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Unity Baptist Church

The Gospel of John: John, A Reintroduction

Season 8, Ep. 45

Welcome to the Unity Baptist Church sermon podcast!

Introductions are one of the greatest opportune moments that give us a taste of what is to come. How do you introduce yourself to others? It has been said that within 8-10 seconds, a Gen-Z individual has already made their mind up about a person. Within that 8-10 seconds, they have already determined if you are important enough to give their attention to. In the Gospel of John, there are some key introductions we immediately walk into. Senior Pastor, Heath Bauer, is leading us into a new series in the Gospel of John. Today he brings our attention to an introduction to the book. 

If you are in the Ashland Tri-State area, we would love to get to know you! More information on how you can connect with Unity will follow today’s talk. Here’s Pastor Heath with today’s message, “John, A Reintroduction.”

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  • 51. Leaving the Past Behind

    01:07:28||Season 8, Ep. 51
    Welcome to the Unity Baptist Church sermon podcast!I trust that you have had a wonderful Christmas season that has been full of Christ! As we approach the end of this year, many of us are taking that reminiscent journey that began a year ago. How did that gym membership pan out for you? How are you doing on your goals you set a year ago? Did you become the person you said you would be? Why is it so hard to move forward from the past? New year resolutions are great. It gives us something to move forward towards. To move forward, means I must leave what is behind me. When I surrender to Christ and allow Him to chisel and shape my life, I leave the past behind and live for where He leads. As we head to the new year, think about your past. What in your past is keeping you from following Christ today?If you are in the Ashland Tri-State area, we would love to get to know you! More information on how you can connect with Unity will follow today’s talk. Here’s Pastor Heath with today’s message, “Leaving the Past Behind.”Connect with us Here!
  • 50. The Gospel of John: The Family Business

    01:07:24||Season 8, Ep. 50
    Welcome to the Unity Baptist Church sermon podcast!Have you ever had to do something for someone else? I’m not talking about a good deed, although it can be classified as that if your motives are right. I use to work as a carpet cleaning technician for a prominent carpet cleaning business in our area. Summer was always busy. I got a call from our supervisor and he asked me if I could come in and work in his place for the day so he can take care of some personal matters. When I got in, he handed me the keys to his van and equipment, and reminded me that I am doing this “in his name.” His reputation along with the company, and mine, are at stake. No pressure right? I didn’t want his reputation to be damaged by my actions, so I did my best. Why? I believed in the work ethic he had and I followed suit. The things we believe in determines the work we will do for it. Where does your belief lead you to?We are continuing in a series called “The Gospel of John.” This week, Senior pastor, Heath Bauer, guides us with a message called, “The Family Business.”If you are in the Ashland Tri-State area, we would love to get to know you! More information on how you can connect with Unity will follow today’s talk. Here’s Pastor Heath with today’s message.Connect with us Here!
  • 49. The Gospel of John: Truth in Troubled Times

    01:02:05||Season 8, Ep. 49
    Welcome to the Unity Baptist Church sermon podcast!All paths have a purpose of destination. Every person you see is on a path. As an outdoorsman, I enjoy going out into the woods, or as my kids call it, “the deer woods.” Depending on what path I take will determine the difficulty of travel and time. If we are honest with one another, the easier the better right? I have learned, that kind of thinking is tricky. Most of the time, if not all the time, easier isn’t better, it’s just easier. In John 14:6 Jesus says, “I am the way the truth and the life…” The only way, the only path, the only gate that leads to the God, is Jesus. If we follow Christ faithfully, we will walk through the narrow gate and journey on the narrow path. Matthew 7:13-14 says, 13 “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. 14 For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few. (The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. Crossway Bibles, 2016, p. Mt 7:13–14.) Are you part of the few?If you have been following us, we are in a series called “The Gospel of John.” This week, Senior pastor, Heath Bauer, continues in this series with a message called, “Truth for Troubled Times.”If you are in the Ashland Tri-State area, we would love to get to know you! More information on how you can connect with Unity will follow today’s talk. Here’s Pastor Heath with today’s message.Connect with us Here!
  • 48. The Gospel of John: Portrait of a True Christian

    01:03:59||Season 8, Ep. 48
    Welcome to the Unity Baptist Church sermon podcast!What is it about light that is so attractive to people? Have you ever thought about that? You have neighbors who go all out during the holiday seasons and their homes are all a-glow! Some even invest a lot of money and time with special Christmas light shows that you can enjoy from the sidewalk or car. The movement of the lights, and even in the stillness of the light, we can catch ourselves drawn and fixed to the light. “Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. Crossway Bibles, 2016, p. Jn 8:12.) For centuries, humankind has been seeking a “light” to help them out of darkness. Are your eyes set on the Light of the world?If you have been following us, we are in a series called “The Gospel of John.” This week, Senior pastor, Heath Bauer, continues in this series with a message called, “Portrait of a True Christian.”If you are in the Ashland Tri-State area, we would love to get to know you! More information on how you can connect with Unity will follow today’s talk. Here’s Pastor Heath with today’s message.Connect with us Here!
  • 47. The Gospel of John: Characteristics of a Weed

    01:00:53||Season 8, Ep. 47
    Welcome to the Unity Baptist Church sermon podcast!When I became a home owner, our home had little to no landscaping. This is where the “Honey-do” list started. We spent some money and invested the time and labor to spruce up our home’s curb appeal. It looked great! After a year, we noticed something very annoying. Weeds. They sprouted everywhere and tried to take over the landscaping! Naturally, we went out and picked out all the weeds and cleaned up the landscaping. It looked great again! You know, weeding is a process. We have to keep going back and cleaning them out, using natural preventive measures to keep them away longer…but they keep coming back. If we let them grow, they will choke the life out of our landscaping and changing the whole look of our property. This leads me to the question, “What weeds have you allowed to grow in your life?” If you are tracking with us, we in a series called “The Gospel of John.” This week, Senior pastor, Heath Bauer, continues in this series with a message called, “Characteristics of a Weed.”If you are in the Ashland Tri-State area, we would love to get to know you! More information on how you can connect with Unity will follow today’s talk. Here’s Pastor Heath with today’s message.Connect with us Here!
  • 46. The Gospel of John: If Jesus Can Wash Men's Feet

    01:01:49||Season 8, Ep. 46
    Welcome to the Unity Baptist Church sermon podcast!What is the most humble act you can do for someone else? I know, it’s completely counter cultural to embrace being humble. If you look out your window, you see a world that is calling for each person to do what’s true to them. Humility is something that is not natural. It is within our human nature to be filled with pride. Pride not kept in check is dangerous. When was the last time you washed someone’s feet? Washing someone else’s feet is an act of humility. It says to that person that you value them. If you are following with us, last week we reintroduced a series called “The Gospel of John.” This week, Senior pastor Heath Bauer, continues in this series with a message called, “If Jesus can Wash Men’s Feet.”If you are in the Ashland Tri-State area, we would love to get to know you! More information on how you can connect with Unity will follow today’s talk. Here’s Pastor Heath with today’s message.Connect with us Here!
  • 44. In God We Still Trust

    58:28||Season 8, Ep. 44
    Welcome to the Unity Baptist Church sermon podcast!Who do you put your trust in? In 1956, President Dwight Eisenhower signed a joint resolution from Congress stating “In God We Trust” as the United States national motto. For the first time, on October 1, 1957, this motto was printed on the back side of the dollar bill. The phrase itself is said to have been dated back to the Civil War era. Before it was printed on paper currency, “In God We Trust” was found on coins, as space allowed. In 1864 it first appeared on a 2-cent coin. But, was this the heartbeat of the United States? Did every person trust in God? Is it bad or evil to trust in God? If there is someone we can put our trust in; someone who sacrificed more than we will ever be willing to let go of; someone who can redeem and rescue those who are broken and in need of a Savior, it is God. If you are in the Ashland Tri-State area, we would love to get to know you! More information on how you can connect with Unity will follow today’s talk. Here’s Pastor Heath with today’s message, “In God We Still Trust.”Connect with us Here!Sermon Notes Here!
  • 43. Shadows of Christ: Tabernacles

    55:37||Season 8, Ep. 43
    Welcome to the Unity Baptist Church sermon podcast!Do you ever feel like you need to hit a reset button in your life? If we allow it, we can let our lives get so busy and distracted from what is most important. The business controls and manipulates everything we end up doing. When we allow this to happen, the most important things about life get buried and sometimes forgotten. This week we are looking at the series, “Shadows of Christ.” In this series, we are looking at the Jewish feasts the Jews celebrate or observe. Within these feasts, there is one distinct commonality; Jesus Christ. These feasts serve as a calling to all people to surrender to Christ. What is keeping your life from turning or returning to Christ?If you are in the Ashland Tri-State area, we would love to get to know you! More information on how you can connect with Unity will follow today’s talk. Here’s Pastor Heath with today’s message, “Tabernacles.”Connect with us Here!