
cover art for Embracing the Invisible Progress. How To Keep Going When Everything Feels Stalled

Unstoppable Female Entrepreneurs

Embracing the Invisible Progress. How To Keep Going When Everything Feels Stalled

Ep. 136

Have you ever felt your latest marketing effort was a total waste of time after metrics came back?

In today's episode, I'm talking about invisible progress, why it is crucial to "keep an eye on it" in any entrepreneurial journey, nurturing your marketing efforts despite what metrics reflect, cultivating your trust, and more. Understanding the invisible progress concept in marketing is commonly mistaken with having faith that success will knock at our door, like some kind of fable or fairy tale. It is not about faith but trust; trust in our marketing, messaging, strategies, resilience, capacity, and even our journey, the challenges we totally crushed to get where we are.

Throughout this episode, I'll help you better understand the concept of invisible progress in marketing, share tools and insights that'll help you navigate those moments when nothing seems to happen.

Tune in to episode 136 of Unstoppable Female Entrepreneurs and embrace your business' invisible progress until it becomes undeniably visible.

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • Every bit of effort you put into your marketing is working, even if you can't see it (1:30)
  • How to keep investing in your efforts when they seem not to be working (4:10)
  • What can you do when nothing seems to happen (6:00)
  • Fuel your trust's engine (8:10)
  • The work you put in today will pay off in the future (10:00)

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