
Tiny Plastic People
Special - Boats n all that
Toot toot! Roll out the spinnaker and swab the decks becasue it's a cheeky special episode of the Tiny Plastic People podcast! This time we yell our orders, print our rules and hunt the bug blue for the boat special! Drew has been playing boat games again, and has decided that his one quest is to somehow convert James, our resident boat hater (due to a long held canal boat themed grudge) to their watery charms.
We discuss the still available Mad for War by League of Augsburg and the hard to find Damn Battleships Again by Phil Barker. Get your resin printers ready and prepare to adjust your scales to nautical miles!
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Special: The Tiny Plastic People Holiday Hole - Part 2
01:39:59|Was one holiday pod not enough? Could it be that we just had too much hashtag content that we were bursting at the seams? Or did you twig that unlike Dune Part 1, we were not cowards, and put Part 1 right up there in the first show, swinging our festive balls in the faces of all holiday goers with the tease that, yes, this podcast has two parts, not one. Our journey contiunes! More hosts! More guests! more ramble! YOU BETTER WATCH OUT.As always, find more about TPP at and all the socials are there too! ENJOY!Special: The Tiny Plastic People Holiday Hole - Part 1
02:42:31|Oh happy days! Oh joyful sounds! Why it is the first part of the Tiny Plastic People holiday special! Join our regular hosts with a bevvy of guests from across the year to find out what truly ripped buttocks and tickled our collective fancies.Like this kind of nonsense? Well of course you do, you can find more of it at as well as links to our discord and more. PEACE BE WITH YOUEpisode 33: Keeping in the spookies
01:39:07|What is more scary than halloween? Well, one answer is a halloween episode that is five days late but oh my! It's certainly an experience. We are not sure who left Roujin in charge, but what seems to have happened is that he has led Pete AKA Fiyenya from Discord, JD, and Alistair into some kind of collective madness. In this madness they rank the spookiest minis of the last year, discuss some interesting halloween scenarios with what seems to be a London fruit market seller persona and finally breakdown the Warhammer Day reveals in a timely manner that only the Tiny Plastic People can get away with. You have been warned.Episode 32: Two big thumbs up from Ayn Rand
01:39:33|We are almost back on schedule! What schedule you ask? Well.. We care not really, but what we do care about is models! Plastic ones! Lead ones! Everything inbetween! So Rich, Nick and Jamie are here to give you a hot serving of good ol' fashioned minis chat. You'll learn all about The Joy of Six event in Sheffield! Diving into the evergreen take zone that is miniature storage! Bouncing needs of painting quickly verses painting an army verses just getting things done! Building a community around your favourite new game! It is a bumper crop of hobby features and we hope you join us!Remember you can visit us at and do all the social interations there. We'll see you VERY soon.Special - Enter The Age of Sigmar Fourth Edition Takes Zone
02:05:11|Boom! Another Tiny Plastic People Special appears! Nick! John! Rachel! They combine to create a hot bevvy of takes all relating to the recently (its still recent, honest!) Age of Sigmar Fourth Edition! Has Sigmar blown his wad over the double turn? Who will stop the Purple Sun? Are aelves at the top of the metaverse due to shooting shenanigans? Find out, as well as our intripid hosts thoughts on other things! So join us! It's a podcast after all.Episode 31: Hunker-maxxing the Fo-Monster
01:33:01|Ahh here we are on the dawn of a new edition of a new Games Workshop game! Are you ready for the hottest takes? Well, you've come to the wrong place becasue we are dropping chats all about FOMO! We are dropping chats about our perfect games that can be summed up in three words! We are talking about video game influences on table top games! But most importantly, the lovely folk that populate the Tiny Plastic People podcast are here to just have a nice time. So stuff on those headphones, clear your diary of important things like 'work' and turn the big dial that says 'I'm having a lovely time', looking back towards the fine hosts, Drew, Rachel and Tom ND for approval. Don't worry, it's thumbs up all around.Episode 30: Pete Postlethwaite's 40k Face
01:10:13|Oh? Did you miss us? We missed us too, so much so we have come to blast you back in time to the heady days of March, when we recorded this straight up ripper of an episode. That's right, no prisoners, only the hottest of takes from the hottest of friends. We've got speedy Pete, he's painted some models while podding. We've got Tom, and we've located him GPS to bring you tales of Chinese game stores. Finally new kid on the block Jamie drop pods in like a Helldiver of old to talk all about the glory that is all about getting your hobby pumping. Yup, it's the Tiny Plastic People Show and we are here to say: "Get those models painted ya coward!" while we wax lyrical about which acotrs we think have 'bit of a face', when to squeeze hobby in when you've got life to be getting on with and how we sail the hobby tides.As always you can find us at we have games there, we have a Discord called Roll Models there and you can get in touch with us to tell us things we need to know. So, enjoy responsibly!Episode 29: Everything Will Be Great From Now On
01:46:42|Read this bit first: Sorry for the delay on this one, and also the audio is less than stellar, however we are not ones to throw away good and nice conversation. So from the bottom of the audio bottle, we apologise! A number of issues on the editing end led to less that joyful ear sounds and we did our best to recover them. This said, we've heard from the future and we will endevour to not let this stop us in the future.All that aside, join James, Rachel and Alistair for a nice discussion around all thing tiny and plastic, and those things inbetween that also get us thinking about the nice world of hobby we live in. We get some impressions of the tiny new Legions Imperialis, hobby mental health and much more, so, audio gremlins aside, please enjoy another tiny plastic feast (please do not eat plastic other than the micro plastics in all our food, there is nothing we can do about that.)