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Unity Baptist Church

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  • 38. In God We Trust: Model Citizens

    01:00:43||Season 8, Ep. 38
    Welcome to the Unity Baptist Church sermon podcast!What does the model citizen look like in our day and age? We all would have some opinions about how a citizen of the United States should look like. Many of us would hope that they would agree to and live by our local, state and government laws. That would mean, a person would need to submit. Do you have a hard time submitting to authority? Do you struggle to respect leaders who have been placed to maintain and build on our country’s success? Today, Senior pastor, Heath Bauer, is in the series called “In God We Trust.” We are going to see how God’s Word encourages us to handle our spot with government.If you are in the Ashland Tri-State area, we would love to get to know you! More information on how you can connect with Unity will follow today’s talk. Here’s Pastor Heath with today’s message, “Model Citizens.”Connect with us Here!

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  • 37. In God We Trust: Origins of Government

    01:05:03||Season 8, Ep. 37
    Welcome to the Unity Baptist Church sermon podcast!If you catch any of the news floating around these days, you know there is a great division and unrest with our own government. For some of us, just hearing this is causing some unrest within. Have you ever wondered where government came from? Today, Senior pastor, Heath Bauer, starts a new series called “In God We Trust.” Who created government? Where did it come from? Is the church allowed to talk about it? Many have their own opinions. Let’s see what the Bible holds for us.If you are in the Ashland Tri-State area, we would love to get to know you! More information on how you can connect with Unity will follow today’s talk. Here’s Pastor Heath with today’s message, “Origin of Government.”Connect with us Here!
  • 36. Boundaries of Freedom: Coveting

    57:27||Season 8, Ep. 36
    Welcome to the Unity Baptist Church sermon podcast!Senior Pastor, Heath Bauer, has been faithfully walking us through the series, “Boundaries of Freedom.” This series is based on the Ten Commandments found in Exodus 20. This week, we are on the tenth commandment, “17 “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor’s.” (The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. Crossway Bibles, 2016, p. Ex 20:17.) We are all guilty of this, aren’t we? At some point, we have allowed our hearts to be filled with a desire to have what other people have. Consumerism 101 - have something that someone else can’t live without. Is it possible to live and not covet? Is it possible to overcome covetousness?If you are in the Ashland Tri-State area, we would love to get to know you! More information on how you can connect with Unity will follow today’s talk. Here’s Pastor Heath with today’s message, “Coveting.”Connect with us Here!
  • 35. Boundaries of Freedom: Do Not Lie

    01:00:07||Season 8, Ep. 35
    Welcome to the Unity Baptist Church sermon podcast!Senior Pastor, Heath Bauer, is faithfully walking us through the series, “Boundaries of Freedom.” If you have been with us for a few weeks, you will see that this series is based on the Ten Commandments found in Exodus 20. This week, we are on the ninth commandment, “16 “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” (The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), Ex 20:16.) When was the last time you told a lie? When it comes to admitting we are liars, it is a hard and humbling thing to do. We want others to think the best of us, even when we might be living in falsehood. But what happens when we choose to lie? Pastor Heath unravels what bearing a false witness looks like and how it damages everyone involved. If you are in the Ashland Tri-State area, we would love to get to know you! More information on how you can connect with Unity will follow today’s talk. Here’s Pastor Heath with today’s message, “Do Not Lie.”Connect with us Here!
  • 34. Boundaries of Freedom: Stealing

    52:21||Season 8, Ep. 34
    Welcome to the Unity Baptist Church sermon podcast!For the past few weeks we have been in a series called, “Boundaries of Freedom.” This series is based on the ten commandments. This week we look at the 8th commandment, “15 “You shall not steal.” (The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), Ex 20:15.) Remember the third grade version of you? What it was like to step into school, the smell of the hallway, maybe the smell of the person next to you? Remember that one of a kind eraser cap that gave the ultimate upgrade to your pencil? Remember the person who stole that eraser cap from you? Having things stolen from you just hits different. It’s personal, and hurts that someone intentionally would treat you like this. What about now? What or from whom are you stealing? If you are in the Ashland Tri-State area, we would love to get to know you! More information on how you can connect with Unity will follow today’s talk. Here’s Pastor Heath with today’s message, “Stealing.”Connect with us Here!
  • 33. Boundaries of Freedom: Do Not Commit Adultery

    59:05||Season 8, Ep. 33
    Welcome to the Unity Baptist Church sermon podcast!For the past few weeks we have been going through a series called, “Foundations of Freedom.” This series is based on the ten commandments. This week we look at the 7th commandment, “14 “You shall not commit adultery.” (The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), Ex 20:14.) Why would a holy God set up a system of commands for individuals to balance their life by? Could it be that He knows exactly what the human heart is like and exactly what we need? If you are in the Ashland Tri-State area, we would love to get to know you! More information on how you can connect with Unity will follow today’s talk. Here’s Pastor Heath with today’s message, “Do Not Commit Adultery.”Connect with us Here!
  • 32. Boundaries of Freedom: Do Not Murder

    59:05||Season 8, Ep. 32
    Welcome to the Unity Baptist Church sermon podcast!We are going to just jump right in here…What do you think about murder? Have you ever murdered someone? Most of us know what the Bible says about murder, but let’s get a refresher of it. Exodus 20:13 says, “13 “You shall not murder. (The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), Ex 20:13.) So, what does this mean? Today, Senior pastor, Heath Bauer continues in the series “Boundaries of Freedom.” Yes, you guessed it, he walks us through the sixth commandment and what God’s intension for it is. If you are in the Ashland Tri-State area, we would love to get to know you! More information on how you can connect with Unity will follow today’s talk. Here’s Pastor Heath with today’s message, “Do Not Murder.”Connect with us Here!