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Wisdom and Range of Women

Why I created this space:For women to have a place to come to, to hear the real stuff, feel vulnerable, activate something within themselves, feel an innate part within that has the wisdom that knows during different cha

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  • 12. How to Approach Transitions With Our Children As They Grow Ages 0-7 / Part 0 to "Sleep Skill Teaching" Episodes

    A semi Part 3 of Sleep Teaching within my show + honestly a really good EPISODE 1 to listen to before you go into sleep training of any kind or any transition with your child especially with ages 0-7. A really great episode to listen to, to help set intention and focus around any big transition with your child, such as Sleep training or teaching, shifting out of co-sleeping, shifting out of breastfeeding, transitioning into school, transitioning out of naps, etc. creating healthy boundaries in the family.Keeping an eye on and understanding the needs like safety and belonging and brain development with children- in particular with the age 0-7 years with child development.Some topics I go over:-An overall intention around raising children-"Live and Let Live"-There is no "perfect way"-How to approach a transition /how to navigate a transition -How to come up with a plan for you, your child(ren) and family -Key focus when moving through a transition with a child/as a family -My share around transitioning into welcoming our 2nd child into our family -The more I learn, more I realize how much I don't know-How to get grounded in your own personal instincts and intuition as a mother.-The "come from" that is key before diving into a child's transition -What "the work" is for us as parents, while raising children -How my moon/PMS supports me with mothering-How we expand our capacity to hold for our child's growth/emotions, etc -The importance to know your values and beliefs -How to start to teach certain skills/transitions, but still meet child's needs.

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  • 11. A Perspective on Natural Childbirth: Opening up a Powerful Birth Conversation for Women

    In this solo episode, hear a perspective on natural childbirth. Some of my personal story + current updates + couple really key and impactful paragraphs from Sunni Karll's book: Sacred Birthing: Birthing a New Humanity. Four parts in her book that stood out to me in a deep way and will be with me forever. I read these aloud to you.You'll hear her perspective on Natural Childbirth, a perspective and awareness that can really ring true and support women in Creation in the First Trimester ( a perspective on nausea and "morning sickness", what Sacred Guardian Sessions are, and more.Sunni Karll’s websiteLinks to books mentioned in episode:Sacred Birthing by Sunni KarllIna May's Guide to ChildbirthJourney to Motherhood (Stories of Natural Childbirth)______Other books not mentioned but have had a lasting impact on me and may for you as well no matter how you plan to give birth:Unassisted ChildbirthIna May’s Guide to Breastfeeding Birth on your Own Terms________If you are navigating pre-conception, fertility journey, pregnancy, fears, wanting to give natural childbirth, postpartum, motherhood and/or more, book a call with me where we can hop on the phone and we can dive in with what you may be experiencing and needing guidance on and I can help guide you and give direction towards your own personal knowing, wisdom and power.on call - donation based calls for women.Message me on IG to book your guidance callor email
  • 10. Cycle Talk EP 3: What Comes up For You During Bleed Time And How It Can Be Your Unrealized Power Within You

    Your Moon Time: ( Your Bleed time) A Perspective on your period. What if we are being called to truly learn this power and take advantage of how we are so connected to the moon? How powerful you truly are?I share in this episode how our bleed time is our inward time, the winter time, our retreat time and how that can be a gift for us. The chaos and anger coming up for you - are simply unrealized aspects of your power....but only if you learn how to work with it - and learn what is trying to be moved through you. To move from Your Head(where we have been used to live) and move in our hearts and our bodies....So what is happening for you each bleed time?Are you experiencing chaos? Pain? anger? irritation? depression? lashing out in rage? These shadow aspects are deep, loud aspects asking to be tended to....So much is thinned out for us, and there is an uprooting happening for us in this time.It's actually the time where we are most in our power...but we get to learn how to be in ceremony and with this part of ourselves - this deep, expansive part of our power and essence as a woman.If we continue to resist, to judge, to block out and more...each month it could just be getting louder and louder and more challenging....I am with you, and women are with you as we are learning this.....___If you are experiencing this chaos or disconnection in any way with your body, your cycle, your hormones, your womb, book a call with me where we can hop on the phone and I can dive in with you and provide guidance towards your own personal knowing, wisdom and power.Message me on IG to book your guidance callor email
  • 9. Miscarriage: Healing From Trauma and Finding Deep Meaning and Purpose

    In this beautiful solo episode, I get to share my journey after miscarriage and what it deeply awakened me to. On 2011 I was pregnant with my 2nd child. I was attached, it was forced, I was still operating in my deep sense of control and with the illusion of how much safety and security was created outside me. In March of 2011, this 10 week old developed chemical pregnancy, fell out of me. Events after that snowballed in my life, sweeping many rugs out from under my feet, and I quickly felt alone, depressed, angry and more. I felt lost and had no idea who I was. It was a traumatic experience for my body and spirit, which unknowingly, set me on a path to deep inner healing and learning about myself.In this episode I share my story, what I've learned, my beliefs about myself and for us as women, and open up the opportunity and possibility of some deep inner healing and work that you know you may feel called to do and feel.Book: Spirit BabiesDM Me on IG to Set up Your Personal Guidance Callor email me at:
  • 8. My Deepest Prayer to Know My Essence, Power, Female Energy, Abilities, to Soften, to Trust - My Woman Evolution Story

    From survival and hustle. Recognizing the access we may have to experience some of our deepest prayers as a woman.What I talk about in this episode:-How the chase, and operating in survival mode no matter the success I had, effected me.-How my first pregnancy really awakened and expanded my capacity and feeling as a woman-Hints and Messages I've always had about the woman I am-My past: sales, success and business building-One of my biggest , DEEPEST prayers I've always had-My journey of experiencing access/opening and unlocking layers as a woman-Healing, detoxing - ways I cleanse and clear-Cold, forceful, focused, goal-oriented ice queen in my past vs. emotional, vulnerable, feeling woman-Ways I have allowed the uncomfortable feelings on way to my softening I wanted-Getting to the core to myself as a woman-Some of my current focuses the last 3 years-How my miscarriage was a massive clearing, cleansing and initiation-Developing relationship with the unknown, trust, universe-How spiritual abilities can open up-Tapping into your personal female energy-Experiencing contrast-Force vs Let Go-Taking responsibility-The choice that I have moving forward-The Levels and layers and deepening of ourselves as women-Dissolving pieces of identity-Resources available to heal
  • 7. Cycle Talk Ep 2: Misconceptions Vs. Truths With Our Cycle/Period

    The misconceptions and conditioning we possibly have had about and around our cycle/period. How has the outside and/or the past influenced us with how we feel about our "time of the month?"What if we could embrace and come to know our cyclical nature as a woman?There's a reason we will call it our moon. Hear how our period/cycle is so connected to the moon and how its parallel to the moon.Where in us are we afraid? Where in us do we judge? Where in us do we shame ourselves?Do you know whats truly yours?Have you taken any time each month (this next month coming up for you) to tap into your bodies and listen?What's one small step or intention we can take on this next bleed that you will have?Imagine what we can do with the true energy and power we have and we are with shifting even a small belief or intention?Imagine truly learning about who you are as woman....Ideas, Tips, Tools, Etc that could support you on your journey to learning about yourself and deepening your knowledge every month...xoNic
  • 6. Cycle Talk Ep 1: You Are Your Own Medicine Woman

    May a gift to you this year be: to learn how your womb is your medicine woman partner with you in all these life "challenges."Women: We ARE our own medicine. we are THE medicine. Our womb is talking to is every cycle. We have this medicine, our own medicine access that is for us and with us.Grateful and honored to be with you on your journey.Woman - call your energy back to yourself. Learning your power and wisdom. Skills. Energy. Power. Knowing. Wisdom. In any stage of your womanhood and your personal evolution - here with you. 📞 On Call women's Guide: book your call with me (donation based) to help guide you with challenges in your cycle or abilites youre experiencing or support or questions you simply need in this chapter / phase in your life you are in. I help to guide you fully, in supporting you navigating your personal womb cycle and what is happening, to help guide you with your personal abilites and evolution - be that stepping into your next chapter, getting off of Birth control, fertility, learning relationship with the unknown, healing from your hyper-masculine, navigating identity loss/shift/depression, navigating a partnership/relationship you have, pregnancy or natural birth, postpartum, herbal and hormonal healing, motherhood and more.Reach out to me via email ormy Instagram