
The Charles Eoghan Experience
#103 Worst Episode We Have Recorded
00:00 - 02:30 - Introduction, recent tales and catch up
02:30 - 03:00 - What Eoghan likes most about Charles
03:00 - 06:35 - CJI2
06:35 - 07:05 - Australia
07:05 - 08:30 - Plateaus and back attack details
08:30 - 16:00 - No time limit matches and Polaris teams
16:00 - 17:50 - Training around injuries
17:50 - 18:45- Eoghans wrestling
18:45 - 20:31 - IG BJJ handles
20:31 - 22:48 - UK vs US BJJ
22:48 - 24:15 - IBJJF Worlds
24:15 - 24:45 - K guard details
24:45 - 34:17 - Eoghans bedtime routine & travel plans and Australia tales
How to work with us:
Charles Strength Training Programs
4 Week Jiu Jitsu Strength Program:
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BJJ Workouts Instructional:
1:1 Coaching Inquiries:
Eoghan’s Instructional
Leg Lock Instructional:
Half Butterfly Instructional:
Countering the outside passer:
Eoghans Gym:
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#111 Eoghan Bought a Car
46:01|00:00 - 04:30 - Introduction, Eoghans driving experience 04:30 - 06:30 - How many strength session per week for jiu jitsu 06:30 - 07:43 - Learning techniques and guard for lanky people 07:43 - 09:00 - More of Eoghans Driving experiences 09:00 - 10:30 - Deloads 10:30 - 12:40 - Preparing for a competition 12:40 - 16:44 - DB vs Barbell and Tendons/Ligaments 16:44 - 17:44 - Weight Categories 17:44 - 19:33 - Warming up before competition 19:33 - 22:15 - Eoghan getting in good shape22:15 - 23:15 - Less Impressed More Involved 23:15 - 24:50 - Smoking 24:50 - 27:10 - Losing weight 27:10 - 28:10 - Leg entanglements 28:10 - 34:30 - Movie watching and out smarting a breathalizer and pirating dvd’s 34:30 - 35:30 - Seated Guard and improving BJJ 35:30 - 36:30 - Plyometrics and penguins 36:30 - 36:50 - Waiter Guard & Steroids 36:50 - 37:30 - Coaching 37:30 - 41:15 - McGregor Glazing 41:15 - 42:50 - Rapid fire questions and improving foot strength 42:50 - 45:04 - Lower back pain, university and more rapid fire questions 45:05 - 46:01 - Full time job and BJJ and closing notes Sponsors: Less Impressed More Involved: - use code RUNESCAPE for 50% off your first monthHow to work with us:Charles Strength Training Programs FREE 7 DAY PROGRAM: 4 Week Jiu Jitsu Strength Program: Join The Team: BJJ Workouts Instructional: 1:1 Coaching Inquiries: Eoghan’s InstructionalsLeg Lock Instructional: Half Butterfly Instructional: Countering the outside passer: Los Banditos Gym: Fast Track Your Jiu Jitsu Progress With Jozef Chen & Owen Jones
01:33:47|00:00 - 05:30 - Owen spent 11 hours in hospital, Polaris recap, Jozeph in London & Los Banditos Summer Camp 05:30 - 08:52 - Jozeph passing & Wrestling with Silviu 08:52 - 10:10 - Airline review videos 10:10 - 12:18 - Watching Jiu Jitsu & Wrestling 12:18 - 13:27 - Owens upcoming match on WNO 13:27 - 15:03 - Polaris recap 15:03 - 17:30 - Craig beating up Jozef17:30 - 18:35 - Silviu & Sandro 18:35 - 19:45 - Jozefs lifting 19:45 - 24:32 - London and eating out 24:32 - 27:45 - America & Char training with GOAT’s 27:45 - 29:00 - Gumshelds 29:00 - 31:25 - Staph 31:30 - 36:00 - OJ vs Jozef in a Gi match 36:00 - 42:12 - Drilling (ASMR Warning) 42:12 - 44:44 - Learning and refining skills 44:44 - 47:25 - Levi Jones47:25 - 53:44 - How to improve your cardio for Jiu Jitsu - audio fuzz warning 53:44 - 56:25 - Bobby Sandu & steroids56:30 - 01:00:14 - Cardio for BJJ 01:00:14 - 01:02:15 - IG Questions 01:02:15 - 01:04:45 - Best leg locker in the world 01:04:45 - 01:08:15 - WNO heckling 01:08:15 - 01:09:35 - Jo Chen Neck 01:09:52 - 01:12:30 - BJJ Fanatics & Random IG Q01:12:30 - 01:14:10 - How to not get passed by Jozeph & MMA01:14:10 - 01:15:32 - Head crushing 01:15:32 - 01:16:30 - Less Impressed More Involved - use code RUNESCAPE 01:16:30 - 01:18:56 - Tren City gossip 01:18-56 - 01:21:30 - IG Questions & Roberto01:21:30 - 01:21:15 - PJ Barch01:21:15 - 01:28:52 - Surfing & Lifeguarding 01:28:52 - 01:31:15 - Australia & Miami01:31:15 - 01:33:50 - CJI2 & Kaynan Durant Sponsors: @LIMIBJJ - use code RUNESCAPE for 50% off your first monthWhere to find the boysJozef Chen: Owen Jones: How to work with us:Charles Strength Training Programs FREE 7 DAY PROGRAM: 4 Week Jiu Jitsu Strength Program: Join The Team: BJJ Workouts Instructional: 1:1 Coaching Inquiries: Eoghan’s InstructionalsLeg Lock Instructional: Half Butterfly Instructional: Countering the outside passer: Los Banditos Gym: Wrestling Will Build An Elite Gas Tank
45:50|00:00 - 05:10 - Introduction, Nike sponsorship, Polaris Teams and recent training schedule05:10 - 08:10 - Wrestling will improve you conditioning 08:10 - 08:51 - Recent training events for Char08:51 - 09:50 - Silly events are training 09:50 - 10:51 - How to learn new skills 10:51 - 12:30 - Mong strength 12:30 - 14:30 - Creatine 14:30 - 17:30 - Staph 17:30 - 19:00 - Dagistan wrestling 19:00 - 19:22 - Saddle details 19:22 - 20:51 - Managing training intensity 20:51 - 21:55 - Squatting & opening up the hips 21:55 - 26:32 - Skipping, plyometrics and mobility 26:32 - 27:52 - Cardio for Jiu Jitsu & RDLR 27:52 - 32:30 - Lifting for Jiu Jitsu 32:20 - 36:50 - Ankle locks & training without a mouthguard 36:50 - 37:40 - Grip for judo 37:40 - 39:00 - Gassing out a training 39:00 - 40:11 - Australia 40:11 - 41:55 - Lifting Belts 41:55 - 42:50 - Sauna/Cold 42:50 - 44:40 - Crossface submission44:40 - 45:50 - Closing notes How to work with us:Charles Strength Training Programs FREE 7 DAY PROGRAM: 4 Week Jiu Jitsu Strength Program: Join The Team: BJJ Workouts Instructional: 1:1 Coaching Inquiries: Eoghan’s InstructionalsLeg Lock Instructional: Half Butterfly Instructional: Countering the outside passer: Eoghans Gym: How To Recover From Jiu Jitsu Training
46:30|00:00 - 02:45 - Introduction, Eoghan is back & doing driving lessons. 02:45 -04:45 - Recent wrestling 04:45 - 08:00 - Canada and Australia 08:00 - 10:51 - London street crime10:51 - 11:41 - Competition strategies 11:41 - 12:34 - Leglocks and neck strength12:34 - 14:40 - Greg Sounders14:40 - 15:10 - Eoghans competition schedule15:10 - 16:30 - Weights and cutting weight 16:30 - 18:00 - Heavy leg lockers 18:00 - 18:28 - Knee shield 18:28 - 22:55 - How to build your gas tank for BJJ 22:25 - 23:32- Australian accent 23:32 - 28:25 - Best recovery methods and understanding training frequency28:25 - 29:50 - Leglocks and belt whipping29:50 - 30:44 - Marcelo Garcia30:44 - 31:40 - Sled push 31:40 - 32:30 - SGC x Los Banditos 32:30 - 33:22 - School OR Jiu Jitsu 33:22 - 34:05 - Bowel movements 34:04 - 34:45 - High step passing details 34:45 - 36:10 - Wrestling outside step 36:10 - 36:40 - Plyometrics 36:40 - 38:15 - Building a bigger facility & old films38:15 - 39:15 - Running a beginners class - reel 39:15 - 40:00 - Jiu Jitsu warm ups 40:00 - 41:25 - Worst experience in Canada 41:25 - 42:55 - Is Charles cringe - grindset42:55 - 43:44 - Stalling Ops & Amsterdam camp43:44 - 45:40 - Isometrics 45:40 - Closing notes Isometric Resources: Jake Tuura - How to work with us:Charles Strength Training Programs FREE 7 DAY PROGRAM: 4 Week Jiu Jitsu Strength Program: Join The Team: BJJ Workouts Instructional: 1:1 Coaching Inquiries: Eoghan’s InstructionalsLeg Lock Instructional: Half Butterfly Instructional: Countering the outside passer: Eoghans Gym: How To Get Banned By IBJJF Without Steroids
43:46|00:00 - 03:45 - How to get banned from IBJJF without steroids03:45 - 05:30 - Jiu Jitsu is gay 05:30 - 08:15 - Progression to full time training 08:15 - 10:25 - Building a social media following 10:25 - 13:20 - How to get better at competing 13:20 - 20:00 - How to structure a training schedule 20:00 - 25:20 - Training in Austin TX & Visas25:20 - 28:19 - Training with Danaher and why NW dominates 28:19 - 30:25 - IBJFF Worlds breakdown and upcoming comps30:25 - 33:00 - How to stop being fat33:00 - 34:00 - Going all in on BJJ34:00 - 39:00 - Social media will help you get more matches41:00 - 43:46 - Whats on for 2025 Where to find Seb: Charles Strength Training Programs FREE 7 DAY PROGRAM: 4 Week Jiu Jitsu Strength Program: Join The Team: BJJ Workouts Instructional: 1:1 Coaching Inquiries: Stop Doing Jiu Jitsu 3 x A Day
45:56|00:00 - 05:00 - Introduction, how Bobby and Dima meet05:00 - 09:30 - How Dima started coaching at B-Team 09:30 - 12:00 - Structuring training schedule *microphone breathing issue*12:00 - 14:20 - Bobby training at B-Team14:20 - 14:50 - Bobbys physique 14:50 - 20:00 - Heart Rate training 20:00 - 24:00 - Dima becoming a coach 24:00 - 30:30 - Fitness and training multiple x per day 30:30 - 32:35 - Bobby’s dog trainer 32:35 - 37:45 - Bobby almost killed Dima and stories from New York 37:45 - 39:00 - Dima 2025 39:00 - 41:00 - Improving wrestling 41:00 - 43:00 - Q & A and roasting Bobby 43:00 - 45:56 - Bobby almost got assassinated Where To Find Dima: Dimas Pateron: Where To Find Bobby: Charles Strength Training Programs FREE 7 DAY PROGRAM: 4 Week Jiu Jitsu Strength Program: Join The Team: BJJ Workouts Instructional: 1:1 Coaching Inquiries: Australian Jiu Jitsu Is On The Up
01:02:45|00:00 - 07:30 - Jeremy beat Eoghan via heel hook & getting a black belt from Lachlan Giles07:30 - 11:20 - Transitioning to Jiu Jitsu fulltime 11:20 - 15:38 - Starting an online Jiu-Jitsu business, Atomic Dojo 15:38 - 20:14 - Ecological Approach20:14 - 33:30 - Strength training 33:30 - 36:15 - Improving your fitness for Jiu-Jitsu and movement efficiency 36:15 - 37:19 - Greece & Rapid fire questions 37:19 - 42:20 - Tough rounds at B-Team & Taylor Pearman42:20 - 47:20 - Craig Jones, Dima and Nicky Rod & the role of a coach 47:20 - 50:10 - CJI2 & Las Vegas and Jeremy’s shooting experience 50:10 - 53:45 - Nutrition for life53:45 - 54:25 - Best submissions to add to your game 54:25 - 57:00 - Aoki Locks & Bear Traps 57:00 - 01:01:30 - Jiu-Jitsu in Australia is popping off 01:01:30 - 01:02:45 - Closing notes How to work with us:Where To Find Jeremy: How To Work With Jeremy: Charles Strength Training Programs FREE 7 DAY PROGRAM: 4 Week Jiu Jitsu Strength Program: Join The Team: BJJ Workouts Instructional: 1:1 Coaching Inquiries: How To 10X Your Jiu Jitsu Progress With Josh Saunders
01:43:46|Charles sits down with ADCC vet Josh Saunders who got his black belt in under 5 years of jiu-jitsu training. *We had some minor microphone issues during the pod* 00:00 - 10:40 - Introduction, how Josh almost went to jail, and how Jiu-Jitsu turned his life around 10:40 - 12:30 - How to fast-track your progression 12:30 - 19:30 - Secrets to growing social media and business 19:30 - 21:45 - Mindset for business and training 21:45 - 25:55 - Growing up playing rugby and moving to Jiu Jitsu 25:55 - 28:20 - How to go Jiu Jitsu full-time28:20 - 33:30 - strength training & nutrition 33:30 - 35:00 - Training at ROKA 35:00 - 39:00 - Australian Patriotism 39:00 - 47:54 - Australian Jiu Jitsu & Sport (microphone error warning)47:54 - 54:22 - Accelerate your Jiu Jitsu 54:22 - 55:45 - 2025 competitions 55:45 - 1:01:00 - Craig Jones beef & getting kicked out of ROKA1:01:00 - 01:03:00 - Nutrition for life 01:03:00 - 01:20:00 - Building an online Jiu-Jitsu business 01:20:00 - 01:43:00 - Goal Setting 01:43:00 - 01:43:46 - Closing notes and where to find usHow to work with us:Josh Saunders: How To Work With Josh: Charles Strength Training Programs FREE 7 DAY PROGRAM: 4 Week Jiu Jitsu Strength Program: Join The Team: BJJ Workouts Instructional: 1:1 Coaching Inquiries: