


In each the episode of the WDW UK NEWSCAST THE POD, the team discuss the going ons and news from all the Disney theme parks, cruise ships, Hotels and Universal Studios/ Sea World from around the world.They discuss topic

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  • 9. Episode 18

    55:52||Season 2, Ep. 9
    Welcome to episode 9 of season 2 of the WDW UK Newscast (Episode 18 Collectively)This is the 18th episode of our podcast and in this episode we play a game listing Disney restaurants and rides from our favourite to ones we could misswhich ride of restaurant will be our number one?Join us as we discuss so much more news and stories

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  • 8. Episode 17

    01:12:07||Season 2, Ep. 8
    Welcome to episode 8 of season 2 of the WDW UK Newscast (Episode 17 Collectively)This is the 17th episode of our podcast and in this episode we have a jolly good catch up after being away over the summer.Andy tells us about his impromptu trip to Disneyland Paris, Chelsea talks about her tour of The Rosen Inn on I-drive and Matt is now a boat person ......Join us as we discuss so much more news and stories
  • 7. Episode 16

    01:15:48||Season 2, Ep. 7
    Welcome to episode 7 of season 2 of the WDW UK Newscast (Episode 15 Collectively)This is the 16th episode of our podcast and in this episode we discuss Tiana's Bayou Adventure updates as well as the eagerly awaited return of the Disney Dining Plan Join us as we discuss so much more news and stories
  • 6. Episode 15

    01:53:01||Season 2, Ep. 6
    Welcome to episode 6 of season 2 of the WDW UK Newscast (Episode 15 Collectively)This is the 14th episode of our podcast and in this episode we discuss Danny,Chelsea and Matts recent trip to Orlando and their experiences.Join us as we find out how much has changed sine the Perrings last trip
  • 5. Episode 14

    01:06:09||Season 2, Ep. 5
    Welcome to episode 5 of season 2 of the WDW UK Newscast (Episode 14 Collectively)This is the 14th episode of our podcast where we discuss which attractions are overrated and underrated. This is definitely going to split opinions Each Episode the team will be sharing the most recent news and discussing helpful hints and tips for your future travel
  • 4. Episode 13

    48:04||Season 2, Ep. 4
    Welcome to episode 4 of season 2 of the WDW UK Newscast (Episode 10 Collectively)This is the 13th episode of our podcast and in this episode we discuss which Disney tides we change the theme or "overlay" to, to subtly change the ride. Just like Tower of terror in California is now Guardians Of the Galaxy Each Episode the team will be sharing the most recent news and discussing helpful hints and tips for your future travel
  • 3. Episode 12

    01:08:06||Season 2, Ep. 3
    Welcome to episode 3 of season 2 of the WDW UK Newscast (Episode 10 Collectively)This is the 12th episode of our podcast and in this episode we discuss which hotels, rides and quick services we would go to, not go to, or avoid like Chester's and Hester's Each Episode the team will be sharing the most recent news and discussing helpful hints and tips for your future travel