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99. Play: The Experience of Poetic Knowledge
35:20||Ep. 99Rachel Woodham, homeschool mom and author of a soon-to-be-published book on play, joins Renee and Karen to discuss the importance of free and voluntary play in the lives of children (and their parents). They explore the relationships between play and virtue, order, beauty, and imagination.
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98. Norms and Nobility Ch. 8: The Promise of Christian Paideia
30:38||Ep. 98In this episode, Renee and Karen discuss the concept of Christian paideia: how Ephesians 6:4 "Bring them up in the admonition of the Lord..." is the meaning of the word paideia in the Christian context. They talk about how homeschoolers can provide a rich culture in the home where children (and parents) can train their affections and grow in wisdom and virtue, the promise of classical education.97. Ubi Est Mater? A new picture book in Latin!
29:05||Ep. 97Renee King, author of the new book Ubi Est Mater?, joins Karen and Renee to talk about teaching Latin to her children and how she came to write this beautiful picture book in memory of her son. If you are just beginning the Latin journey with your family or are afraid to start, be encouraged as you listen to Renee tell her story.96. It's time to start a book club!
33:06||Ep. 96Why not start off 2025 with a new book club?! In this episode Renee and Karen talk about their book clubs: how reading together fosters community and friendship, the different formats book clubs can take, and how they choose what to read and how often they meet. Be inspired to start one of your own with a couple of friends and a good book!95. Norms and Nobility Ch. 7: The Ennobling of the Masses
35:22||Ep. 95In this episode, Renee and Karen discuss the claim that classical education is elitist and explore the objectives of a universal classical education in a democracy. Be encouraged to continue this noble task of nourishing your children's souls on the true, the good, and the beautiful and to "turn their attention away from worldly gain and onto the soul's salvation."94. Easy Family-Friendly Christmas Ideas
29:21||Ep. 94Listen as Renee and Karen offer some ideas for getting together with other families to celebrate the season and traditions to incorporate in your home. Christmas is a joyous and busy season, and can even be hectic and messy, but you can adopt simple traditions that your children will love and grow up to cherish and want to continue in their own homes—that's the best!93. Homeschooling When Life Gets Hard
38:01||Ep. 93In this episode Renee and Karen talk with Amber Vanderpol, homeschooling mom of 7 children ages 1-22, about homeschooling in difficult seasons. She recounts how a brain injury caused her to re-evaluate the education she was providing for her children asking the question: Does Charlotte Mason education and classical education mean doing "all the things" or is the goal to cultivate wisdom and virtue and what does that look like? Whether you too are in a challenging season or are just tired of having to do "all the things", you will be encouraged by listening to Amber's story and the advice she offers.