
cover art for Together forever:  In the House with Emma Miskew.

Inside Curling with Kevin Martin & Warren Hansen

Together forever: In the House with Emma Miskew.

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  • Inside the Brier Finals

    The Montana’s Brier is nowdown to the final four teams and we will takea look at what happened to get to the finalfour. Warren is on site once again, bringing us first person updates from Kelowna. The guys also update and comment on the World Wheelchair Curling championships.Hosted by Kevin Martin, Warren Hansen and Jungle Jim Jerome.Produced by Mike Rogerson.
  • Inside the Brier!

    Warren is onsite at the 2025 Brier in Kelowna. The boys have all the updates!
  • In the House with the one and only Mike Harris

    Welcome to Inside Curling season numberfive…..and our twenty-second show of the 2024 –’25 season……and joining us as always will beWorld Curling Hall of Famers Kevin Martin andWarren Hansen (both Martin and Hansen aremembers of the Alberta Sports Hall of Fame,Canadian Curling Hall of Fame and the WorldCurling Hall of Fame) Before we get into today’s show there issomething I have to remind you of and that is theShow Down at the Saville Presented byVolvo that is coming this April and May ANDYOU OUR LISTENER CAN REGISTER TO PLAY The first event will be the World Open TriplesChampionship, between April 4 – 6, then April 24 –27 the World Open Stick Curling Championship andit will be followed by the World Open U25 MixedDoubles. Anyone can enter to play in all ofthese events. Then the big event that willdetermine the first-ever World Junior MixedDoubles Champion that will go from May 6 –11 all at the Saville so for more info and toregister just go to andclick on Saville Showdown in the menuAnd we would like to remind you to check out ourinterviews on You Tube @insidecurling. Please take a moment to subscribe to the channel - it's the best way to show support for the show.What’s Happening Around the Curling World? The Brier is on in Kelowna and wewill bring you current with what is happeningthere. We have a big announcementabout the World Junior Mixed Doubles andKevin will be telling us all about it. Announcement from Goldline lastweek about its Pursuer brush foam we willdiscuss . World Wheelchair championship ison in Stevenston, Scotland and we will take alook at what has happened so far Mailbag and What is Happening on SocialMedia. We take a look at a couple of emails aswe have received quite a few this week In The House - Joining us today from will be the coach of theNorthern Ontario team in Kelowna TeamEpping , Mike Harris Curling Moments to Remember , A lookinto curling’s rich history. Each weekeither Kevin or Warren will relate back tosomething that happened in curling’s past that isalways interesting. Today Kevin will bring us agreat curling moment from his many years ofcurling experiences
  • USA Mixed Doubles Champions: Cory Thiesse and Korey Dropkin

    Not only did Corey Thiesse and Kory Dropkin win the USA Mixed Doubles championship but both are also playing in the women’s and men’s worlds respectively, listen to what two of the best curlers in the USA have to say about it all. Listen to the USA Mixed Doubles champions, Cory and Korey talk about what they will have to do at the World Mixed Doubles in Fredericton to earn a spot in the 2026 Olympics in Torino, Italy. Corey Thiesse and Kory Dropkin USA Mixed Doubles champions talk about mixed doubles curling and how it is growing in the USA
  • 2025 Scotties Champions: Rachel Homan and Tracy Fleury of Team Homan.

    Rachel Homan and Tracy Fleury are the back end of the best women’s curling team in the world, listen to them talk about winning the 2025 Scotties with a perfect 11–0 record. It has been talked about for a while but the best women’s curling team in the world is finally going to play the best men’s team in the world in an exhibition game on April 7th in Toronto. Listen to Tracy Fleury and Rachel Homan talk about playing in that game. For years Jennifer Jones was at the pinnacle of women’s curling in the world and now she is the coach of the defending world champions as they go to defend their title in Korea.  Listen here as Rachel Homan explains how Jones became part of the team
  • It's a full house today...with Team Homan AND Team Dropkin!

    Joining us today will be the newly crowned USAMixed Doubles Olympic Champions, Kory Dropkin and Cory Thiesse.Also, Last weekend in Thunder Bay Rachel Homan andher team won the Scotties with 11 consecutive winsfor the second year in a row, So today we aregoing to do a very special In The House interviewwith Rachel and the third Tracy Fleury.
  • Updates from the Scotties and the USA Mixed Doubles

    The Scotties Tournament ofHearts in Thunder Bay is down to the finalfour teams and we will take a look at whathappened today. Also, Kevin is in Lafayette,Colorado working with NBC doing coverageon the USA Curling Mixed Doubles OlympicTeams and we will review what hashappened there today
  • Inside the Scotties, Mixed Doubles and Shannon Kleibrink on coaching Team Skrlik

    What’s Happening Around the Curling World?The Scotties Tournament of Heartsis taking place in Thunder Bay and we willgive you an update on what has happened sofar because tomorrow we are into theplayoffs.The USA Mixed Doubles OlympicTrials on this week and we will review what ishappening there.This is Scotties week and one ofour special shows so we will take a look at acouple of interesting things about theScotties.Mailbag and What is Happening on Social MediaWe take a look at a couple of emails aswe have received quite a few this week.In The House, brought to you byGoldlineThe coach of Team Skrlik (Alberta) did aninterview with Kevin and Warren a couple of daysago before they made the playoff’s so we will havea listen to Shannon. Curling Moments to Remember. A lookinto curling’s rich history. Each weekeither Kevin or Warren will relate back tosomething that happened in curling’s past that isalways interesting. Today Warren will bring usa great curling moment from his many years ofcurling experiences and it will also be a storyfrom the Scotties
  • In the House and in the Brier with Kevin Koe

    What’s Happening Around the Curling World?The final two provincial/territorialchampionships for the Brier were completedthis past weekend in Alberta and Manitobaand we will review what happened there. A number of nationalchampionships have been happening aroundthe curling world in the past week and someinteresting things happened we will bringyou up-to-speed. Curling Canada announced achange this past week to the PointsBetInvitational and as a result the event that isset for October 1 – 5 will really be apreliminary to the Canadian Curling Trials. Broomgate 2.0…We will talk aboutwhat has happened this week regarding thebrush foam being used, The Scotties Tournament of Heartskicks off on Friday in Thunder Bay and wegive you a quick review on what might behappening thereMailbag and What is Happening on Social MediaWe take a look at a couple of emails aswe have received quite a few this week. In The HouseJoining us today fresh off his victory in the AlbertaProvincial is Kevin Koe.Curling Moments to Remember. A lookinto curling’s rich history. Each weekeither Kevin or Warren will relate back tosomething that happened in curling’s past that isalways interesting. Today Kevin will bring us agreat curling moment from his many years ofcurling experiences