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What's Your Drama

Lainey and Sasha sit down to discuss relationships, love, sex, work drama, best friends, former friends, and other life issues in this podcast format of Sasha's previously written "Sasha Answers" column on, one of the we...

Lainey and Sasha sit down to discuss relationships, love, sex, work drama, best friends, former friends, and other life issues in this podcast format of Sasha's previously written "Sasha Answers" column on LaineyGossip.c

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  • 18. Meat Mounds & Mixed Messages

    50:47||Season 6, Ep. 18
    As you know, it's the last episode of the season so we of course had to leave you with some vagina-adjacent talk. It only seems right. But then it is time to get into your drama and you gave us the goods!Our first question comes in from Evan who is feeling "gross" after he confronted his boss for saying some gross ass racist sh-t. As Lainey and I point out, the person who should feel GROSS is his damn boss.Then we move on to Jill who is feeling all the break-up feels after splitting up with Jack. Jack can't give Jill what she wants, the only problem is that Jill hasn't realized that yet. So we give her the cold hard facts to move on.Finally we end on Lorelei. She needs some reassurance that she made the right decision about ditching a dude she was recently dating. We got back to something very profound Lainey once said which is "your vagina never lies"We hope you enjoy the show and keep sending me all your DRAMA! Send your advice questions my way at We also love hearing from you on Twitter at @sasha_tong and @laineygossip and Instagram at @lostandfoundapothecary and @laineygossip. And of course subscribe wherever you get your podcasts, and make sure to leave feedback and comments because it helps others find our show! 

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  • 17. What’s Your Drama: Breast Tests and D!ck Dilemmas

    40:35||Season 6, Ep. 17
    We are talking about mammograms today so if anyone wants to participate in the conversation please feel free to slip into my emails. After we talk about making our breasts sandwiches we are ready to eat up your drama!Our first writer is trying to get her groove back but the guy she has her eye on might cause some family conflict. So does dick trump all? I mean, yeah it does.Then it's on to Lizzie who is looking for some closure after her friend Alice did her dirty. But things are getting complicated because Alice might be her new colleague and they haven't talked since Alice got with Lizzie's boyfriend. Awkward!!! Finally we end with Jane and her friend triangle drama. Here's the Cole's notes: Jane and her friend Marc used to bone. But now they are just friends. But Marc's new girlfriend doesn't know about their deep dicking past. So do Jane and Marc have to come clean or can they pretend it never happened?  We hope you enjoy the show and keep sending me all your DRAMA! Send your advice questions my way at We also love hearing from you on Twitter at @sasha_tong and @laineygossip and Instagram at @lostandfoundapothecary and @laineygossip. And of course subscribe wherever you get your podcasts, and make sure to leave feedback and comments because it helps others find our show!
  • 6. Ex Best Friends & Tropical Love

    45:50||Season 16, Ep. 6
    By now you might think Bennifer 2021 is old news but I still can't seem to get over the fact that they are back on. I'm concerned for JLo and her love ways, but it should come as no surprise that Lainey finds no issue with it at all.  Then it's time to get into your drama and you guys brought the heat.First up is Sarissa who is still licking old best friend breakup wounds. Laura is, in Sarissa's words, "that toxic friend", but she still feels regret on how it ended. Should she reach out or just leave it be?Then it's on to Jennifer who hits us up with a rant. She's trying to get to the next phase in her life but her partner's brother is shitting on these plans. We help her out with setting some strict ass boundaries.Lastly, we wrap things up with Mila who is earning major air miles trying to make a relationship work. I let Lainey deliver the bad news to Mila so that for once, I’m not always the person to tell someone to break up.We hope you enjoy the show and keep sending me all your DRAMA! Send your advice questions my way at We also love hearing from you on Twitter at @sasha_tong and @laineygossip and Instagram at @lostandfoundapothecary and @laineygossip. And of course subscribe wherever you get your podcasts, and make sure to leave feedback and comments because it helps others find our show! 
  • 15. True Colors Revealed & Strict Life Schedules

    45:44||Season 6, Ep. 15
    Today we kick things off with my poo dreams. Yes, my poo dreams. If there are any dream analyzers out there my email is wide open to you. First up on the hit list is "Carla". Carla's best bud Molly has gone dark since getting a new boyfriend and Carla is over this behavior. So does she need to suck it up or should she just move on from the friendship?  Then it's on to "Hadley" who is losing her patience with close friends and family who have really shown their true colors this pandemic. I'm pretty black and white about issues like this but Lainey comes in with the right advice on this one.Finally, we end on "Petra" who is 23 and has some serious set plans for her future. The only problem is that her current boyfriend might not have the same family vision as she does right now. Lainey and I give Petra a little reality check.We hope you enjoy the show and keep sending me all your DRAMA! Send your advice questions my way at We also love hearing from you on Twitter at @sasha_tong and @laineygossip and Instagram at @lostandfoundapothecary and @laineygossip. And of course subscribe wherever you get your podcasts, and make sure to leave feedback and comments because it helps others find our show!  
  • 14. Second Hand Embarrassment & Real Life Friend Requests

    49:06||Season 6, Ep. 14
    Before we get into your dramz we doing part two of our pee stream talk. We heard back from a lot of you and we're not sure any of your tricks and tips lead us to any good conclusion.Then it's time to answer your questions!First we hear from Julie who is getting all the cringe when her husband hits the bottle. She's not sure whether she should address the issue with him or hope that it goes away.  Then it's on to Julia. Julia is a social media influencer and is struggling with the balance between her online persona and who she actually is. She's getting a lot of friend requests to hang out in real life and she doesn't know what to do.Finally, we end on Annie who is dealing with a "turd" who is spreading her sexual conquest stories around town. But who told this turd in the first place??? That's where things getting a bit complicated.We hope you enjoy the show and keep sending me all your DRAMA! Send your advice questions my way at We also love hearing from you on Twitter at @sasha_tong and @laineygossip and Instagram at @lostandfoundapothecary and @laineygossip. And of course subscribe wherever you get your podcasts, and make sure to leave feedback and comments because it helps others find our show! 
  • 13. Vaccines the New Dress Code? & Friend Zoning Someone You Like

    41:54||Season 6, Ep. 13
    Before we get into your drama Lainey would like to talk to you about her urinary issues. It's too long to get into it here so just take a listen and please feel free let us know about your own stream.Then it's time to get to your letters and we kick things off with "Julia" who is in an on-again off-again thing with this guy who she knows probably isn't interested in her but she still wants to give it that one good old college try. Lainey and I are surprisingly split on this one.Next it's over to "Althea" who has really good bridesmaid drama with a pandemic twist. Covid is new territory for everyone and if you're a future bride, I feel like this will give you some things to think about.  Finally, we end on "Davina". Davina has always put this certain guy from university in the friend zone even though they have messed around before. But now she might want something more but before she let him know she cut off the friendship. Should she just move on without him or should she confess her love?  We hope you enjoy the show and keep sending me all your DRAMA! Send your advice questions my way at We also love hearing from you on Twitter at @sasha_tong and @laineygossip and Instagram at @lostandfoundapothecary and @laineygossip. And of course subscribe wherever you get your podcasts, and make sure to leave feedback and comments because it helps others find our show! 
  • 12. Taking an Instagram Lover & Ball Dropping Friends

    52:51||Season 6, Ep. 12
    Welcome back to What’s Your Drama. I'm sorry we were a little light last month on podcasts but life happened. Hopefully today's longer podcast makes up for it.Up first we hear from "Lisa". Lisa is half Asian living in a predominantly white small town and feels like she's been abandoned by a lot of her white friends during a time when she needed her buds. To be honest, Lisa might as well be me because I've also felt like a lot of my friends have dropped the ball. So here we are both asking Lainey for some advice on how to deal with this friend drama.Then we move on to "E" who needs some advice on a dude who's sliding into her DMs. She's ready to do the deed and, as she says, "take on a lover” but we're not sure E's strategy is serving her well.Finally we end up on some COVID-adjacent drama. "Ellie" is bummed that her friend "Sandy" has taken off on a surf vacation without her. Although Ellie didn’t want to travel during COVID, Sandy did. So is Ellie right in feeling like her friend did her dirty? Jacek texted me after hearing our advice and said it was quote "ridiculously incoherent". I beg to differ.We hope you enjoy the show and keep sending me all your DRAMA! Send your advice questions my way at We also love hearing from you on Twitter at @sasha_tong and @laineygossip and Instagram at @lostandfoundapothecary and @laineygossip. And of course subscribe wherever you get your podcasts, and make sure to leave feedback and comments because it helps others find our show!