
All Bases Covered
Product Trial / Laneige Water Bank Range
Ep. 200
Aaand here she is, only a few hours late... Our review on the new and revised Laneige Water Bank products.
We were very excited to get our hands on this textural sensation of a range which has been re-packaged and expanded from its original and very popular roots.
Listen to this ep to hear a breakdown of the range, and find out our thoughts and review of the line up!
You can browse the range via adore beauty here or sephora here.
xoxo late podcast gal
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219. Alex's experience of motherhood
41:45||Ep. 219Full disclosure, we recorded this ep in Lisa's living room because we filmed it so that we could upload it to IG. It all fell to shit because we aren't professionals and filmed too wide for an instagram crop hahahaha... anywhoo, that's why it sounds the way it does this week!! This episode is a little update from Alex on her experience of motherhood so far. The highs lows, swings and roundabouts. The change and evolution she feels in her identity and some rudimentary advice from someone currently going through it all. Listen if you wish, no hard feelings if this ep isn't for you right now :)218. Here for a good time not a long time
40:21||Ep. 218Hi dear friends!!! We are back with a cruisy little episode to fill you in on where we've been and what we've been loving. It's been a hot minute since we've been around so let's pick up where we left off. Next week we're also dopping a little mini episode all about Alex's identity since becoming a mum - as requested by you. Chat soon xoxo gossiping gals.217. Xmas Gift Guide 2023
01:03:19||Ep. 217Hello loyal listeners, your 2023 gift guide is HERE and in time for Black Friday sales woo woooo! Goes to show a little bit of hassling will get you a long way with us.In this episode we can promise: A huge collection of ideas for different categories of people in your life. What we can't promise: Is that Alex had time to edit out the frog-in-her-throat coughs. Mi scusi.A very nice spreadsheet of gift links has been created that you can access here: We miss you xoxo216. A bebe update
27:18||Ep. 216EPISODE 216./Hi everyone, us again! We've dedicated an episode to pregnancy and baby goss because we know this episode wouldn't be for everyone. Rejoice baby obsessed, we are delivering the goods you requested and answering all your questions.215. Surprise chit chat catch up!
41:25||Ep. 215Hey hello surpriiiiiise! We're back for a cheeky chit chat catch up with y'all for no reason other than that Lisa was desperate to talk beauty with Alex. Starting with the intended reason for our catch up before jumping into some questions from you guys. This ep has no edits, so enjoy the rambling and chaos xo214. The Finale
43:14||Season 2, Ep. 214The Finale./Well listeners, the time hath come. We've reached the end. It's been a wow of a time getting to know each other, the beauty world, and all of you so, so well. In this episode, we're doing what we do best and kicking off with some light banter which will likely get us cancelled, followed by answering all of your questions about the year, the pod and our friendship to see us out. Thank you all for being here. Our instagram lives on, so don't be strangers. xoxo Lisa and Alex.213. You ask, we deliver: Gift suggestions
01:02:03||Ep. 213EPISODE 213./Ho Ho Ho!! Only 3.5 weeks to go until Christmas! This is a red alert to listen to this episode today so that you can take advantage of Cyber Monday deals that are about to eeeend! In this week's episode we're discussing personalised gift suggestions for the people in your life you need help for. You can view the requests and our suggestions here: We're so sorry we couldn't get to everyone.212. Holiday Gift Guide: Gifts by Price Point
36:30||Season 2, Ep. 212EPISODE 212./Christmas is FAST approaching and we know you've got Black Friday deals to snag, so we're coming in hot and early with our Holiday Gift Guide episodes!In this first instalment, we're breaking down gifts by price point and throwing in some suggestions of our favourite things that you could add to your loved ones Chrissy gifts this year, or ask for yourself!!They won't all fit in this text box, so head over to our Google notes Doc for a complete list of all of our Gift Suggestions, here > Enjoy!! xoxo chrissygals211. Two Thousand and Late
39:26||Season 2, Ep. 211EPISODE 211./In this week's episode we're touching quickly on beauty news before chatting through all of the limited edition holiday releases from our favourite beauty brands.Next week begins our Holiday Gift Guide extravaganza. If you've got tricky people in your life who need gifts, then slide on into our DM's @allbasescovered.pod to let us know. THINGS MENTIONED:ZFB Vogue Home Hirons Retinol Tutorials Nimya Palette Eldridge Holiday Palettes To Holiday: Liberty Belle Holiday Lip Sets