
cover art for The Intersection of AI and Embodiment

Embodied Business, Inspired Brain

The Intersection of AI and Embodiment

Season 1, Ep. 21

How is your business and life going to be impacted by AI in 10 years? How will you keep your humanness intact in the AI world? How do we bring more humaness to a world steadily marching toward more and more AI reliance? 

This one was a doozy! We recorded this ONE day before Microsoft unveiled its plans to bring the technology behind OpenAI’s ChatGPT bot to its search engine, Bing. “According to the company, the new tool will be a paradigm shift in the way that humans search the internet,” wrote Atalantic magazine's Charlie Warzel. 


In this episode we dig into what place does embodiment have in the emergence of AI? What’s YOUR responsibility to staying human and keeping your work supportive of the whole-person experience? Listen in for all the guts and good stuff and rest assured we’ll be talking about this again. 

“On its own, all of that would be a lot to take in. But then, one day after Microsoft’s event, Google gave its own presentation for Bard, another generative-AI-powered chatbot search feature. Unlike Microsoft, which is allowing anyone to join a waitlist for the new Bing, Google is releasing the tool to only a group of “trusted testers” to start. But if you believe the press releases and CEO bluster, navigating the internet and accessing information will look completely different in a few mere months.” — Charlie Warzel

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  • 44. Episode 44: Income and Emotional Wellbeing

    24:31||Season 1, Ep. 44
    Get ready to join us on a deep dive into the connection between money and emotional wellbeing, especially for caretakers and entrepreneurs. We kick things off with our ritual “what’s in process, what’s in progress?” segment, digging into our experiences as caregivers and parents, the joys and challenges that come with it, especially when you’re juggling entrepreneurship. Bottom line: we’re not always getting (or giving ourselves) the support we need and it’s f*cking exhaustingWe dive into fascinating research, highlighting how women are consistently underpaid and Anne shares why she's driven to change that narrative. Learn about eye-opening statistics and articles that shed light on this issue, making a compelling case for why financial empowerment is crucial for women's emotional and mental health. One particular study grabs our  attention, exploring how much income it takes for a person to "feel" wellbeing, emphasizing that women often have to work even harder to ask for and achieve financial security.We even have a little spoiler alert tossed into this episode, as we divulge how we’re creating a new suite of offers for our business, The Embodied Business Institute, called Profit for Wellbeing, that will increase our impact on helping women believe they can—and should—earn more.And finally, we wrap things up by talking about how we suffer when either money or meaning are missing: if you experience  unmet financial needs OR your work has lost or never had meaning and purpose, your wellbeing suffers and sometimes it feels impossible to correct course. Tune in to get tips, insights, and inspirations on breaking this ugly cycle, and start asking “What is my relationship to making money, having meaning, and my emotional wellbeing?Here are the References Anne promised:Haag, E. B. (2023). Give yourself a raise. Findaway Voices. Hait, A. W. (2021, October 8). Number of women-owned employer firms increased 0.6% from 2017 to 2018. NAWBO Expert Reviews. “What Percentage of Businesses are Small Businesses?” Feb. 9th, 2024, to reach us: We welcome your comments, questions, and feedback. To reach us, please email Share the love:As always we’d like to say thank you for your time and attention. We love hanging out with you and serving this amazing community of inspired leaders and educators who desire to make a bigger impact and bring their whole selves to the party. We hope you’re leaving feeling inspired, refreshed, excited and maybe even a little giddy…The absolute sweetest and most powerful thing you can do to support this not-for-profit, minimal sponsor podcast is tell us how much you love us. You can do that by leaving us your comments and reviews on iTunes and Youtube.And until next time we hope you’ll keep asking, How do I want my business and my life to feel…
  • 43. Ep 43: Time to Make a Profit, Dammit!

    58:29||Season 1, Ep. 43
    In our latest episode, we delve deep into the growth we've experienced both in our partnership and our business. As we’ve navigated the challenges and triumphs of working together, we’ve learned so much about what it takes to grow not just as business partners, but as individuals committed to the same vision. Our journey has been one of continuous learning, where communication, trust, and a shared commitment to excellence have been our guiding principles. One of the highlights of this episode is our conversation about a significant step in Anne's professional journey—a licensure in the Pricing Overhaul®  Method. Anne shares her passion and commitment to shifting the all too often held belief by women that our work isn't as valuable as it really is. Well, since that's just pure bullsh*t, she's out to support women entrepreneurs in changing that in a big way. We talk about the emotional and psychological barriers that often prevent us from increasing our prices—things like fear of losing clients, imposter syndrome, and societal expectations. We’re going all in for helping women overcome these barriers, giving themselves the raise they deserve, and ensuring that their pricing reflects the true value they provide. And no show would be complete without a little nervous system insight. For the geeks out there, you'll love that we go a bit into how our nervous system plays a crucial role in how we approach business decisions, including pricing. We talk about the importance of pausing, reflecting, and stepping back when you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure. Get your NS online or else you're screwed. No tough decision can be made from a effed up nervous system…ha! And that's the truth. Together, we explore the intersection of business growth, personal development, and well-being, offering actionable insights and heartfelt advice for women who are ready to step into their power, elevate their pricing, and create a sustainable, profitable business. We hope this episode inspires you to take the next step in your journey, whether that’s reevaluating your prices, nurturing your partnerships, or simply pausing to appreciate how far you’ve come.
  • 42. Ep 42: Resilience and the Nervous System in Work + Life

    53:06||Season 1, Ep. 42
    What is resiliency? In this episode, we dive deep into the concept of resilience—defined as the ability to adapt and thrive in the face of adversity. We share personal reflections on how we are navigating life's transitions, with a strong emphasis on the importance of making time for rest, restoration, and solitude. These moments of intentional downtime are not just about relaxation but are vital opportunities to rebuild and recharge, ensuring they can continue to face challenges with strength and grace.The conversation takes a thoughtful turn as we discuss various strategies for repairing and recovering after dysregulations. Both of us (Anne & Chantill) offer insights into what resilience looks like for them personally, acknowledging that it’s a highly individualized process. Anne, in particular, introduces the idea of "containers of safety"—both internal and external spaces that provide a sense of security and support. She explains how these containers can vary greatly, from physical environments to mental and emotional frameworks, and the crucial role they play in maintaining resilience.A key takeaway from this episode is the idea that the more we understand our nervous systems, the better equipped we are to sustain resilience. We also discuss how awareness of bodily signals, such as stress responses, can be a powerful tool in managing our reactions to stress and maintaining control in challenging situations.The episode also touches on the habits and practices of high performers, particularly how we strive to maintain resilience in our demanding lives. Also, exploring the significance of being attuned to the signals of distress—whether signals manifest as physical symptoms, emotional disturbances, or cognitive challenges—and how recognizing these signals early can prevent burnout and breakdown.Through honest reflections and practical strategies, we encourage listeners to be intentional about creating spaces for rest, to be mindful of their nervous systems, and to cultivate awareness as a means to navigate life's inevitable challenges with resilience and intentional grace.How to reach us: We welcome your comments, questions, and feedback. To reach us, please email Share the love:As always we’d like to say thank you for your time and attention. We love hanging out with you and serving this amazing community of inspired leaders and educators who desire to make a bigger impact and bring their whole selves to the party. We hope you’re leaving feeling inspired, refreshed, excited and maybe even a little giddy…The absolute sweetest and most powerful thing you can do to support this not-for-profit, minimal sponsor podcast is tell us how much you love us. You can do that by leaving us your comments and reviews on iTunes and Youtube.And until next time we hope you’ll keep asking, How do I want my business and my life to feel…
  • 41. Episode 41: Leveraging the Nervous System (NS Awareness) in Times of Challenge in High Performance Environments

    36:07||Season 1, Ep. 41
    As we dive into the final days of summer, Anne and Chantill share their own pause and savors of all things family, travel, plus their own nervous system statuses. Whether you’re a parent, leader, or someone seeking personal growth, this episode offers valuable insights and practical advice to help you leverage your nervous system for better outcomes. By sharing real-life experiences, we explore how understanding and regulating our nervous system can significantly impact both personal and professional spheres, ending with how having a higher level of nervous system regulation can lead to more self-compassion AND compassion for others, and the other way around.How to reach us: We welcome your comments, questions, and feedback. To reach us, please email Share the love:As always we’d like to say thank you for your time and attention. We love hanging out with you and serving this amazing community of inspired leaders and educators who desire to make a bigger impact and bring their whole selves to the party. We hope you’re leaving feeling inspired, refreshed, excited and maybe even a little giddy…The absolute sweetest and most powerful thing you can do to support this not-for-profit, minimal sponsor podcast is tell us how much you love us. You can do that by leaving us your comments and reviews on iTunes and Youtube.And until next time we hope you’ll keep asking, How do I want my business and my life to feel…
  • 40. Ep 40: Egoic Death/Identity Shift in Business and Life

    35:09||Season 1, Ep. 40
    In this transformative episode, we delve into the profound concepts of egoic death and identity shift, exploring their implications in both business and personal life. We begin by examining dysregulation, the state of being out of sync with one's true self, and how it often serves as a catalyst for growth. We explore the tumultuous journey of transformation, highlighting the importance of awareness and acknowledgment in navigating these changes.This episode emphasizes the significance of awareness in nervous system practices and we talk about how embracing vulnerability and authenticity can lead to profound shifts in one's identity…but this can ONLY happen if the nervous system is steady.Join us as we unravel the layers of egoic death, offering sympathetic stories for those seeking to align their lives and businesses with their core values and true selves. Whether you're facing a major life transition or looking to enhance your self-awareness, this episode will provide you with the inspiring tools needed for a meaningful transformation that LASTSP.S. In this episode we tell listeners about our upcoming 5-day NS Reset program called Mid-Summer Pause + Savor. If you’re listening after July 26th, 2024, this program has already happened BUT we have lots of other really cool shit going for you to get a taste of this powerful work.Check out our linktree HERE and see what’s coming up.If you’re lucky you’ll be in time to start:The Habit Hacker - A 28-Day Nervous System Reset to Unlock Your Neuroplasticity and Break Free of Limiting Patterns, starting August 5th, 2024.Check out all the goods HERE.How to reach us: We welcome your comments, questions, and feedback. To reach us, please email Share the love:As always we’d like to say thank you for your time and attention. We love hanging out with you and serving this amazing community of inspired leaders and educators who desire to make a bigger impact and bring their whole selves to the party. We hope you’re leaving feeling inspired, refreshed, excited and maybe even a little giddy…The absolute sweetest and most powerful thing you can do to support this not-for-profit, minimal sponsor podcast is tell us how much you love us. You can do that by leaving us your comments and reviews on iTunes and Youtube.And until next time we hope you’ll keep asking, How do I want my business and my life to feel…
  • 39. Ep 39: How to Increase Entrepreneurial Capacity Through Embodiment

    36:28||Season 1, Ep. 39
    Another provocative episode for anyone ready to learn some tricks for expanding their capacity in business and work WITHOUT befalling the all too common pitfalls of entrepreneurship. What is Entrepreneurial Capacity? We’re gonna tell you and look at how to increase it through an embodied approach so you can push back against things like: Imposter Syndrome; Struggle Mindset; your Upper Limit; and Burnout. Thanks to Alex Raymond — CEO of Kapta and founder of the Conscious Entrepreneur Summit — for inspiring this conversation and for continuing to push the edges of what being a creator in this world can be. How to reach us: We welcome your comments, questions, and feedback. To reach us, please email Share the love:As always we’d like to say thank you for your time and attention. We love hanging out with you and serving this amazing community of inspired leaders and educators who desire to make a bigger impact and bring their whole selves to the party. We hope you’re leaving feeling inspired, refreshed, excited and maybe even a little giddy…The absolute sweetest and most powerful thing you can do to support this not-for-profit, minimal sponsor podcast is tell us how much you love us. You can do that by leaving us your comments and reviews on iTunes and Youtube.And until next time we hope you’ll keep asking, How do I want my business and my life to feel…
  • 38. Ep 38: Ryan Holiday’s Stoicism and the Link to a Healthy Nervous System

    41:16||Ep. 38
    What do the Stoics know about entrepreneurship? Turns out, a hell of a lot! In this episode we’re deconstructing the 4 “virtues” of Stoic philosophy as explored by Ryan Holiday in his new book “Right Thing Right Now” (and in many of his other books on the subject). We’re holding the virtues of courage, self-discipline, wisdom, and justice up against what it means to be an entrepreneur AND how a healthy nervous system influences our ability to live into these virtues. Hear about our trials, roadblocks, and the ways in which we foster these virtues in business and in life from the perspective of the nervous system. It’s some kinda wacky shit, but also really fucking cool. Enjoy and let us know what you think!P.S. BIG props and a shout out to Alex Raymond, founder of the Conscious Entrepreneur Summit for bringing together such quality people and topics over two days in Boulder, CO. We’ve taken away a LOT of inspiration and beautiful connections from our time with ya’ll.Right Thing Right Now By Ryan Holiday to reach us: We welcome your comments, questions, and feedback. To reach us, please email Share the love:As always we’d like to say thank you for your time and attention. We love hanging out with you and serving this amazing community of inspired leaders and educators who desire to make a bigger impact and bring their whole selves to the party. We hope you’re leaving feeling inspired, refreshed, excited and maybe even a little giddy…The absolute sweetest and most powerful thing you can do to support this not-for-profit, minimal sponsor podcast is tell us how much you love us. You can do that by leaving us your comments and reviews on iTunes and Youtube.And until next time we hope you’ll keep asking, How do I want my business and my life to feel…
  • 37. Ep 37: Calling Bullshit on the Cost of Ambition

    33:37||Ep. 37
    Feisty, fiery, and lots of friendly co-regulation. That’s what’s going on in this episode. Impassioned. Opinionated. Data-backed. Process-driven. It’s all here. Join Chantill and Anne to explore what it means to be high-performing (they don’t agree) and how to eliminate the historically patriarchal assumption that drive and ambition cost you. They explore how high performance can be navigated with grace and ease WHEN you know your nervous system, can interpret its messages accurately, and create enough space between your habituated behaviors and the way you actually want to behave. Take away some juicy insights and a few strategies on how to start minimizing the cost of your ambition AND expand joy…even in the midst of all of THE things! You’ll also learn more about Elevated Entrepreneur, a year-long Polyvagal informed process to learn and put into practice the exact tools to unleash the intelligence of your nervous system so you can expand your ambition and impact without sacrificing your physical, mental and emotional health…Read Anne’s article on The Fallacy of Work-Life Balance here. We welcome your comments, questions, and feedback. To reach us, please email Share the love:As always we’d like to say thank you for your time and attention. We love hanging out with you and serving this amazing community of inspired leaders and educators who desire to make a bigger impact and bring their whole selves to the party. We hope you’re leaving feeling inspired, refreshed, excited and maybe even a little giddy…The absolute sweetest and most powerful thing you can do to support this not-for-profit, minimal sponsor podcast is tell us how much you love us. You can do that by leaving us your comments and reviews on iTunes and Youtube.And until next time we hope you’ll keep asking, How do I want my business and my life to feel…If you're ready to stop dabbling in meditation, yoga, mindset work and other strategies that are good but not helping you expand your impact and minimize the cost of your ambition, check out Elevated Entrepreneur (click the link-in-bio) - The only year-long program exclusively dedicated to creating nervous system regulation in high-achieving entrepreneurs and leaders.
  • 36. Ep 36: Cultivating Joy Seeking Behavior for High-Performance Living

    34:04||Season 1, Ep. 36
    This is only the tip of the iceberg! We are BIG fans of having it all and our most emergent framework prioritizes what Anne calls “joy seeking behavior”.  In this episode, you’re going to not only hear about our newest year-long program, Elevated Entrepreneur* — the only year-long program exclusively dedicated to creating nervous system regulation in high-achieving entrepreneurs and leaders — but you’re also going to learn: WHAT joy seeking behavior is.WHY you should learn how to do it.HOW it’s going to make ALL the difference in your full and often complex life and business.And how you can start doing it TODAY.In the past 10 years we’ve been cultivating and creating Polyvagal-informed courses, programs, and processes for entrepreneurs, educators, coaches and leaders to support them in leveraging the intelligence of their nervous system so they can access greater flow and make a bigger impact. You’re gonna want to get on this bus because it’s going to the place where stress is managed with grace, overwhelm doesn’t paralyze you, and you can access ALL of the greatness you want in your life without sacrificing your health, your ambition, or your lust for life. Learn More About Elevated EntrepreneurProgram launches June 1st, 2024Enrollment is ALWAYS openVIP Enrollment is LIMITED -- inquire about openingsLearn all about our newest and most powerful Polyvagal-informed program for high-achieving entrepreneurs, leaders, and coaches HERE.More About UsHow to reach us: We welcome your comments, questions, and feedback. To reach us, please email Share the love:As always we’d like to say thank you for your time and attention. We love hanging out with you and serving this amazing community of inspired leaders and educators who desire to make a bigger impact and bring their whole selves to the party. We hope you’re leaving feeling inspired, refreshed, excited and maybe even a little giddy…The absolute sweetest and most powerful thing you can do to support this not-for-profit, minimal sponsor podcast is tell us how much you love us. You can do that by leaving us your comments and reviews on iTunes and Youtube.And until next time we hope you’ll keep asking, How do I want my business and my life to feel…