Top Flight Time Machine
Brat Summer
Holiday feedback, ceiking beds, a riverbank stench, angry Phillipe, and the Jacksons in the Uber again.
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TFTM Gold: The Keane Odyssey 2 - Part 4
30:22|(Rec: 21/2/19) Roy’s first set of wheels and a face-punch, a great night out in Sidetrax, plus Pinocchio and the Queen’s data systems. Join the Iron Filings Society: Talk
35:18|A mini-holiday in Blackpool, a jazz invitation, fish hands, a night emergency, a killer chick, and the majesty of Prince. Join the Iron Filings Society: Comes Autumn
41:40|Memories of telly on specific days, listening positions, BBC pros and cons, and some awful fathering. Join the Iron Filings Society: Gold: The Keane Odyssey 2 - Part 3
28:12|(Rec: 14/2/2019) Roy’s contempt for his teammates, forced milk drinking, a road trip with Brian Clough, plus Souness and Weah. Join the Iron Filings Society: Origin Story
45:25|Music lesson boys, Earth, Wind AND Fire, David Byrne gets mugged, more cowardice, relaxing, and death threats. Join the Iron Filings Society: Special
41:00|Some new ChatKFC music, acts of cowardice, Oasis, and some predictions. Join the Iron Filings Society: Gold: The Keane Odyssey 2 - Part 2
34:22|(Rec: 14/2/19) Unemployed Roy sinks into a ‘half life’ before getting a job eating chocolate, George Weah backs a demolition start-up, and Forest come calling… Join the Iron Filings Society: Burrosa
35:09|Elite-level Reading logistics, bell-hop cosplay, a tribute to Sven, and boardroom celeb-mingling. Join the Iron Filings Society: Wall Outrage
42:33|GCSE results day, Tim Walz, dads’ names, online Pigfacing, and the end of football? Join the Iron Filings Society: