby Bible + Hydra MamaElla || Watch VigilSteph || Drink / Eat || Lox in Box Matcha + Cookies