
cover art for An uncomfortable conversation about race, religion, and politics


An uncomfortable conversation about race, religion, and politics

Season 9, Ep. 3

If you grew up in the evangelical movement, you've heard it said that Christians vote Republican. The only problem with that is 86% of Black Christians vote Democrat. So which is it?

In this month's episode, we talk about why we believe it's not theology that influences our view of government, but rather something else and how ultimately it's okay for followers of Jesus to disagree on political issues.


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References and Sources:

Holy Post: Why do White Christians vote Republican and Black Christians vote Democrat?

PRRI: Exploring the diverse religious and political affiliations of Hispanic Americans

Pew: Religion and Politics

NYT: Trump is connecting with a different type of evangelical voter

Pew: More White Americans adopted than shed Evangelical label during Trump Presidency

Humankind: A Hopeful History - Rutger Bregman


Tension was called Unlearning Youth Group for the first six seasons.

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