
cover art for Episode 30: Pete Postlethwaite's 40k Face

Tiny Plastic People

Episode 30: Pete Postlethwaite's 40k Face

Oh? Did you miss us? We missed us too, so much so we have come to blast you back in time to the heady days of March, when we recorded this straight up ripper of an episode. That's right, no prisoners, only the hottest of takes from the hottest of friends. We've got speedy Pete, he's painted some models while podding. We've got Tom, and we've located him GPS to bring you tales of Chinese game stores. Finally new kid on the block Jamie drop pods in like a Helldiver of old to talk all about the glory that is all about getting your hobby pumping. Yup, it's the Tiny Plastic People Show and we are here to say: "Get those models painted ya coward!" while we wax lyrical about which acotrs we think have 'bit of a face', when to squeeze hobby in when you've got life to be getting on with and how we sail the hobby tides.

As always you can find us at we have games there, we have a Discord called Roll Models there and you can get in touch with us to tell us things we need to know. So, enjoy responsibly!

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