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49. Ep. 49: Unpacking Control, Possessiveness, & Stalking
01:12:31||Season 1, Ep. 49On this episode, Mandy shares her survivor story about how she met her abuser at a young age and was quickly swept into a relationship where possessiveness, monitoring, and the pressure to be "perfect" were constant. We will discuss what made this cycle so confusing and the challenges she faced while leaving including having to record conversations just to keep track of her own memory.Mandy's TikTok: @m__sealeNo Instagram ProvidedGrace's Instagram: @gracestuart26
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48. Ep. 48: "He Pretended to do a Total 180" | How She Finally Broke Free
01:16:16||Season 1, Ep. 48On this episode, Rose shares her survivor story of navigating an abusive relationship with emotional abuse, financial abuse, sexual coercion, escalating physical crossing of boundaries, and leaving with children. She shares how her abuser would use shared- dreams they had of the future to keep her in the cycle including faking change in an attempt to get her to return to the relationship. If you want to connect with today's guest you can get in touch through her Instagram page: @rooted.and.bloomingGuest's Instagram: @rooted.and.bloomingMy Instagram: @Gracestuart2647. Ep. 47: Understanding Coercive Control and Manipulative Behaviors | Dr. Emma Katz
01:23:18||Season 1, Ep. 47On this episode I am joined by coercive control expert Dr. Emma Katz to break down some of your most commonly asked questions. Dr. Katz is a UK- based domestic violence & coercive control researcher and a Substack Bestseller. During this episode, we discuss topics such as why abusers tend to use emotional abuse & coercive behaviors as their main form of control, examples of why they are doing it on purpose, and how they attack the mother-child relationship.Dr. Katz Links & Resources: 10 Reasons Why a Coercively Controlling Man is an Unfit Father:"She's Not Innocent Either." Actually, Yes She Is Innocent: all Dr Emma Katz's articles on Substack and find what you want to read: Instagram: Ep. 46: Trusting Your Gut Instinct- with Laura Richards
01:00:59||Season 1, Ep. 46On this episode, I am joined by Criminal Behavior Analyst, Laura Richards. Laura is an expert on domestic abuse, coercive control, stalking, sexual violence homicide and risk assessment. She trained at New Scotland Yard and the FBI Behavioral Analysis Units and is an advocate for victims and an author, producer and podcaster. Together, we sit down and discuss the importance of trusting your gut instincts, the reality of coercive control, the Gabby Petitio case, and much more. You can find all of Laura's links below for her podcast, recourses, trainings, and social media pages. Laura Richards Podcasts, Squad and YouTube can be found here: For more information and resources, the following sites can be accessed: www.thelaurarichards.com Socials:Crime Analyst Squad: Crime Analyst PodcastInsta: @laurarichards999 and @crimeanalystThreads @crimeanalystTiktok: @crimeanalystpodX: @laurarichards99 and @thecrimeanalystGrace's Social Media:Instagram: @Gracestuart26Tiktok: @gracestuartEp. 45: Emotional Abuse Can Feel like Death by a Thousand Paper Cuts - with Leah Aguirre
01:03:18|On this episode, I am joined by licensed therapist and author Leah Aguirre where we have an open conversation about "hidden" forms of abuse such as frequent criticism, belittling, and making you feel like nothing is ever good enough. We also discuss questions like "why does my abuser's ex say he wasn't abusive" and "how to not get confused when he starts acting nice again". Lastly, we talk about our takeaways from the Gabby Petito case and several other topics.Leah's Website, Links, & Socials: Book for pre-order:'s group practice website:'s Instagram: @leahaguirrelcswGrace's Instagram: @gracestuart26, @whyshestayedpodcast44. Ep. 44: "I Was An Advocate For Victims, But I Didn't Realize I Was One Too"
01:07:05||Season 1, Ep. 44On this episode, Naomi shares about the cognitive dissonance she experienced when she was working as a victim crime advocate not realizing that she herself was experiencing coercive control, abuse within her own marriage. We talk about her journey to gain clarity, how she left with children, and her abuser's famous words: "But I never hit you".Naomi's Instagram: @nar4124My Instagram: @gracestuart2643. Ep. 43: Confusion Is The Hallmark Of Abuse
01:15:31||Season 1, Ep. 43On this Episode, Liadan shares her abuse story and how confusion played a huge role in struggling to break free. We talk about continuous discarding as a form of abuse, triangulation, and how efficiently the abuser will turn the blame back onto you. This episode contains topics of emotional, verbal, & physical abuse. Liadan's Instagram: @liadanmairegunterLiadan's Website: