
cover art for Tony King – friend, adviser and confidante: you can see why the Beatles, Stones and Elton thought he was the best company imaginable

Word In Your Ear

Tony King – friend, adviser and confidante: you can see why the Beatles, Stones and Elton thought he was the best company imaginable

Ep. 494

Tony King was there when it all started, working for Decca in the late ‘50s, plugging records on Housewives’ Choice and Family Favourites and looking after visiting Americans like the Ronettes, Roy Orbison and Phil Spector. He went on to become a close friend of many of the acts he worked with and his memoir ‘The Tastemaker’ is full of wonderful tales and revelations about all of them. As is this podcast which includes …


… the day Reg Dwight changed his name (and getting him session work with the Barron Knights).


… wearing “lime green trousers, blue moccasins and a kaftan” at the Beatles’ One World broadcast.


… the weekend with George and Pattie Harrison in Esher when the Daily Express turned up to tell them McCartney had admitted he’d taken acid.


… taking Brenda Lee to the pictures.


… holidays with Charlie Watts in France and memories of his wake.


… why he used to ring Elton up and ask, “what’s the weather like there, Jean?”


 … seeing the Stones at the Scene club with Chrissie Shrimpton.


… the advice he gave John Lennon (and getting him on the Old Grey Whistle Test)


… and the qualities all stars need to be successful.



Buy ‘The Tastemaker: My Life With The Legends and Geniuses of Rock Music’ here …


Tony dressed as the Queen in an ad for John Lennon’s Mind Games album …

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  • 735. Has politics eaten entertainment? What’s ‘perfect sound’? Plus Brian James & how to make a speech

    55:34||Ep. 735
    Tyres pumped, engine cranked, chromework winking in the Springtime sun, the two-man conversational jalopy sets off on its weekly spin and visits … … the day America broke the news and showed its dark side.   … Brian James RIP and Stiff’s brilliant ad campaign for the first Damned album: “Play it at your sister!” … has entertainment been dwarfed by world events? … why the Oscars were invented and what it said about American life. … “negative publicity is the first response to everything”. … why Adrien Brody’s speech set back the cause of actors being taken seriously by about 40 years. … Will Smith v Chris Rock, Chumbawamba v John Prescott, David Niven and the streaker: Awards show bombshells and what today’s media would make of them. … The Wizard Of Vinyl and his mission to “save the world from bad sound”. … the days when Hi-Fi was considered a hobby. … are musical memories mostly about context? David relives ‘Like A Rolling Stone’ on a jukebox in the Shady Nook café in Wakefield. … how not to make a speech. … and the band that called Nick Lowe “granddad” (when he was 27). Plus birthday guest Adrian Ainsworth on the worst and most insulting Greatest Hits compilations of all time.Find out more about how to help us to keep the conversation going:
  • 734. Film-maker Denny Tedesco on dad’s old band The Wrecking Crew and new doc “Immediate Family”

    24:06||Ep. 734
    We’re long-time admirers of Denny Tedesco’s “Wrecking Crew” doc which celebrated the studio musicians of 60s Hollywood, the unseen hands who can be heard on all those Beach Boys and Spector hits. Now he’s done something similar with the musicians who were so much part of the success of James Taylor, Carole King and Warren Zevon in the next decade in “The Immediate Family”. We’re delighted to have been able to organise a screening of the film at The Art House in Crouch End after which he spoke to David Hepworth about what it was like to grow up married to the music business, how the culture of session players changed over the years, what has kept the likes of Leland Sklar, Danny Kortchmar, Waddy Wachtel and Russ Kunkel at the top of their game for fifty years and whether anybody else is still keeping their craft alive. The film is streaming on a platform near you now!The Immediate Family: Art House: out more about how to help us to keep the conversation going:
  • 733. Lennon & McCartney seen in a fresh, stirring and original new light by Ian Leslie

    44:21||Ep. 733
    Ian Leslie posted his ‘64 Reasons To Celebrate Paul McCartney’ in 2020 and the viral reaction to its piercing and original points encouraged him to write ‘John & Paul: A Love Story In Songs’. Do we need another Beatles book? We do if it’s this one! It’s exceptionally good and highly recommended. The conventional wisdom for decades was that John was the tormented, anti-establishment genius and Paul the effortlessly tune-churning, bourgeois poser. Ian’s book points up that their deep devotion to each other and telepathic, close relationship was the root of the supernatural partnership that made those songs possible. The two of them were, as he puts it, “the bubble within the bubble – and the deeper you get, the more mysterious the story becomes.” He talks to us here about …  … their powerplays and their underlying rivalries for the leadership of the group. … why the Beatles were in another league - “like Shakespeare versus Johnson or Marlowe”. … how a songwriting duo where both wrote words and music gave them an extraordinary advantage. … the writing of Yesterday and John’s fear that Paul might no longer need the group and leave. … Paul’s discovery of his “superpowers” between ‘64 and ’66. … how current groups now have “intimacy councillors” and in any other band the unmanageable Lennon would have been ejected. … In My Life, Hey Jude and other songs they wrote about each other. … how there was “an element of their fathers about them, of stiff upper lip” and displays of physical affection were rare. … Paul as “the omnivorous culture-vore” in avant garde London while John was horizontal in suburbia. … why Paul’s pace and creativity must have been psychologically punishing for the others. … and how the emotional landscape shifted with the arrival of Yoko and Linda. Order Ian’s book here: out more about how to help us to keep the conversation going:
  • 732. The threat of AI, the appeal of Gene Hackman & the filthy glamour of Exile On Main St

    54:01||Ep. 732
    In which we pedal the conversational tandem uphill and down dale, like a rabbit through the pea-vine or a turkey through the corn, stopping for moments of reflection which include … … “If someone wants to steal your music, it means your music’s worth stealing.” … cats, birdsong: spot the ‘silent track’ by Kate Bush.   … when Gene Hackman smiles, be very afraid. … what was written on Walter Matthau’s funeral card. … “Home-Taping Is Killing Music!” and other threats that failed to sink the business.  … double albums: never mind the quality, feel the width. … how Exile On Main St became a symbol of peak-Stones grimy decadence. … Hunter Davies, Mark Lewisohn, Ian Leslie, Richard DiLello?: the best Beatles book ever written? … “is genius worth the collateral damage?”: homelife in Frank Zappa’s house. … things we never say on the Word podcast. … when rock critics get it wrong. Plus birthday guest Nick Foreman flies the flag for Hunter Davies.Find out more about how to help us to keep the conversation going:
  • 731. Graham Fellows, “the comedy of the underdog” and inventing John Shuttleworth and Jilted John

    26:09||Ep. 731
    We first saw Graham Fellows as Jilted John on Top of the Pops in 1978 and we’ve followed his characters ever since, especially drawn to the keyboard-prodding, car-coated John Shuttleworth and his deathless pop anthems ‘Pigeons In Flight’, ‘Up And Down Like A Bride’s Nightie’ and ‘I Can’t Go Back To Savoury Now’. Graham talks here about how and why he created them (and rock media studies lecturer Brian Appleton) and his new book ‘John Shuttleworth Takes The Biscuit’, along with … the allure of romantic punk rock (Patrik Fitzgerald, Buzzcocks, the Undertones), Sheffield mouse-breeders, comic melancholy, whether Northern humour is funnier than Southern, kissing Debbie Harry for a publicity shot, the advice his father gave him and the finer details of the Shuttleworth live experience.   Order 'John Shuttleworth Takes The Biscuit' here: John Shuttleworth tour dates: out more about how to help us to keep the conversation going:
  • 730. Eternally cool rock stars, the Bond takeover and remembering Rick Buckler

    57:36||Ep. 730
    As sinister autocrats stroke Persian cats in shark-pooled underground bunkers, their bony fingers reaching for the nuclear button, we shake another Vodka Martini and reflect on the week’s events, among them … … Amazon buys Bond: but isn’t the essence of 007 its droll and unimpressible Britishness? … and haven’t the lunatics taken over the asylum? Can you still invent unhinged fantasy villains with real life versions in the Kremlin and White House? … why a Jam reunion would never have worked. … when did ‘cool’ change from meaning exotic and unconventional to being just like everyone else? And why do we picture the concept of ‘cool’ in black and white? … in stout defence of the pilloried record reviewer! … why the Olympics was payday for Justine Frischmann. ... when Johnny Cash was on the Muppet Show and was photographed with Richard Nixon. … how come no-one complains about old online reviews but they do if they were physically printed? … how Lonnie Donegan made a fortune from Nights In White Satin. … hurrah for the silencing of the Pedicab boombox! … newspaper sellers, milkmen, shifty ‘hot goods’ vendors: whatever happened to the street cries of London? … plus birthday guest Paul Monaghan and rock stars who were architects – Art Garfunkel, Ice Cube, Pete Briquette, Chris Lowe, Ralf Hutter …– and teaching Damon Albarn and Justine Frischmann.Find out more about how to help us to keep the conversation going:
  • 729. Justin Hayward – ‘60s package tours, lost profits & the highpoint of the Moody Blues

    28:32||Ep. 729
    Nights In White Satin - 260 million streams on Spotify - is still the central plank in the set Justin Hayward’s touring in October. He talks to us here about the first shows he ever saw and played, the ballroom circuit of the mid-’60s remembered in particularly vivid detail and involving the odd burst of song - “My kind of town, Great Yarmouth is …!”. Along with … … the appeal of “a Moody Blues crowd”. ... “Name Singer seeks guitar player”: the Melody Maker ad that got him into the Marty Wilde band, aged 17. … playing a summer season on the same bill as a water feature – aka the Waltzing Waters. … his early band All Things Bright and their Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly, Coasters setlist. … the “onerous” publishing deal he signed with Lonnie Donegan that siphoned off the profits of Nights In White Satin. … seeing Tommy Cooper at the Bournemouth Pavilion and the Barron Knights at the Locarno in Swindon. … “Terry the Pill” in Eric Burdon’s office. … toying with the idea of “a rock version of Dvorak”. … the uncertain fate of Nights In White Satin and the plugger who threatened to resign over it. … how Days Of Future Passed was the “Deramic Sound” demo record. … and the highpoint of the Moody Blues story and their Second Coming. Justin Hayward tickets here: out more about how to help us to keep the conversation going:
  • 728. Your guided tour of David Bowie’s London with Paul Gorman’s stories about its key locations

    55:16||Ep. 728
    No musician is more closely associated with London or left more footprints than Bowie, and you can trace its influence on his life and work (and vice versa) through a series of landmarks from the suburbs to the centre. Author and curator Paul Gorman has just published an annotated street-map – David Bowie’s London - listing the places that played a formative role in his world and music, the places he rehearsed, performed, filmed and recorded, the homes of friends and managers, his schools and the addresses where he lived, worked and was photographed, made connections, bought clothes and generally raised the temperature. We talk here about many of those old haunts and the stories attached to them, which include… … mysterious manager Ralph Horton who got him to change his name to Bowie and then vanished from the face of the earth. … the fate of Heddon Street, home of K-West and the Ziggy phone-box.  … Marc Bolan refusing to let him sing at an all-night benefit at Middle Earth. … “the Fairy Godmother of the New Romantics” at the WAG Club. … when Lionel Bart came to Haddon Hall. … Bowie and Steve Marriott auditioning for the Lower Third. … how he levered his way into a Fabulous magazine fashion shoot. … “the end of the age of Showbiz”: performing Chim Chim Cher-ee at the Marquee when at a crossroads between rock and roll and cabaret. … the magical piano at the Trident Studios. … a chance encounter with the otherworldly Vince Taylor whose ‘UFO map’ helped inspire the concept of Ziggy Stardust. … the legend of Mr Fish, creator of the man-dress on the cover of The Man Who Sold The World. … the days when people had a white Rolls Royce and matching Alsatian – and “the Great Sarong Scare of the ‘90s”. … and various fringe figures including his art teacher Owen Frampton, Konrads agents Bob Knight and Eric Easton, muse and heartbreaker Hermione Farthingale, producers Shel Talmy and Tony Hatch (“the original Mr Nasty from Opportunity Knocks”) and slum landlord and racketeer Peter Rackman. Order Paul’s street-map here: out more about how to help us to keep the conversation going:
  • 727. Eddi Reader - busking, singing radio jingles and “men you put on the shoulder-pads for”

    40:27||Ep. 727
    We first saw Eddi Reader singing with the Gang Of Four on Whistle Test in 1982. This eventful pod traces her story from seven kids in a two-bedroom council flat (“me in the toilet with a guitar singing Your Cheating Heart”), to the Scottish folk clubs, busking with circus acrobats on the Left Bank, to radio jingles, life as a backing singer and the rapid rise of Fairground Attraction who reformed last year, 34 years after they split in 1990. It's highly entertaining from the kick-off, not least …. … snogging the Earl of Moray’s son during Dylan at Blackbushe. … the jingles she sang on ‘80s radio ads. … what she learnt from Annie Lennox when touring with Eurythmics. … backing singer stage-wear etiquette. … performing Love Me Tender aged eight in the school classroom. … singing Three Drunken Maidens and Lord Franklin at the Irvine Folk Club, over the road from Amanda’s Wet T-Shirt Night. … busking in Paris and the songs that pulled the most money (eg Tupelo Honey and All Along the Watchtower). … “men you put on the shoulder-pads for.” … what Billy Bragg called “a civilian”. … Chou Pahrot, Cado Belle, Café Jacques, Stone the Crows and other great lost Scottish bands. … Hamish Imlach’s advice about how to project onstage. … how to use a pencil as a pop-shield. … and her Grandad “who loved his wife so much he nearly told her”. Eddi Reader tickets here: Fairground Attraction’s Beautiful Happening album: out more about how to help us to keep the conversation going: