
Think Retail

A podcast where top designers, strategists, thought leaders and business people discuss what’s coming next.

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  • 69. Overcoming Bad Press

    No brand is immune to falling from grace even beloved brands have come under fire for both serious misconduct and things that are completely beyond their control. Some have managed to regain consumer confidence while others stumbled for years or even completely faltered. In today's conversation, we're talking about how brands need to address negative consumer perceptions.

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  • 68. Understanding Customer Segmentation

    Understanding your target consumer is key to success, doesn't matter what industry you're in. With the many tools available today to gather data about consumers, the ability to create a clearer picture of your customers and how they might fall into different categories has never been stronger. However, it's difficult for most companies to make use of every tool available. That means we have to pick and choose which tactics we want to develop strong portraits of our consumer segments.
  • 67. Social Media Trends in Retail

    Social media is constantly evolving. Something as little as removing the number of likes can make a big difference in the way users respond to a post. Just when marketers feel like they figured it out, a new platform, a new trend, or a tweak to the algorithm switches it all up again. Today, we're talking about some of the newest trends in the world of social media and how brands can respond. And welcome, Matt Wilson, SLD's new digital communication specialist.
  • 66. Building Connection Through Community Post-COVID

    These days we're all a little bit sensitive, maybe a little more than ever, and we really need a sense of connection. Community is one of those words that can be misused, but one of the positive things that happened during the pandemic was community building. Whether it was in a branded virtual community like Peloton, a school discord server, or the conversion of outdoor spaces into more comfortable community gathering spots, we craved being together when we were suddenly separated.Today, we're talking to Ziyan Hossain, futurist and managing director of OCADU about community building and the implications for branded spaces.
  • 65. The Future of Retail in Communities

    COVID is no longer preoccupying our lives as it was three years ago. Now, the war in Ukraine and the destabilization of the world economy are creating more uncertainty. It may seem like there are just too many things to worry about. And for retail brands that have been anticipating a celebratory end of the pandemic, it might feel almost soul-crushing to be facing another major crisis.So how do you get yourself and your team back up on your feet and looking ahead to a positive future when things are so uncertain? Today, I'm speaking to Richard Dirstein, SLD's EVP of Creative and Innovation about how retail brands can support their communities right now.
  • 64. The Future of the Hospitality Industry

    Every other day, you read a headline about labor shortages hurting restaurants and hospitality. In some places, companies are recruiting 14-year-olds, while others are offering big signing bonuses. Many restaurants are closing their doors several days a week because they don’t have enough staff to stay open, further hurting businesses that have managed barely to stay afloat during the pandemic. And government benefits that have supported those who’ve lost their jobs have ebbed away. So, why this dearth of workers? And why is it persisting? And if it continues, what does that mean for service?Today we’re speaking to Patricia Ghamami, General Manager of the Drake Hotel Devonshire and Motor Inn, about working in the service industry today and tomorrow.
  • 63. Best Brand Stories of 2021

    At the end of the year, we like to regroup and look back at the big brand stories that caught our attention throughout the year. And this year was a particularly strange one. The pandemic experience has become regionalized and our appetite for doom scrolling has kind of disappeared. Political intrigues have been flying under the radar in spite of the efforts of social media, and the biggest communal problem the planet’s facing aside from the existential threat of climate change, which we appear to be unable to face, is one that most of us have never really thought about before, and that’s supply chain issues. So, if you feel like 2021 was a little bit vague and unfocused, you’re not alone because when we decided to talk about brand stories of the year, it was really hard for me to jog my memory. But we do have a list and Digital Marketing Strategist, Sebastian Maynard, and I are going to take you through our favorites.