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22. Masher mayhem!
25:47||Season 3, Ep. 22Thursday again! Today, Neil shares his insult of the week, we discuss the twatful talking point and the weekly listener story is one about a strong independent woman and a masher... isn't it Tracey!If you'd like to get in touch please email us on or message us on either TikTok, Instagram or Facebook.
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21. Landing among the stars... impossible!
39:36||Season 3, Ep. 21Welcome Twats! Today Neil and James share updates on their week, needless to say Neil's has been dramatic! Neil and James share their twatfuls, quote of the week makes an appearance and listener Amelia shares her love of her husband's parking abilities. We also read out some listener comments from our social media posts :) If you'd like to get in touch and send us your twatfuls or stories, email us at, or message us on either Instagram, Facebook or TikTok.20. A case of mistaken identity!
32:29||Season 3, Ep. 2010 minutes talking about Britney, cassettes and the older generation and technology, not the way in which the episode was supposed to start but never mind! Welcome to Thursday! Today, Neil and James bring you all the extra 'juicy bits' including a snippet from the book of insults, discussing ridiculous things you thought were true as a kid and finally of course the We've all had a Twatful weekly story.19. Positive Pickles!
34:56||Season 3, Ep. 19Hello listeners! Monday again and what better way to kick it off than listening to Neil and James! In today's episode a famous voice now features (see if you can workout who), James shares his frustration around the local gym not answering the phone and Neil shares how he gets annoyed with people who don't use linked 'in correctly!18. Peeping Tom and Taxis
30:11||Season 3, Ep. 18Its Thursday! Welcome to We've all had a Twatful- The Juicy Bits! Today Neil and James share their thoughts on the return of Gladiators and take a trip down 'nostalgic TV Lane'. This week's twatful talking point gets a bit serious, but is certainly a case of looking back and the benefit of hindsight. And the weekly listener story is the result of rather questionable activity.If you'd like to get in touch with us email us at, or message us on social media via TikTok, Instagram or Facebook.17. TV ads and Ikea! (***Trigger warning- see episode description***)
27:10||Season 3, Ep. 17**** TRIGGER WARNING- if you are squeamish skip the first 4 minutes of this week's podcast ****It's Monday! Just a short sharp episode for today! We hear from one of our American listeners about being asked to park up, James shares an update about his week away and Neil shares his love for Ikea! To mix things up Neil shares an inspirational quote, and listener Poppy writes in to tell us about her hate for parking on new build estates. If you'd like to get in touch with us email us at, or message us on social media via TikTok, Instagram or Facebook.16. Oops Upside Your Head and an Ace of Spades!
25:57||Season 3, Ep. 16On this Thursday's Juicy Bits we have the twatful talking point, a lister tells us about a party mishap, the quote of the week totally speaks to the kind of week Neil has had and the listener location takes us across the UK and maybe the world- will you be a listener in this week's locations? Let us know! If you'd like to get in touch please email us as, or message us on TikTok, Instagram or Facebook.