
cover art for In the House with Kerri Einarson, Winner of the Hearing Life Challenge

Inside Curling with Kevin Martin & Warren Hansen

In the House with Kerri Einarson, Winner of the Hearing Life Challenge

Today joining us is Kerri Einarson who just won the Hearing Life

Challenge in Charlottetown….her first big win

of the season. What’s Happening Around the Curling World?

This past weekend the Hearing Life

Challenge, the first Grand Slam of the season

took place in Charlottetown, PEI with a Tier I

and a Tier II event one the ice…..We will

review both events and give you the

highlights. The Aaron Sluchinski team

announced Tuesday that Aaron has left the

team…..we will talk about where he is going?

I think we have talked about the

hogline and violations on two of our shows

already this year but because of email and FB

comments this past weekend we will address

the issue one more time

Hot Rocks Topics, Curling needs an injection of

something new and different could two person

stick curling maybe be the answer to that

question could two person stick become

curling’s “Cornhole” or “pickleball” We will talk

about how this take on curling could be a way to

get people into a curling facility and not just

older curlers who can no longer slide…?

We have had lots of comments in

email and social media about the added

broadcasts of the GSOC this past week on video

stream. We will take a look at one of them. Curling Moments to

Remember, A look back into curling’s rich

history. Each week either Kevin or Warren

will relate back to an experience or observation to

something that has happened in curling’s rich

history……Today Warren will look back to a major

happening that took place in March of 1977 in


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