Sheela Mackintosh-Stewart is a Divorce Lawyer and Relationship Guru.
Sheela Mackintosh-Stewart’s quest is for everyone to #GetRelationshipSmarter ('#GRS'). Our relationship with ourselves, our families, loved ones and others are the cornerstones of our lives and if we don’t get it right, we suffer. Everyone aspires to have the most healthy, fulfilling and rewarding relationships but we often struggle to manage it.
Getting 'Relationship Smarter' is a necessary, life-enhancing and life-affirming life skill. Sheela says ‘I am always asked to give #GRS tips, given what I do'. As a divorce lawyer, she sees divorce staring at clients and the trauma and pain it often wreaks on them. Many are avoidable, if only they had been 'Relationship-Smarter'. As a Relationship Coach, she helps clients to repair and heal their relationships. Incredibly, we have never been properly taught how to be ‘Relationship-Smart’ and be the best partners, spouses, parents, sibling, friends or work colleagues. Much of our relationship success happens by trial and error.
Sheela Mackintosh-Stewart wants to use her voice, unique insights and experiences to change this narrative and help everyone #GRS via her various channels: her podcast 'Get Relationships Smarter with Sheela Mackintosh-Stewart, Relationship Coaching (, regular media contributions and mentoring. Sheela is also currently writing a book on divorce and relationships and how to #GRS (full details released at a later date).
Sheela Mackintosh-Stewart will draw on her unique perspective, track record and experiences of the diverse range of our relationship challenges from her three decades of divorce lawyering, relationship coaching and her own divorce experience to shine a light on and fill your relationship 'toolbox' on how to #GRS, so you feel supported and not get caught out and make the same mistakes.
In the 'Get Relationships Smarter with Sheela Mackintosh-Stewart’ Podcast series, there are two formats:
a. In the‘Chat with Sheela’ episodes, Sheela will share stories, valuable insights, best practices, know-how, strategies, food for thought and action points drawing from her extensive experience as a divorce lawyer and relationship coach to help us #GRS.
b. In the 'In Conversation with Sheela’ episodes, Sheela and her guests will dive into common relationship questions and discuss #GRS action points. Sheela will also engage in scintillating ‘in conversation’ sessions with leading professional experts in niche fields, exploring through their combined knowledge and expertise how to #GRS.
'Get Relationship Smarter' is a healthy lifestyle choice, so choose to #GRS. Don't wait until your relationships hit the rocks before tackling it. Our relationships are continually evolving and to fully enjoy it, we need to continuously learn and practice #GRS skills.
So why not start today? Use this time each fortnight to join Sheela and be in the know, pick up valuable 'love-in-action' relationship 'nuggets' and catapult your relationships to new heights of fulfilment and contentment. There is always room for improvement and come away a little wiser and Relationship Smarter! It could make all the difference to your relationship.
Email Sheela at to share useful #GRS tips or ask any burning questions you haven't been able to crack. A value-packed newsletter accompanies every episode -