Voice Notes From The Lab

A monthly photography podcast from the very same people that develop your film at Jack’s Lab. A chance for us to get together and chat about all things photography, our never ending battle against imposter syndrome and an unedited behind-the-scenes peak into life at a film lab. Hosted by Jack Ford, Rosie Warwick and Jack Tolhurst.

Jack Ford

Jack is a photographer and owner of Jack's Lab. Working in both commercial and editorial photography, as well as fulfilling his constant desire for acquiring new cameras and general photo-taking paraphernalia.

Rosie Warwick

Rosie is a photographer, working on both film and digital on personal projects, and is a lab technician at Jack's Lab.

Jack Tolhurst

Jack (yep, the other one) is a photographer and lover of alternative processing and printing. Jack also works at Jack's Lab as a lab technician, and can usually be found hand developing B&W at the back of the lab.