
cover art for Rachel Homan and Dan Sherrard are in the House!

Inside Curling with Kevin Martin & Warren Hansen

Rachel Homan and Dan Sherrard are in the House!

What’s Happening Around the Curling World?

On September 17th and 18 th an

interesting new event took place in Lafayette,

Colorado, the Everest North American Curling Club

Championship. We will review what happened in

Lafayette and the men’s winner. Dan Sherrard

from Edmonton will join us to recap his feelings

about the event. This past weekend in Okotoks, Alberta

the ATB Okotoks Classic event was held with

many of the top players on the men’s side of the

equation participating and we will take a look at

what happened in Okotoks. An event took place in Calgary involving

the Mixed Doubles Super Series with some of the

best mixed doubles teams in the world

involved. Also, starting Wednesday, September

25 th at Canada Olympic Park in Calgary is the

PointsBet Invitational and we will do a review on

what that event is all about. Hot Rocks Topics….

A lot of discussion around video

streaming of events the past couple of years. The

World Curling Congress in Montreal a few weeks

ago discussed some of the challenges world

curling is facing with streaming and similar

problems are also haunting Curling Canada we

will discuss what that is all about. In the House with us today is the

number one women’s skip in the world, Rachel

Homan. We will look at an email where a listener

has asked for some direction that possibly more of

our listeners might need. What Are You Hearing? We are hearing that in the PointsBet this

week Laura Walker will be subbing for Shannon

Birchard as second for Kari Einarson - Where is


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  • In the House and in the Brier with Kevin Koe

    What’s Happening Around the Curling World?The final two provincial/territorialchampionships for the Brier were completedthis past weekend in Alberta and Manitobaand we will review what happened there. A number of nationalchampionships have been happening aroundthe curling world in the past week and someinteresting things happened we will bringyou up-to-speed. Curling Canada announced achange this past week to the PointsBetInvitational and as a result the event that isset for October 1 – 5 will really be apreliminary to the Canadian Curling Trials. Broomgate 2.0…We will talk aboutwhat has happened this week regarding thebrush foam being used, The Scotties Tournament of Heartskicks off on Friday in Thunder Bay and wegive you a quick review on what might behappening thereMailbag and What is Happening on Social MediaWe take a look at a couple of emails aswe have received quite a few this week. In The HouseJoining us today fresh off his victory in the AlbertaProvincial is Kevin Koe.Curling Moments to Remember. A lookinto curling’s rich history. Each weekeither Kevin or Warren will relate back tosomething that happened in curling’s past that isalways interesting. Today Kevin will bring us agreat curling moment from his many years ofcurling experiences
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  • Inside the Slam Finals in Guelph!

  • Inside the Slam! Kevin Martin is on location at WFG Masters in Guelph, Ontario

    Welcome to this Special Edition of InsideCurling: Inside the Slam! Here is what we are doing on theshow today The fourth Grand Slam ofCurling event of the season is underway, TheWFG Masters that started on Tuesday inGuelph, Ontario and we have readyreached the final eight for both women andmen. Kevin is there with Sportsnet andyou have probably heard him on thebroadcast.Hosted by Kevin Martin, Warren Hansen and Jungle Jim Jerome.Recorded, Edited and MIxed by Mike Rogerson.
  • The Sheriff is in the House! A great chat with Matt Dunstone, fresh off his teams big win.

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  • Happy New Year, from Inside Curling. We start 2025 off with a special show!

    Happy New Year and greetingsagain everyone and welcome to this SpecialEdition of Inside Curling.Right now in Liverpool, Nova Scotia weare getting close to the end of an eventthat will determine Canada’s MixedDoubles representative at the 2025World Mixed Doubles Championship inFredericton, NB This team will alsorepresent Canada at the Olympics in2026 in Italy if Canadaqualifies and we will explain.Yet, another curling team has made achange and this time on the women’sside of things as Team Chelsea Careyannounced a change in it’s lineup for thebalance of the year. This team wasalready qualified for theScotties might that be impacted wewill explain. On our show we announced a few weeksago that the brushing wars were cominginto the forefront again when onemanufacturer announced they werecoming out with a new broom using afoam that had previously beendetermined to be not acceptable. Lastweek, our sponsor Goldline announced itis now producing a new broom that willbe known as the Pursuer with a similartype of foam being used and apparentlyHard Line, the third big player in thegame is in the process of doing the samething what is happening here dowe have the start of anotherBroomgate?