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Cracking TV

We're Luke & John, two mates who've been working behind the scenes in television for nearly fifty years between us, trying to crack its secret. We're on a mission to create the dream schedule for our very own TV stat

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  • 4. Saturday Nights - Live! Part 1

    01:01:13||Season 2, Ep. 4
    John has given Luke a very specific brief: a live Saturday night show, packed with unpredictable and exciting ideas and loads of audience interaction.Naturally Luke’s first thought is Noel Edmonds. But will John be impressed by gunge, ageing Radio 1 DJs and of course the incredibly irritating Mr Blobby?Cracking TV is produced and presented by Luke Sluman and John Furlong.Our rather marvellous theme tune was written and performed by Simon McInerney.Additional sound effects from & John Cracking TV is an IHOG Factual Entertainment Production.

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  • 3. Saturday People Shows Part 3

    55:01||Season 2, Ep. 3
    In the final part of their quest for a Saturday night people show, Luke and John move into the 90s with You Bet! and Barrymore.It’s time for Luke to make his mind up - but not before some incredible stunts, outrageous antics, and a Brucie vs Barrymore rap battle. A’wight!Cracking TV is produced and presented by Luke Sluman and John Furlong.Our rather marvellous theme tune was written and performed by Simon McInerney.Additional sound effects from & John Cracking TV is an IHOG Factual Entertainment Production.
  • 2. Saturday People Shows Part 2

    51:22||Season 2, Ep. 2
    Luke and John’s search for the perfect Saturday Night people show moves into the 80s, as ITV roll out their big guns: Game For A Laugh and Blind Date.Cars are crushed and hearts are broken as Beadle and Cilla dominate the decade. But will John persuade Luke to give him the commission? They’ll have a lorra lorra fun finding out.Cracking TV is produced and presented by Luke Sluman and John Furlong.Our rather marvellous theme tune was written and performed by Simon McInerney.Additional sound effects from & John Cracking TV is an IHOG Factual Entertainment Production.
  • 1. Saturday People Shows Part 1

    52:15||Season 2, Ep. 1
    Cracking to see you, to see you... Cracking! Somewhat surprisingly Cracking TV's got a second series.The big channels have been fighting over Saturday night for decades, and it’s time for Luke and John to join the fray. Where better to start than with Bruce Forsyth and the Generation Game? Expect shocking deals, potter’s wheels, and of course a cuddly toy as the British TV industry goes to war.Cracking TV is produced and presented by Luke Sluman and John Furlong.Our rather marvellous theme tune was written and performed by Simon McInerney.Additional sound effects from & John Cracking TV is an IHOG Factual Entertainment Production.
  • Halloween Hoaxes Special

    Aliens invade New York… and Berkshire! Paul Daniels is impaled! And ghosts take over not one but two “live” BBC shows! From Orson Welles to Inside Number 9, via the terrifying Ghostwatch, Luke and John discuss the greatest broadcast hoaxes. Listeners of a nervous disposition should take care with this one - all is not as it seems in this spooky special. Cracking TV is produced and presented by Luke Sluman and John Furlong.Our rather marvellous theme tune was written and performed by Simon McInerney.Additional sound effects from us @crackingtv.Luke & John Cracking TV is an IHOG Factual Entertainment Production.
  • 18. Last in the Present Series

    57:35||Season 1, Ep. 18
    It’s the last episode of Series 1 of Cracking TV, and Luke and John look at what’s in the schedule so far. We've got breakfast TV, sitcoms, music and more.And Luke has a chance to pitch one more time… if he’s willing to accept John’s unusual terms.Cracking TV is produced and presented by Luke Sluman and John Furlong.Our rather marvellous theme tune was written and performed by Simon McInerney.Phil from Sunderland was played by Phil from Newcastle.Additional sound effects from us @crackingtv.Luke & John Cracking TV is an IHOG Factual Entertainment Production.
  • 17. Variety Talent Shows

    01:09:47||Season 1, Ep. 17
    John is pitching talent shows, including Opportunity Knocks, New Faces, and Britain’s Got Talent. Get ready for gongs, clapometers, and performing dogs aplenty. However, Luke’s pulled on his high-waisted trousers, coiffed up his hair and got his big buzzer out - and he’s not easily impressed. Will John make an impression, or will he get the elbow?Cracking TV is produced and presented by Luke Sluman and John Furlong.Our rather marvellous theme tune was written and performed by Simon McInerney.Additional sound effects from us @crackingtv.Luke & John Cracking TV is an IHOG Factual Entertainment Production.